Help using the official mapper


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
So, I am all out of ideas. I'm trying to add the submarine map from the Restoration Project (RP) to the Megamod (MM). I don't want to have to recreate the whole map. To this end, I have done what I have always done to include a new map: I install the mod to some location, open the map in the mapper pointed at that location, remove all items and critters (and sometimes new scenery) that are unique to the mod, recreate those critters and items for the MM, open the mapper now pointed at the location of the MM, then re-add the new critters and items. That's it.
This just isn't working. All the relevant new art from the RP has been added to the MM, using the same scenery numbers. I went so far as to remove all scripts, spatial scripts, and map script. Even tried the thing about converting maps to texts. The mapper just refuses to open the for me in the MM.
Any ideas? If I have to rebuild the map from scratch, well, it'll be a while before that map and quests are added... a long while.
Thanks for the suggestion. I never did get the mapper working, though (something about a ddraw error).

On the bright side, I did find out why the map wasn't loading... complete rookie mistake. On the bright side, though: the submarine location will finally make it into the MM on the next release (hopefully by the end of June).
That's why I still run XP on my PC...I still don't see the need to move to Windows 7. :violent:
I was referring to not getting Dims' mapper to work. I thought that file was last updated in 2015. Maybe that's when it was just uploaded to that site.

And I've been following that 'rule' since always. I know the appeal of using an older machine. My favorite machine to mod on is my XP rig. But, most of the time these days I work on my newest machine because I'm usually doing more than just modding the MM when I'm going to mod.
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