Cus why not. I share here with you my own unsourced little "cladogram" of Hominoidea, but first, some points.
1. Why? Cus many people, even those with an interest in the subject, tend to not be aware of how complex it is. So - here's how complex it is! Taxonomically, at least.
2. How? Well, I tend to do this to myself. Usually, I keep super-detailed formation lists purely for dinosaurs, but that helps me keep track and record every single named specimen, as well as a large number of unnamed specimens if they are of a certain relevance. NOW - taxonomical trees like these change all the time, ALL THE TIME, so I tend not to keep them for long, since I don't wanna constantly change them with updates. (Formations change only in terms of expanding fauna lists, so it's way easyer to keep up to date)
3. I have never really super-focused on primate taxonomy, but as a general paleo-nerd my whole life, there's a fair bit of residue information reaching my way, and, you know, it's a super interesting topic.
4. No prose here, ONLY taxonomy, and it should be read from top to down - generally understood as TOP being ANCESTRAL and BOTTOM being DESCENDANTS. It is important to NOT read these branches as DIRECT ancestor-to-descendant relationship, because they are in most cases not - they are *sibling taxa of a common ancestor*
Direct ancestry is nearly impossible to establish from the fossil record, except for in Hominoid evolution, where we are fairly certain that we *are* direct descendants of Homo erectus, for example, as well as Australopithecus - which puts us in a weird taxonomic position, since that makes us both Homo sapiens, Homo erectus as well as Australopithecus. This is a can of worms for taxonomists to solve though.
5. Take with many a grain of salt, as this is my own interpretation of many a source, and will probably change again, regardless of new discoveries, sometimes just cus of running reinterpretations of available data.
6. Legend:
[Node] refers to a taxonomic point of ancestry that has not yet recieved a designated name, could be a crown group or a specific taxon (genus or species)
† = extinct, and - because of taxonomic peculiarities, I'm forced to consider Homo erectus technically extant, but overlook that if it bothers you.
Some name (=S. other name) <---The former is believed to be synonymous with the latter, and the latter then having priority.
Incertae sedis = Fossils are too fragmentary or inconclusive to be placed confidently beyond general group.
1. Why? Cus many people, even those with an interest in the subject, tend to not be aware of how complex it is. So - here's how complex it is! Taxonomically, at least.
2. How? Well, I tend to do this to myself. Usually, I keep super-detailed formation lists purely for dinosaurs, but that helps me keep track and record every single named specimen, as well as a large number of unnamed specimens if they are of a certain relevance. NOW - taxonomical trees like these change all the time, ALL THE TIME, so I tend not to keep them for long, since I don't wanna constantly change them with updates. (Formations change only in terms of expanding fauna lists, so it's way easyer to keep up to date)
3. I have never really super-focused on primate taxonomy, but as a general paleo-nerd my whole life, there's a fair bit of residue information reaching my way, and, you know, it's a super interesting topic.
4. No prose here, ONLY taxonomy, and it should be read from top to down - generally understood as TOP being ANCESTRAL and BOTTOM being DESCENDANTS. It is important to NOT read these branches as DIRECT ancestor-to-descendant relationship, because they are in most cases not - they are *sibling taxa of a common ancestor*
Direct ancestry is nearly impossible to establish from the fossil record, except for in Hominoid evolution, where we are fairly certain that we *are* direct descendants of Homo erectus, for example, as well as Australopithecus - which puts us in a weird taxonomic position, since that makes us both Homo sapiens, Homo erectus as well as Australopithecus. This is a can of worms for taxonomists to solve though.
5. Take with many a grain of salt, as this is my own interpretation of many a source, and will probably change again, regardless of new discoveries, sometimes just cus of running reinterpretations of available data.
6. Legend:
[Node] refers to a taxonomic point of ancestry that has not yet recieved a designated name, could be a crown group or a specific taxon (genus or species)
† = extinct, and - because of taxonomic peculiarities, I'm forced to consider Homo erectus technically extant, but overlook that if it bothers you.
Some name (=S. other name) <---The former is believed to be synonymous with the latter, and the latter then having priority.
Incertae sedis = Fossils are too fragmentary or inconclusive to be placed confidently beyond general group.
| |-†Dendropithecus macinnesi
| |-†Dendropithecus ugandensis
| |-†Micropithecus leakeyorum
| |-†Simiolus enjiessi
| |-†Simiolus cheptumoae
| |-†Simiolus andrewsi
| |-†Simiolus minutus
| |-†Nyanzapithecinae
| |-†Turkanapithecus kalakolensis
| |-†Rangwapithecus gordoni
| |-†[Node]
| | |-†Oreopithecus bambolii
| | |-†Rukwapithecus fleaglei
| |
| |-†[Node]
| |-†Mabokopithecus clarki
| |-†Nyanzapithecus harrisoni
| |-†Nyanzapithecus pickfordi
| |-†Nyanzapithecus vancouveringorum
|-†Ekembo heseloni
| |-†Ekembo nyanzae
| |-†Proconsul africanus
| |-†Proconsul gitongai
| |-†Proconsul major
| |-†Proconsul meswar
|-†Equatorius africanus
|-†Pliobates cataloniae
| |-†Morotopithecus bishopi
| |-†Afropithecus turkanensis
|-Hylobatidae (Gibbons)
Hylobatidae (Gibbons)
| |-[Node]
| | |-Hylobates pileatus
| | |-Hylobates moloch moloch
| | |-Hylobates moloch pongoalsoni
| |
| |-[Node]
| |-Hylobates klossii
| |-Hylobates muelleri
| |-Hylobates albibarbis
| |-Hylobates lar lar
| |-Hylobates lar carpenteri
| |-Hylobates lar entelloides
| |-Hylobates lar vestitus
| |-†Hylobates lar yunnanensis
| |-Hylobates agilis agilis
| |-Hylobates agilis unko
| |-Nomascus concolor
| | |-Nomascus concolor concolor
| | |-Nomascus concolor lu
| | |-Nomascus concolor jingdongensis
| | |-Nomascus concolor furvogaster
| |
| |-Nomascus nasutus
| |-Nomascus hainatus
| |-Nomascus leucogenys
| |-Nomascus siki
| |-Nomascus gabriellae
| |-Nomascus annamensis
| |-†Bunopithecus sericus
| |-Hoolock hoolock
| |-Hoolock leuconedys
| |-Hoolock tianxing
|-Symphalangus syndactylus
Hylobatidae incertae sedis:
†Junzi imperialis
|-Ponginae (Orangutans)
| |-†Sivapithecini
| | |-†Gigantopithecus bilaspurensis
| | |-†Gigantopithecus blacki
| | |-†Gigantopithecus giganteus
| | |-†Ankarapithecus meteai
| | |-†Sivapithecus brevirostris
| | |-†Sivapithecus punjabicus
| | |-†Sivapithecus parvada
| | |-†Sivapithecus sivalensis
| | |-†Sivapithecus indicus
| |
| |-Pongini
| |-†[Node]
| | |-†Khoratipithecus ayearwadyensis
| | |-†Khoratipithecus piriyai
| | |-†Khoratipithecus chiangmuanensis
| |
| |-[Node]
| |-†Pongo hooijeri
| |-†Pongo weidenreichi
| |-Pongo abelii
| |-Pongo pygmaeus
| |-Pongo tapanuliensis
| |-†Lufengpithecini
| | |-†Lufengpithecus lufengensis
| | |-†Lufengpithecus keiyanensis
| | |-†Lufengpithecus hudienensis
| |
| |-†[Node]
| |-†Pierolapithecus catalaunicus
| |-†Hispanopithecus laietanus
| |-†Hispanopithecus crusafonti
| |-†[Node]
| | |-†Afropithecus turkanensis
| | |-†Otavipithecus namibiensis
| |
| |-†[Node]
| |-†Neopithecus brancoi
| |-†Udanopithecus garedziensis
| |-†Kenyapithecini
| | |-†Kenyapithecus wickeri
| | |-†Griphopithecus aplani
| | |-†Griphopithecus suessi
| |
| |-†[Node]
| |-†Danuvius guggenmosi
| |-†Anoiapithecus brevirostris
| |-†Dryopithecus wuduensis
| |-†Dryopithecus fontani
| |-†Rudapithecus hungaricus
|-†Nakalipithecus nakayamai
|-†Samburupithecus kiptalami
|-Gorillini (Gorillas)
| |-†Chororapithecus abyssinicus
| |-Gorilla
| |-[Node]
| | |-Gorilla gorilla gorilla
| | |-Gorilla gorilla diehli
| |
| |-[Node]
| |-Gorilla beringei beringei
| |-Gorilla beringei graueri
Hominini (Persons, according to some legislations)
|-Panina (Chimpanzees)
| |-Pan troglodytes
| | |-Pan troglodytes troglodytes
| | |-Pan troglodytes verus
| | |-Pan troglodytes ellioti
| | |-Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
| |
| |-Pan paniscus
| |-†Graecopithecus freybergi
| |-†Ouranopithecus macedoniensis
| |-†Ouranopithecus turkae
| |-†[Node]
| | |-†Ardipithecus kadabba
| | |-†Ardipithecus ramidus
| |
| |-†Praeanthropus anamensis
| |-†Praeanthropus afarensis
|-†Australopithecus garhi
| |-†Australopithecus africanus
| |-[Node]
| |-†Paranthropus aethiopicus
| |-†[Node]
| |-†Paranthropus robustus
| |-†Paranthropus boisei
|-†Australopithecus deyremeda
| |-†Kenyanthropus platyops
| |-†Kenyanthropus rudolfensis
| |-†Homo floresiensis
| |-†Homo luzonensis
| |-†Australopithecus sebida
|-†Homo habilis
|-†Homo naledi
|-Homo erectus
Hominina incertae sedis:
†Australopithecus bahrelghazali (=Au. afarensis?)
†Australopithecus prometheus (=Au. africanus?)
†Orrorin tugenensis
†Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Homo erectus
|-†Homo erectus ergaster
| |-†Homo erectus georgicus
| |-†Homo erectus tautavelensis
| |-†Homo erectus bilzingslebenensis
|-†Homo erectus erectus
| |-†Homo erectus lantianensis
| |-†Homo erectus pekinensis
| |-†Homo erectus nankingensis
| |-†Homo erectus yanmouensis
| |-†Homo erectus soloensis
|-†Red Deer Cave
|-†Homo antecessor
| |-†Homo denisova
| |-†[Node]
| |-†Homo cepranensis
| |-†Homo neanderthalensis
| |-†Homo heidelbergensis
|-Homo sapiens
|-†Homo sapiens idaltu
|-Homo sapiens sapiens
Hominina incertae sedis:
†Homo rhodesiensis (=H. heidelbergensis?)
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