How to uncensor drug referances?


Just your avarage decker.
I'm currently playing FO1 with an uncensor patch that brings back children, restores Drug-Reliant and Drug-Resistant traits, etc. However, the modder missed the drug referances for when you actually get addicted to drugs, on the status bar there's a little tab with "chem" on it, I assume it's supposed to say "addict" or "drug" or something. In the character screen, addictions are still called cravings. My question is, what files do I have to modify to uncensor those referances? Can I edit files via a text editor like notepad? Also, can anybody tell me what the original text said in the original American release so I can be as accurate as possible?
The file is "data\text\english\game\intrface.msg", and the msg number you need to check is 102.
In the original US release, it's:
I can't find intrface.msg. Could it be somewhere else? I have the teamx 1.2 and 1.3.5 patches, the npc patch, the ending restoration patch, and the uncensor patch i mentioned before, the uncensor patch said it removed unnececary files so they could have merched some files together of got rid of them entirely. but IDK.
Screenshot (49).png
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You can take the file from the archive and place it in ...\Fallout\DATA\TEXT\ENGLISH\GAME


Here are these 2 .msg files. You can also open them in notepad and change the descriptions yourself as you wish.


I think this is the last one I need. Can you direct me to/provide me with the file which controls the descriptions of the drugs. Heres what it looks like right now:


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Not all "chem" in text is the result from censorship, "chem" is used in some lines even in the original US game, the description of Mentats is one of them.
My problem is them calling addictions "Cravings," How old did they think we were? I'd still like the file tho.
The original text:
{5301}{}{A pillbox of mind-altering chems. Increases memory related functions, and speeds other mental processes. Highly addictive.}
{8701}{}{Highly advanced steroids. While in effect, they increase strength and reflexes. Very addictive.}