I'd really rather not have to do this...


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I'm trying to finish Fallout the sneaky way, you know, wearing the Robes, avoiding conflict... just set off the bombs and run like hell. But, as I read in Per's guide, the mutants and CoC's will attack you if you have any companions with you... well, Tycho and Katia can just be told to fuck off (I lost Ian when liberating the Boneyard from the Regulators... big deal) but how do I stop Dogmeat from following me into a certain doom... the only option I could come up with is just shoot him... but then life is rather pointless after that and I might as well just give the Master the keys to Vault 13.
I've done a search but I didn't really find anything. Well, any help is as always welcome.
Lock him in a certain way in a certain place that has a certain type of forcefield emitters.
Hmm, yeah... I know... Mariposa... but can I get to the Forcefield Part before having good ol' Dogshit getting pumped full of 5mm JHP? In case you hadn't noticed yet, I'm really fond of Dogmeat.
Well, you could try pumping him full of pysco and hope for the best, since the stealth approach is fucked with dogmeat in tow.
Hmm, slightly offtopic, where do you guys get the robe? Does it work as a stealth armour?
oblisk said:
Hmm, slightly offtopic, where do you guys get the robe?

It's not exactly hidden, so why not keep playing and find out?

oblisk said:
Does it work as a stealth armour?

Only in places where people tend to wear them.
Per said:
It's not exactly hidden, so why not keep playing and find out?

Well I got as far as to assulting the Military Base, I probably missed it somewhere.