Ugly Kid
Still Mildly Glowing

I haven't been very active for a few years but the TV show as well my friends wanting to run a Fallout TTRPG has me thinking again.
I know this is kinda negative, especially for my grand return, but I just feel like every other Fallout game is better than Fallout 3. Yes, even PoS. Allow me to explain...
Everyone knows Fallout 3 dumbed down the RPG mechanics for newer audiences. And the gameplay isn't great compensation either. Of course the storytelling and worldbuilding are lackluster at best and frustratingly lore breaking at worst. The companions aren't very complex or interesting either. The art direction is straight up ugly despite the phenomenal concept art. The green filter makes me puke. In general I usually don't enjoy playing the game itself. When I played it the first time it was more just me trying to be cool I guess?? I had this thought that if I played the games that came out before Fallout 4 (the only one I had played at that point) that somehow it made me better than everyone else. Taking a step back after playing every game I realize it just sucks.
The gameplay of New Vegas is very similar but New Vegas brought back many actual RPG mechanics and changed the ways skills and perks are in many ways. On top of that, FNV made some actual additions to the gameplay itself such as iron sights, ammo types, crafting, and definitely more that I can't remember off the top of my head.
Fallout 1 is much better at a dark/bleak atmosphere. And surely i don't need to explain to you all why both the classics are better than Fallout 3.
Fallout Tactics is often criticised for making a large departure from Fallout's themes and writing and art direction. But even then Fallout Tactics feels much more in line with classic Fallout than Fallout 3. In terms of art direction, atmosphere, worldbulding, storytelling, and even the gameplay.
Fallout 4 at least has fun gameplay, especially in comparison to Fallout 3. And the companions are more complex and interesting. Sure the writing in Fallout 4 is less fleshed out but it's still somehow more interesting to me. And while the artstyle is certainly not Fallout its much easier on the eyes than Fallout 3.
And finally, what PoS does better is the atmosphere and artstyle. It actually reminds me of classic Fallout. At least much more so than Fallout 3. And while the writing is arguably the worst in the series, at least PoS's potential for a Fallout-like story is there. It's about mutants and shit. And most importantly, it did NOT make Harold become a tree who can never return to another game, despite being the ONE character to appear in every single game up until Fallout 3. That's the most unforgivable thing that game has done in my humble opinion.
Fallout 3 makes me feel claustrophobic for some reason. Even in an open field. I feel like the CIA or the Taliban has kidnapped me and are currently trying out various torture methods on me. It's like there's a plastic bag on my head and gag in my mouth. I'm strapped down to a table and the two agents are holding an assortment of torture tools. A third one has walked in, a beautiful lady. She has a massive strap on and she's getting ready. There's a camera in the corner and a screen above me. This is being livestreamed on Instagram. My family has started watching. Fuck. FUCK!!!
I know this is kinda negative, especially for my grand return, but I just feel like every other Fallout game is better than Fallout 3. Yes, even PoS. Allow me to explain...
Everyone knows Fallout 3 dumbed down the RPG mechanics for newer audiences. And the gameplay isn't great compensation either. Of course the storytelling and worldbuilding are lackluster at best and frustratingly lore breaking at worst. The companions aren't very complex or interesting either. The art direction is straight up ugly despite the phenomenal concept art. The green filter makes me puke. In general I usually don't enjoy playing the game itself. When I played it the first time it was more just me trying to be cool I guess?? I had this thought that if I played the games that came out before Fallout 4 (the only one I had played at that point) that somehow it made me better than everyone else. Taking a step back after playing every game I realize it just sucks.
The gameplay of New Vegas is very similar but New Vegas brought back many actual RPG mechanics and changed the ways skills and perks are in many ways. On top of that, FNV made some actual additions to the gameplay itself such as iron sights, ammo types, crafting, and definitely more that I can't remember off the top of my head.
Fallout 1 is much better at a dark/bleak atmosphere. And surely i don't need to explain to you all why both the classics are better than Fallout 3.
Fallout Tactics is often criticised for making a large departure from Fallout's themes and writing and art direction. But even then Fallout Tactics feels much more in line with classic Fallout than Fallout 3. In terms of art direction, atmosphere, worldbulding, storytelling, and even the gameplay.
Fallout 4 at least has fun gameplay, especially in comparison to Fallout 3. And the companions are more complex and interesting. Sure the writing in Fallout 4 is less fleshed out but it's still somehow more interesting to me. And while the artstyle is certainly not Fallout its much easier on the eyes than Fallout 3.
And finally, what PoS does better is the atmosphere and artstyle. It actually reminds me of classic Fallout. At least much more so than Fallout 3. And while the writing is arguably the worst in the series, at least PoS's potential for a Fallout-like story is there. It's about mutants and shit. And most importantly, it did NOT make Harold become a tree who can never return to another game, despite being the ONE character to appear in every single game up until Fallout 3. That's the most unforgivable thing that game has done in my humble opinion.
Fallout 3 makes me feel claustrophobic for some reason. Even in an open field. I feel like the CIA or the Taliban has kidnapped me and are currently trying out various torture methods on me. It's like there's a plastic bag on my head and gag in my mouth. I'm strapped down to a table and the two agents are holding an assortment of torture tools. A third one has walked in, a beautiful lady. She has a massive strap on and she's getting ready. There's a camera in the corner and a screen above me. This is being livestreamed on Instagram. My family has started watching. Fuck. FUCK!!!