Josh Sawyer plays New Vegas for charity


Legislative Senator oTO
Board Cop oTO
Obsidian recently held a 48-hour marathon stream for charity, where Josh Sawyer played Fallout: New Vegas while answering questions from the viewers and telling stories from the development:
(starts at the 6h47m mark and ends a bit before 11h mark)

Of course, he plays with his own mod enabled and on Hard difficulty, because Josh ain't no slouch.

While I have yet to watch (or rather, listen to) it all, there does not seem to be a lot of unknown information in this video, as Sawyer has answered so many questions about development elsewhere already.
One funny story I noticed was the reason for the bug where ED-E would go hostile in Camp McCarren. Apparently this happened because of Radiant AI perceiving ED-E as an animal, so if any nearby humans had the "Hunter" AI, they would hunt and kill animals for food, thereby attacking ED-E if it had food in its inventory.
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Well, from what I've heard from the stream it's a good thing Obsidian would still be interested in making another Fallout if given the opportunity.
Well, from what I've heard from the stream it's a good thing Obsidian would still be interested in making another Fallout if given the opportunity.
J.E. said that having a new engine that was able to be in the vein of open world is not something he would know about, it is Fergus' decision if they have an engine like that. Having a title with the scope of NV is not in his agenda at the moment.
J.E. said that having a new engine that was able to be in the vein of open world is not something he would know about, it is Fergus' decision if they have an engine like that. Having a title with the scope of NV is not in his agenda at the moment.


Then we're pretty much not going to have another Fallout by Obsidian in a long time?
Well yeah, but I thought that the people over at Obsidian decided they would be interested in a Fallout game right now if Bethesda ever decided to give them a chance.
I'm pretty sure they don't really want to be screw up by bethesda again.
nice find
Question: Why wasn’t there jet in any of the abandoned pharmacies in New Vegas ?

Answer Josh Sawyer: Why would jet be in abandoned pharmacies, if it’s invented after the war? Myron invented Jet.
Hilarious Josh would say that when he didn't work on Fallout 2, and Avellone, the guy who did work on Fallout 2, says jet being pre-war should make people happy given what jet is made from.
Hilarious Josh would say that when he didn't work on Fallout 2, and Avellone, the guy who did work on Fallout 2, says jet being pre-war should make people happy given what jet is made from.
Way to read too deep into Chris's remark there. That last bit was more like a joking remark than actual cite-able fact.

Question: Why wasn’t there jet in any of the abandoned pharmacies in New Vegas ?

Answer Josh Sawyer: Why would jet be in abandoned pharmacies, if it’s invented after the war? Myron invented Jet.

Way to read too deep into Chris's remark there. That last bit was more like a joking remark than actual cite-able fact.
Hilarious that the man who keeps talking about misguided narratives, and trying to push agendas, is using a misguided narrative to push his agenda.
It the biggest cop-out excuse I have seen from you yet. And that is saying something.
Hilarious that the man who keeps talking about misguided narratives, and trying to push agendas, is using a misguided narrative to push his agenda.
It the biggest cop-out excuse I have seen from you yet. And that is saying something.
D'aww... You somehow took offense to that and took my prior jabs personally. I'm touched :smug:, honestly.

But seriously, there are many ways to interpret the lore based on the two contrasting lines here. The only option is to follow which interpretation to follow to which, I would take Sawyer's over Avellone's here since I tend to disagree with Avellone's interpretations of the setting at times (like how the West Coast factions should all be nuked or collapse into ruin due to how bloated they seem to him).

Plus, it would be a lot more consistent with 2's lore and some parts of Avellone's responses at least, to me, read more like joking remarks than substantial cite-able answers but then again, neither of us really know so there's a thought for you to digest.