Katchup or Catsup?

Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO
So, after asking one of the more important questions of mankind, and seeing an old familiar face again:

@I eat supermutants Mac and cheese, the stuff out of the box, no. Making a cheese sauce out of sharp cheddar and whole milk, pouring it over some penne pasta topping with a bit more cheese and bread crumbs and baking it. Yes. Ketchup. Fuck no. That's for hot dogs and cheap hamburgers. The worst I've seen is a customer dipped his filet mignon, well done, in ketchup. The fuck?!

I thought, we need a culinary-topic on this forum.

So? What is with you americans and your Katchup fetish that makes you pour it on everything imaginable?


Mhmmmhmm! The stuff nightmares are made of!
Ketchup belongs on certain hamburgers (usually with mayo OR mustard to mix it with) and hot dogs. It's okay with fries if you mix some hot sauce in it. I'm trying to think of what else ketchup is good with but I can't. Mustard or ranch is always the better option by default unless it's a burger or hot dog. Ketchup also has tomatoes, I don't know how something with tomatoes can be done so poorly.
Well, tomatoe isn't just tomatoe. I once tried making a pasta sauce with cluster tomatoe - we call them salad tomatoe, now I know why. Tasted like garbage. I had to throw so much suggar in it, just to make it eddible. Once I got my hands on some really good San-Marzano Tomatoes and god. Tastes awesome. I also once used a type of tomatoe, I forgot the name, which had a very dark red colour, it also had great taste.
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I like ketchup on fries and onion rings (yeah, yeah, terrible). That's about it.

I'm a bit picky with most condiments but can usually deal with them in the right amounts. However I absolutely cannot tolerate mustard. Keep that shit far away from me, lol.

I've kept a garden the past few years but my current living situation dicates that I can't. Tomates were always one thing I planted. Any kind of food is always better fresh.
You know, a tomatoe is a plant that can be also growin inside your home in a flower pot, just needs enough sunlight.
Personally, I put ketchup on hamburgers and fries/potatoes/hashbrowns/other potato-related stuff. However, one of my cousins puts ketchup on pretty much everything, from his scrambled eggs to his salad. It's weird.
I once tried making a pasta sauce with cluster tomatoe - we call them salad tomatoe, now I know why. Tasted like garbage.
Don't buy tomatoes imported from Spain or any other global producer, these lack enzyme responsible for good smell and taste. Due to this enzyme being removed by GM the tomatoes last longer while being bitter and tasteless. Get your lazy arse out of Munich, make trip to rural villages during season, and buy the good stuff from any local grandma selling it in street market.
So any oppinion on Pineapple-Pizza?

I actually love it.
Well considering pineapple is one of the few things I know I cannot stomach at all, I hate it. Pineapple taste like rotten acidic sugar or something. The smell of it makes me sick too. It was a lot worse as a kid.

I dislike certain foods but can still eat them because I'm not picky. Pineapple is not one of those things though.