Americans like to riot!
Canadians riot too!
Policia on fire in Mexico! Ayayay!
Riots in Lima!
Colombia, Venezuela - even Argentina riots:
Few can riot like Brazil!
Even in the Carribean they riot!
All of Scandinavia - riot, riot, riot!
Shit, even Iceland riots:
How about some German riots? French riots? The best riots!
Here, have a UK-riot! Look, it's the cool red bus!
You'd think Italy would be to ciaooo to riot, but you'd be ciaoooo
Spanish riot-police are like, "I nabbed myself a grannie!" JOIN THE RIOTS, CRUSH THE POWER!
Greece riots too!
Russian babushka shows what she thinks of The Man!
Spectacular rioting in Ukraine!
Turkey riots beautifully!
Look at this Egyptian! Arabs sure know to riot!
Check out Palestine - the masters of rioting!
Jambo Bwana Nairobi - unless there's riots!
Defeated rioters in Uganda - where did they go wrong? What could have been done!?
In South Africa the people face the power:
You think Persians are to smooth to riot - ?
- or Afghans too busy?
There are Pakistani-style riots in Pakistan!
And Indian-style in India!
Rioting in Nepal, yo!
Kirgiz rioters take things up a notch!
An old Kazakh has had enough with abuses of power! He is thinking of his grandchildren - and their children, and theirs one day!
Burmese riots ended in devastation, with dead monks littering rivers and streams. We must not leave them to their lonesome fate again!
You think the Chinese won't riot, cus the rules are strict? Rules are for sheep!
Super-crowded Korean riot
And Japanese rioters always with an organized flare!
So, get out there! Burn some shit, bring your bows and your arrows or even your fuckin musket!


Canadians riot too!

Policia on fire in Mexico! Ayayay!

Riots in Lima!

Colombia, Venezuela - even Argentina riots:

Few can riot like Brazil!

Even in the Carribean they riot!

All of Scandinavia - riot, riot, riot!

Shit, even Iceland riots:

How about some German riots? French riots? The best riots!

Here, have a UK-riot! Look, it's the cool red bus!

You'd think Italy would be to ciaooo to riot, but you'd be ciaoooo

Spanish riot-police are like, "I nabbed myself a grannie!" JOIN THE RIOTS, CRUSH THE POWER!

Greece riots too!

Russian babushka shows what she thinks of The Man!

Spectacular rioting in Ukraine!

Turkey riots beautifully!

Look at this Egyptian! Arabs sure know to riot!

Check out Palestine - the masters of rioting!

Jambo Bwana Nairobi - unless there's riots!

Defeated rioters in Uganda - where did they go wrong? What could have been done!?

In South Africa the people face the power:

You think Persians are to smooth to riot - ?

- or Afghans too busy?

There are Pakistani-style riots in Pakistan!

And Indian-style in India!
Rioting in Nepal, yo!

Kirgiz rioters take things up a notch!

An old Kazakh has had enough with abuses of power! He is thinking of his grandchildren - and their children, and theirs one day!

Burmese riots ended in devastation, with dead monks littering rivers and streams. We must not leave them to their lonesome fate again!

You think the Chinese won't riot, cus the rules are strict? Rules are for sheep!

Super-crowded Korean riot

And Japanese rioters always with an organized flare!

So, get out there! Burn some shit, bring your bows and your arrows or even your fuckin musket!