Mafia Games, Fallout! How it works.

Sir Aqualung

First time out of the vault
Okay, so there is many of the Goodies, and a few of the Crooks, each side needs to eliminate all the players on the other team to win. In the day phase, the Goodies try to figure out clues left in the previous kill and save narrations to figure out who are the bad guys, and then the Goodies (Crooks can too) PM votes to me on who they want lynched. In the night phase, all the Wasters can do is hope they don't die. Those with night powers can kill others, save others, protect charges, glean clues, and other wonderful things. Each day and night cycle takes 24 hours, and at 6:00 P.M. on the Eastern Coast of America, -5:00 EST, I will write the narrations.

1 Regulator
1 Traveling Surgeon
1 Super-Mutant Captive
1 Ex-Enclave
? Wastelander

1 Mr.Littlehorn
2 Talon Company Merc

1 Mayor
1 Pardoner
1-2 Rivet City Security

These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.

The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of Office: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Did You Ever Know You're My Hero?: Both Mayor and Pardoner cannot be killed during the night while the Security remain alive. The Mayor will be informed of the identity of the Security Team.

As a check and balance to the Mayor, the Pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The Pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. The Pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. The Pardoner will also receive protection from the Security Team but will not be informed of their identities.

Rivet City Security Guard
Random Wastelanders will receive the role of Guard once the Mayor has been elected. The Guards and the Mayor will be informed of their identities. As long as the Guards are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner cannot be killed via night hits.

Regulator: Howdy there, you’d be the Regulator! A lil’ of that Frontier Justice in ‘ole D.C.! Slack on that duster, tip that hat, and sling that plasma rifle!
Ain’t No Justice, Just Us: You can take a target of your choice, but be warned! You are unable to tell friendly from nasty. Only instinct and grit can get you through this.

Traveling Surgeon: You have medical training for hire, you know how to save a life, but you’d be lucky for a sanitary room..hah! That’d be the day..
Don't Worry, I'm A Doctor: With your skills, you are able to "protect" one player of your choice each night cycle, but you must inform me before the cycle ends! That player is considered safe, unless he is attacked by more than one attacker. A Surgeon sending in his protection after an attack is made will still count.

Ex-Enclave: It’s all in the past, you regret what you’ve done, yes, you’ve atoned. And at least that training taught you something..
Semper Fidelis...: You have two night lives! First attempt on your life, you survive, but a second attack will end you. You aren't as limber as you used to be...

Wastelander: As a Waster, you stand to loose big, should the Talons ever manage to take control of the town. Be critical, be suspicious! Most importantly, be on time to vote for lynches or you won't have any fun at all. No other abilities besides votes, and the possibility of being a Guard. A Guard will be randomly selected from the Wasters, and only the Mayor and Guard will know who she/he is.

Daniel Littlehorn: This town is an imbalance in the Wasteland...and that miffs you, quite a bit. You and the boys have work to do.
Pleasure Doing Business: Mr.Littlehorn is able to leave a nasty surprise in the target’s bed. This will scare the targeted player, causing him to go into hiding for the next day and night cycle. During this time the player is unable perform any actions. He can't vote for the next lynch or use his powers if he has any. While the player is in hiding he can't be killed.
Will Caps Change Your Mind?: Mr.Littlehorn can once per game, cancel a lynch.
Behind the Curtains: As long as you don’t expose yourself, you are safe from night attacks. However, you do own a little .357 can attack just like your Merc’s do, but then you are open to an attack. If all your mercenaries die, this power is activated automatically.

Talon Company Merc: The only thing that matters to you in finishing the job, no amount of crying, begging, or screaming will prevent you from fulfilling a contract. Time for this town to die.
I love it when they go down fighting!: You have a rifle, you can shoot whoever you want. Except the Mr.Littlehorn, or another Merc.