Making your character, or an NPC, older or younger


First time out of the vault
Typing agerace -1 will make yourself or an NPC one "State" younger, typing agerace 1 will make the target older.

There are 3 states as far as I can tell. Child, Adult, Elderly

So if you want to murder the shits in little lamplight just target each one with the console open and type "agerace 1", if you still want them to be kids follow it up with "setscale .7" or something and go on a rampage. Of course this makes their heads incorrectly sized.


Now who's crackin wise!
changed picture so you can see kid-clover, gonna build an entire army of gradeschoolers

Should make a mod that munchkanizes the enclave, including voices, just for hilarity factor
If you make yourself a kid you can still die, however if you make a companion a kid they are invincible
hehe well how do i make a companion a kid, i just want to play the game as the 10 year old girl with pigtails who owns. Do i need to for myself just type in agerace -1 or name agerace -1
override367 said:
If you make yourself a kid you can still die, however if you make a companion a kid they are invincible

I just had an idea from this post

Obviously the child race is unkillable unless they are the player, what happens if you add NPCs to the "player" faction or race
Wait, children are immortal? What?

That definately needs fixing.

Sounds to me like no more than a teeny tweak otta' do it.
That's the main reason I'm focusing on doing this, other mods that I'd like to see are so massively over my head but just fumbling about in the ESM I might manage to pull this off