Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Ok, so 2.35 is out at a couple of places. Wanted to start a new thread about it. I know there are still lots of bugs. (Check the link in my signature to go to the wiki site which has a link to the bugs list.)

Here are some recently reported bugs:

Tom9k said:
Time to post some bugs or problem with Megamod 2.35:

5. Nice idea with Orphanage. I finished the quest, but I get the new residential area with Mom's Orphanage only if I press 3 on the map of Den. And women in there doesn't say anything.

6. If you examine Primitive Tribe's shaman, you get Error message.

8. In Collyweb, if you examine Humphry, you can see if he's offensive to you or if his gang is offensive towards you.

9. Humphry and Ganfrie are the same person?

10. [You cannot visit Redding. If you try to enter it, the map does not load.]

I don't understand what happened to that map file. Using from an earlier version will work. For those who don't have an earlier version, here is the file:

Just copy it into your data/maps folder.

I've made a few small fixes/changes since it's release. I'll have a small update (2.35.1) in about a week with these corrections. Don't worry, it will be completely compatible with any saves, as it only updates a few scripts and some maps.
Ok, sorry about posting in the wrong spot. I've retested and looked further into the things I mentioned before.

1-The quest that I mentioned about Primitive Village. You asked to know who I talked to, etc. in order to make it appear. Well, no one. I'm a habitual saver because of things like this, so soon as the Trials were done and I was standing by the Elder after her telling me about the GECK, I saved a game there. I went back to that save, and checked the Pipboy. And for some reason, the quest was there, crossed off.

Its titled, "Bring the shaman 3 Broc flower and 5 Xander roots."

2-About the water flask. Well, previously it was required to speak to Vic about. As I recall you showed it to him, and it served as a guiding light at the start of your quest when you had no other lead to go on. Use flask, find the mysterious trader and see if he can show you the way to your ancestral homeland. It served no purpose other than that(that I know of. And even now, not sure what he says about the matter its been so long since I played). Without that Vault 13 water flask, you have nothing to show him, unless you simply ask him about it and he just spills the beans. And if thats how it plays out now in the dialog, then its no big issue. It is minor, but you asked what relevance had to me. So, from a story stand-point, this might be something important. But gameplay, it might not matter to anyone else but me, so if its gone, I'm not gonna start griping about it or anything.

3-Spear thing was my fudge-up and ignore anything I said about it before. I didn't realize that someone (the Elder?) gave me one, because Mynoc was the VERY first person I talked too after the Trials.
Derajo said:
1-The quest that I mentioned about Primitive Village...

Thanks. I will find and correct this bug.

EDIT: Corrected.

Derajo said:
2-About the water flask. Well, previously...

That is the problem. Go back and read everything again that the Elder (and maybe Hakunin) tells you... ignore the intro movie. Then, after that, remember what my initial question to you was: What does the flask have to do with your quest to help the village?

Derajo said:
3-Spear thing was my fudge-up...

I figured as much. The Elder gives you a few things.
World Map error

On wold map screen game crashes and I get this weird error message, aynone knows what to do ? Help
It was solved it previous post. Find it ddraw.ini this line:

;Set to 1 to use the fallout 1 code to control world map speed

and set it to 0. Then it will be okey.
It works, thanks !
It's Mega Mod compatibile with "global shader" ? I dowloaded it, and set to work in ddraw.ini but game crashes. I also figured out that "HiRez mod" make troubles.
Ok, this is a bit odd. It took a bit of playing but I eventually noticed that my Perception had dropped from 8 down to 4. I didn't notice until many days had passed ( I gone from Arroyo, to that Shack, then to Klamanth. And even dorked around there for a few until noticing that I haven't been able to hit the broadside of a barn.)

Now, what makes it so odd, is that you might think I got a crit to my eyes or something. Which is not the case, because I spammed my 9% Doctor skill until it worked. And it did not heal anything but 2 hp. I rested for a few days just to see. And its still there. I have no Crippled part on my body at all or so it says.

Thanks to my religious usage of Save, I actually backtracked to my time during Arroyo. And I found a point when I still had my 8 perception. A save game 45 minutes in-game time after that, its at 4 Perception. And I've barely done anything between those two. At 0915 or so, I was in the hunting area getting Smoke the dog. I get him, do a little fighting, and then leave and return him to finish that quest. I get Klint, I think I did some trading for stuff at Slik, and a final save before leaving Arroyo at around 1000. And its at that save that I notice I got 4 Perception instead of double!

-I never use Chems or any stuff like that in the game, not even a Healing powder that early. I tried Resting for 24+ hours, and it remained. I tried Doctoring that early, nothing. Other than beginning at that earlier save game again, I have no clue how this happened, or even how ot bring it back up. I'm trying to find out more information, but like I said, I barely did anything in that hours time between finishing that one quest and then booking it out of Arroyo.

I'm putting it here because it seems like some kind of technical problem/bug than gameplay. Because gameplay wise, there ain't a damn thing wrong with my guy. He's just been struck for half of his Perception for no discernible reason.

Edit: Ok, experimenting, I found out what caused it.

Saving during a sandstorm (which apparently lowers your Perception by -2 in the instance I tested it) and then reloading to that same saved game kept it at the reduced number. This probably happened two separate times (causing the drop of 4 total points). So, sorry for wasting your time if this is listed in the Bugs. Though.. ugh, that is one horrid bug. :crazy:
No, that bug has never been reported before. I haven't even used the weather mod when I've played. I'll take the weather script apart and see if I can come up with a fix for this.

Edit: Ok, for those who were gonna go off looking for the new location way to the south that I was hinting at, don't bother until I release the 2.35.1 patch. I forgot to put the scripts in the folder. You will lose your car, lighting is messed up and other things won't happen as they should. I also left something on the map that was supposed to come off. So, don't bother posting any bugs about this location.

I will release the patch in a few days. For those who have already downloaded the mod, you will have to copy over the files for the patch. For those who are willing to wait a little while longer, everything will be available at NMA soon... the 2.35.1 version (no patching required) .
.... I really hate Hakunin. *Twitch.* I don't know what it is, but I only got him to apprentice me ONE time so far after about five tries. And even then, that game got ruined by that annoying sandstorm poof 4 Perception, so I couldn't keep that one.

Second try? I got there two hours later than usual, and it was "too late" according ot him. It was August 4th, at around 0900.

Third try. I got there actually on the 3rd with 32 Karma. So, earlier than usual. I took care of Jordan before midnight, and so its August 3rd at around 2100. What makes this suck? He denied me, telling me I was too late. But the deadlines not until the next day. WTF!

I've killed him about six times now because of whatever the crap is going on.
Are you certain that you read it right? (Gotta ask.) I've never had an issue with this as long as the perception requirement was met and the garden is taken care of properly. The calendar says the night of the 4th. However, I don't remember if that was midnight going into the 4th or midnight going into the 5th. I never paid attention to the time because I always got the required karma and had to wait around for the right time for the initiation.
Oh yes, I've read it right. Twice he's said I was too late, when it was late night on the 3rd, or early morning the 4th, and the one time it worked for me was around mid-afternoon on the 4th.

This has all been done on a single playthrough, too. Using a single save just as I enter Klamanth and exiting, I've put a little variation on it because of time constraints, thus giving me a slightly different time when I get back.

But yeah. As I said, he's a messed up punk. :crazy:
And, I have tried it on the 5th. That was actually the day I was returning on my first tries and the first few times he told me "I was too late." Thus began my initial attempts to speed things up (thus me having to actually go farrr back in a save, and essentially skip me running around Klamanth, as thats what made me late in the start.)

I've already began a "speed run" through from a totally new game. I hope to not get shafted again by him, now that I know Exactly what to do, and how soon I gotta be back. >_> I swear though.. if he fucks with me again...

Edit update 1: Ok... I've saved in a few special slots. And I've found some interesting and annoying bugs in regards to this even more. yeah, I'm vindictive, but moving on... (or obsessed. :twisted: ). Oh, I got the quest finished ONE time yet again. But, I got shafted by that permanent -4 Perception somehow afterwards. When I woke up after finally finishing, I immediately looked.. and bam, 4 Perception. With no way to fix. And in this instance, I did not experience a sandstorm (that I know of)

1-It does not seem to matter if you don't go to Klamanth or Shack after leaving Arroyo. No matter what, the rumors still get spread and you HAVE to deal with Jordan when you return. This may or may not be attributing to the Hakunin shaman quest bugs I'm getting. And if not directly related, it is horribly exacerbating the problem (which is explained below)

2-Once you return, saving before you kill Jordan seems alright. But after you kill him, you CANNOT save. If you do, Hakunin starts saying that you're "too late." I found this out because, I got the fight set up, I just had to talk to Jordan and start, and I made a save at this moment. Everything was fine, for several tries (because killing him at lvl 2 with a char who does not have unarmed/melee tagged is a matter of luck and practice. Horribly so. you lose about 4 out of 5 fights.) That worked great, until I saved during one test right after the fight, because I was sick of doing it over and over again...

Which led to Hakunin forevermore saying I was too late afterwards once I had Jordan dead and that minor quest done. The date was (once again) the 3rd of August when I was all set to finish the apprenticeship with Hakunin. Saving on a different slot after the fight seemed to corrupt that one slot, and the previous save game before the Jordan fight. I've tested this to be sure (using the same save game before Jordan to kill him, and still getting "too late" afterwards.)

Final edit: I eventually completed this freaking thing of a quest. (Had to go straight from Arroyo to Shack then back, kill Jordan, and then do Hakunin all in one go without saving nor dying.)

... I hope that creepy bastard burns in hell.
Tom9k said:
Mib88 - do you mean location [spoiler:abcb1fb37e]Vault 5[/spoiler:abcb1fb37e]?

I forgot about the 'spoiler' option. No, I'm referring to this:

[spoiler:abcb1fb37e]The Glow[/spoiler:abcb1fb37e]
Well then, that city I mentioned is bugged too. No car, no talk, nothing working. Plus you can see far beyond exit gird.

I still can't burry Fence. Oups, not solved yet.

When I want to dispose of Mickey and I throw TNT into the well, well disappers (it should be doing that) but Marcus (not in party yet) attacks me. But I used spear and it worked. No angry Marcus.
The only way you could have gotten to that location is by using the ctrl + R function. It isn't even included in the game yet (not even in the city.txt file), which should be obvious since nothing at all is working there.

Mickey: None of what you reported is a bug. It's working right. You think the sheriff of a town is just gonna stand by as you blow up the town's well? Or if you kill one of the citizens... loudly?
I got this location from Metzger. I asked him about another location where he holds slaves and he gave me this location. It's close to Collyweb, western way.

You are right about Mickey.
D'oh! Crap! Yeah, big time bug. He is supposed to tell you about the Slaver Camp from the RP. But I haven't completed that conversion yet. I was going to add that in for the 2.35 release a while ago (that's why I added the dialog option), but decided to wait for a later MM release.
I haven't followed these threads at all, so did you include Harry Npc mod for Megamod?

Just curious....
Skynet said:
...did you include Harry Npc mod for Megamod?

Not yet. It's still my intent to add him, though, possibly at Vault 14 or another small location that I have a map for.
I'm confused. So why did you attached Vault 5 to Metzger's dialogue options? And will be any other way how to get to Vault 5? Because it looks pretty nice to me. Not so clean, if you know.