Molson Bud


Antediluvian as Feck
There's never been a better time to be Canadian! :D


Pot Bust Baffles Cops
The former Molson brewery in Barrie, Ont., plainly visible from Highway 400, one of the province's busiest commuter routes, was raided on the weekend by some 100 city and provincial police officers acting on a tip. Inside, police found marijuana with what they said had an estimated street value of $30 million, along with a grow operation of staggering proportions - the largest and most sophisticated in modern Canadian history.

"This is not a ma-and-pa operation," Barrie police Chief Wayne Frechette wryly told a news conference in this central Ontario city an hour's drive north of Toronto.

Across a 5,400-square metre complex the size of a football field, police found more than 25,000 pot plants growing everywhere - even inside the cavernous indoor vats once used to brew beer.

Ont. Molson brewery site of major pot bust
Over 100 police officers moved on the operation shortly after midnight Friday.

The building is 125,000 square feet and three stories high. Police won't say how much of the plant the operation covers, but they will say it's massive.

Barrie pot haul called biggest ever found
"This particular marijuana factory is the most sophisticated found in Canada, using 60,000 square feet. It took two days to clear the building, and it will take weeks to dismantle it," Collins said.


The plant was staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, police speculate. One portion of the facility had been converted to a dormitory, complete with beds, microwave ovens, refrigerators and televisions.

An estimated $30 million in marijuana plants was found, plus a variety of equipment, likely worth millions of dollars as well. More than 1,000 hydroponic lights were used to provide artificial illumination.

There was a significant amount of specialized electrical apparatus installed, too. Three or four crops a year could be harvested from the operation, Collins said, yielding an estimated $100 million in annual revenues.

Here's a link that lists several pictures from the Molson plant and lots more news articles that you can read about the subject.

This was pretty big news where I live as Barrie isn't too far away. I don't think that this news made it very far into the US or even Europe for that matter, so I thought some of you would be interested about this subject.

EDIT: More pictures...
Ohh.. Wish I was a cannabian.

Ehh.. No, wait.. I'll take that back.
Holy Cannabis Batman! :lol:

And just think: if pot were legal, al that ingenious effort at being a criminal could be directed to more healthy pursuits.

I'llnever again say that Canadians are dumb. Hosers maybe, but not dumb.
Holy Crap that's amazing
Was it really a Canadian operation, or was it run by like the Columbians or something, like in that episode of JAG where they turned an abandoned air force base hangar into a drug factory.
WOW! :shock: That is a lot of pot! So much for lovingly growing your own plant :lol: I guess the competition got envious and turned them in... :twisted: When are they going to understand that things like this would not happen if it was legal to grow and smoke pot. I mean compared to the heavy drugs pot is a harmless cigarette, and it does not cause cancer :lol:
Meh. It's nothing. Well, at least not compared to some of the thigns found here. *shrugs*
I love the Canadian people. They're the best country directly north of mainland United States. I've not been to Canada in almost 8 years, but I rather enjoyed the speech patterns of the Canadian Rednecks, eh?
They're the best country directly north of mainland United States

Um. I think they're the only country directly north of the US. :)

That sure is a lot of hemp... Pot plantations here are amongst wheat fields. They plant them between the wheat, so they cannot be seen either from a passing vehicle, and harldy detected by a helicopter.
Extreme, we don't get rednecks here, it's fraking cold half the year, and it takes the other half to taw eh?
I didn't hear about that. It can't have been that big of a news story.

That's a helluva lot of pot, though.