My experience with fallout 76

Ziggy Stardust

Space Alien
I beta tested fallout 76. The game’s... alright. it’s glitchy as fuck, and I doubt they’ll get a handle on it before tomorrow. The game makes you feel vulnerable, kind of like in the sierra madre expansion, but its a bit overdone. When you die, you drop ALL of your junk, which is not fun to recover, and sometimes it will spawn underground so you just cant recover it. I’d say, if you want to give it a chance, wait for a few months, maybe a year, and once they fix most of the bugs and balance it a little better, it could be a splendid experience. But right now, its not.
We should be handing out Purple Hearts to people that endure this mess of a game.

Question to you Ziggy - do you see this game surviving beyond 3 - 4 months or is it going to just wither away into obscurity thanks to the packed Holiday season for more complete products?
We should be handing out Purple Hearts to people that endure this mess of a game.

Question to you Ziggy - do you see this game surviving beyond 3 - 4 months or is it going to just wither away into obscurity thanks to the packed Holiday season for more complete products?
It can go either way. It’s too soon to tell, in my opinion, how Bethesda will handle this.
I swear Bethesda is gonna pull a No Man's Sky and release like a major update in a year or so from now and make people think the game is much better now. Or probably make it free to play in some months when they notice barely anyone is playing.
I swear Bethesda is gonna pull a No Man's Sky and release like a major update in a year or so from now and make people think the game is much better now. Or probably make it free to play in some months when they notice barely anyone is playing.
lol time will tell
I beta tested fallout 76. The game’s... alright. it’s glitchy as fuck, and I doubt they’ll get a handle on it before tomorrow. The game makes you feel vulnerable, kind of like in the sierra madre expansion, but its a bit overdone. When you die, you drop ALL of your junk, which is not fun to recover, and sometimes it will spawn underground so you just cant recover it. I’d say, if you want to give it a chance, wait for a few months, maybe a year, and once they fix most of the bugs and balance it a little better, it could be a splendid experience. But right now, its not.

There is no PVP combat forced upon you, right? The game is an absolute piece of shit if it has hackers and higher level people just slaughtering everyone 24/7. I hate games like that. I don't want to walk around in leather armor with a hunting rifle and get ambushed by 10 guys in power armor with fatmans, who kill me and loot my corpse...
There is no PVP combat forced upon you, right? The game is an absolute piece of shit if it has hackers and higher level people just slaughtering everyone 24/7. I hate games like that. I don't want to walk around in leather armor with a hunting rifle and get ambushed by 10 guys in power armor with fatmans, who kill me and loot my corpse...
Yeah, there is no forced pvp, which at first I liked. Bullets will do almost nothing until the other player accepts the duel by shooting back. But that means the other player will be given a massive advantage in getting the first shot. Bad game mechanics which probably will be fixed.
Yeah, there is no forced pvp, which at first I liked. Bullets will do almost nothing until the other player accepts the duel by shooting back. But that means the other player will be given a massive advantage in getting the first shot. Bad game mechanics which probably will be fixed.
Also, it kinda screws over people who enjoy sniper builds, so that's great.