My Fallout 3 adventures! - Day 2

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Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
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Day 2 - The Uwe Boll school of game design</center>
So, I killed the raiders and entered the storage room. There was a computer that opens the door, I assume, but my science skill wasn't high enough and I found a key on one of the corpses anyway.


The room is loaded with loot. My backpack weight went to 321/200.


A nuke! Already?

I hacked into a computer and unleashed a Protectron (robot) on a new group of raiders. Protectron went away to work on the raiders and I went back to looting. Then I went to check on the raiders the robot had surely killed by now. Unfortunately, it was the robot who ended up dead, failing to inflict a single casualty. I had to kill the raiders myself and went back to looting.

Note to myself: don't rely on robots made out of recycled aluminum and toilet paper. Sneaking in and activating bots, expecting him to deal with the "bad guys", doesn't seem a reliable option, at least at the moment.

Before the robot ended up dead, I was attacked by a ninja-raider armed with a Chinese Officer's Sword, whatever the fuck that is.


Strangely enough the robot didn't mind me, even though I didn't have any ID.


Notice how the blade goes straight through the raider. Looks like he impaled himself. I'm the last person to complain about graphics, but I expect better quality from "AAA" 10/10!!! games.


Anyway, the much coveted Officer's Sword is mine. Whatever that is. I really miss items descriptions. What happened to them?


Nuka-cola! Bethesda really nailed the Fallout spirit, it seems.


Level 3!



I left the Super Mart and a scripted kid ran toward me.

Another father has gone missing. WHAT'S GOING ON?!!! I passed two speech checks, but I'm overloaded and will have to look for his father later. Besides, his dad isn't even Liam Neeson like mine, so, like, who cares, kid?

According to a picture in the manual, if I was strong, I would be able to say "Don't worry, kid. I'm a big, tough guy". Whoever writes dialogues for Bethesda should be fired.






Some post-apocalyptic scenery to increase your appreciation of Stalker.

The game has a revolutionary feature. If you press Q, your character will keep walking until you hit Q again. Hands-free gameplay! So, I aimed my guy toward Megaton (I couldn't fast travel because I was overloaded) and went downstairs to have a cup of coffee and call my office to say that I'm at a meeting.

Let's report to Moira the quest giver!


Another skill check. Nice. I decided to give her the food and the meds, but turned out she didn't need them anymore. *raises an eyebrow.


INTELIGENCE IN AKSHUN!!! Did I really need 8 points in INT to figure that out? Remember when I said "fire the dialogue writer"? I change my mind. Kill the fucker.


That's exactly what I'm saying, cupcake. My God, your Intelligence is almost as high as mine. We should, like, go out or something.


My reward. Anyway, do you have any more tasks for me?


Bitch, you crazy? No, seriously? Do you need something less stupid?


I see. Yeah, that's what every survivor of a nuclear war is looking forward. To catch a heavy dose of radiation, so that Tara Reid here can run some "tests" on you.


200 points will do, but if I'm a real trooper, I'll get 600. Makes perfect sense. I'll be happy to do my duty.

<center>Day 2: The Big Choice</center>
I asked Moira if she realizes that "catching some radiation" quest is ridiculous.


Realizing that Moira is one of those God's special people, I decided that my time would be better spent elsewhere. I've got to see a man about a bomb.


A cowboy sheriff and a gangster in a beige suit, tie, and a hat. Must be Halloween. Ok, so why do you want to blow it up?


And why do those interests care about this shithole? Let me guess, someone wants to build a condo and that spot is just perfect.



Double crossing and speech options please me. Let's hope it's not the only quest with options. Anyway, I decided that I simply MUST have this hat. "The town is under my protection, Burke. How do you like them apples now?"


Hmm... Well, I still want that hat, so I'll go and talk to the sheriff.


Chuck Norris looking sheriff is a man of action. He invited me to go with him to watch the wasteland justice in action. Killian Darkwater vs Gizmo, only with less interesting characters and poorly designed.


So much for the wasteland justice. The sheriff turned his back on Burke, Burke pulled out a gun and killed the stupid son of a bitch. The hat! I hit V immediately, but Burke can't be killed at this point, so my chance to hit was 0. Maybe it's a bug, so if someone had a different experience and managed to kill Burke and claim his hat, let me know.


That's the sheriff. Very undignified pose, if you ask me.


There is a new sheriff in town. Anyway, I'm tired of seeing "talk to Colin" on the loading screen, so let's go and talk to Colin, shall we?


Again with the "middle-age guy"...

Colin told me the horrible truth. I wasn't born in a vault. My entire life was a lie!!! I'm not a vault dweller, I'm a chosen one, aren't I? AREN'T I?!!!


The Brotherhood of Steel friend, eh? This is getting curiosier and curiosier! (as Alice would say)


No arguing here. I'm looking forward blowing his brains out. It will be a magical and unforgettable experience. Next stop - the Galaxy News Radio!

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