My Review of Metal Gear Solid V


Since I have nothing better to do except study let's break out the archives of all the things my asperger's little ass did a million years ago!

Game Review #1 10/22/2015

Editor: NotACasul, soon to be Todd Howards wife.

Game: Metal Gear Solid 5

Genre: Open world, Tactical Shooter, Stealth

Gameplay (This includes gunplay, player control, side-quest, AI quality, ect.)

Score: 8.5/10

Metal Gear Solid 5s’ gameplay is superb, with multiple ways of completing missions, and with legitimate rewards every time. Gunplay is diverse and tight with interesting, and challenging use of silencers. Player control is fantastic, simply put, Big Boss (Formerly Solid Snake, you know, the eye-patch one) is good at what he does and it shows. Side-quests however are left quite bland, and offer not much diversity within them. AI quality is great, with enemies acting like real soldiers and with a range of tactics, you’ll never get bored of fighting them. You also get to control Mother Base, which is pretty much a big rig out in the middle of the ocean with soldiers and helicopters. Mother Base functions as a home base for the player to roam around, and a place you can upgrade with resources you’ve extracted from the field. Multiplayer is also a thing for some reason, you can infiltrate other peoples’ bases and steal stuff. Which is a real dick thing to do. The player constantly worries about this, so Konami decided to add a type of insurance for this. This insurance disables the option for other players to infiltrate, and wreck your base. Micro-transactions also take place in the form of MB coins. I didn’t realize this was an IOS game. Honestly micro-transactions are a plague on this game and need to be removed.

Story : (Plot, Character development, Originality, Optimizations, ect.)

Score 9.5/10

Metal Gears’ story is the best part of the game, Kojima has really outdone himself this time whether you’re sneaking about being a covert ops rescuer, or fighting a giant robot, it all (Sort of) works together to make this over-arching story strong. Character developments and their personas are their own form of art. Quiet, one of Big Bosses companions, is so well written I can barely type it. Or print it. Potato, potato.

Every cast character is so deep and serious. There’s no chance for any light-hearted-ness here. Everything major story device has a deeper meaning for you to discover, with the aid of cassette tapes of course. Speaking of cassette tapes, those are kind of weird, I didn’t feel really entrenched in the emotions the characters are providing. I would’ve enjoyed rather, a video of the confrontations. Shaky cam and all.

And the game runs at 60FPS, on console. I could run this on the ps3 for Christs sake! Literally! It’s for that little black potato too!

With so many plot-twists, I feel like I shouldn’t even write anything here, as to spoil anything. But some of the story comes off cheesy and fake, a bit mellow-dramatic if you ask me. (WHOO WOULD’VE GUESSED??)

Audio: (Voice-acting, music, ambient sounds ect.)

Overall score: 10/10

The music in this game is fantastic, from classic 80s tunes, to some type of Vocal poetry, honestly I’m little scared of this music man. I-I mean how much of their budget do you think they wasted on this? I-It’s too good. Voice-acting is just amazing. I’m floored on how well they delivered their lines. Ambient sounds are crystal clear, really great stuff man. Jesus, Nuclear is gonna make me explode, Sins Of The Fathers is finger-lickin’ good and there’s The Man Who(ooo) Sold The World, which makes me want to sell my world for that on ITunes. Oh god I wish I could find something wrong with this audio. I feel like some fanboy sitting on his ass fervently typing int-, oh wait that is what I’m doing.

Graphics: 10/10 (Animation, Pixels, 1080p’s, Volumetric lighting, ect.)

This game is probably one of the best-looking of 2015. The animation is flawless. From animals, to our buddy BB, for our other buddy DD. They move realistically and seamlessly.

1080p. Yeah it’s that pretty.

Lighting is great. All the individual shadows and atmospheres change as time passes, making the game look like even more of a diamond than it is already.

Replay value: 10/10

Don’t like how a mission turned out? Want to try it again with better equipment? Want to go at night? Want to blow stuff up? Every mission is replayable.

Overall Score: 9.6

“Kept you waitin’ huh?”


It’s alright. It’s worth your 60 smackers.