Well, I used the search button but didn't find what I was looking for. Anyway, I'm in Vault City's vault, level 2. I've forced open both of the stuck doors, but when I look around I can't find a voice recog module!
I've found the strength modification module thing and a bunch of ammo, but no dice on what I was really looking for. Does anyone know what I should do?
Oh, and on a second note, I can't find any powered armor at the first shop you come by in San Francisco. Even after killing the owner, the best I could find were some Tesla coil armors. Where can I get myself a good suit of powered armor?
I've found the strength modification module thing and a bunch of ammo, but no dice on what I was really looking for. Does anyone know what I should do?
Oh, and on a second note, I can't find any powered armor at the first shop you come by in San Francisco. Even after killing the owner, the best I could find were some Tesla coil armors. Where can I get myself a good suit of powered armor?