New "Atomic Butcher" game out now on Steam


Dev at DasHumankapital
Hey everyone!

Some of you may remember an old freeware post-apocalyptic platformer/shooter from back in 2004 called "Atomic Butcher", which was inspired by, among many other things, the Fallout games.

I am one of the devs of the original game and, well, after years of working our asses off in our free time we finally managed to finish and release the sequel "Atomic Butcher: Homo Metabolicus" for PC/Mac/Linux! It is even more gross, over-the-top and absurd than the original, so if you're into that kind of thing, have a look at it :D Here is the game's Steam page:

Check out the trailer:

The game features an industrial-metal soundtrack written by members of austrian symphonic metal band "Locus Neminis", you can also buy it on Steam or listen to it here for free to get an impression:

Review by The Gaming Ground:

Gameplay snippet:




Spread the word, so far coverage of the game has been a bit sparse ;) Have fun and let us know what you think about it, we are happy about all feedback, even negative one! ^^

Meatfully yours
Roland of Das Humankapital
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Now, before I say this next thing I want to emphasize that I don't feel strongly either way about the game itself. Good, bad; I don't care, it is just not for me. I like top-down shooters, not side-scrolling shooters, I never got the hang of how to play them. That clear? Ok.

When someone goes "this was inspired by X" and then it looks and feels absolutely nothing like X, then it bothers me.

How is it inspired by Fallout? Apart from the setting that is. I mean, if all one needs is the same setting then one could argue that Requiem For A Dream was inspired by Sex In The City. Cause that's what this is to me. Fallout is Sex In The City and this is Requiem For A Dream and you're saying that it was inspired by the former.

And I don't see it. Unless there is a clear similarity between Y and X then it just comes across as a lie to me.

You're at a post-apocalyptic fandom forum, the game can be advertised here just fine, but why say it is inspired by Fallout when it doesn't look anything like it, doesn't feel anything like it and most certainly doesn't 'play' anything like it?

(Oh and I'm a nitpicking little shit, I know)
The original game was clearly inspired by Fallout - the "storyline" had plenty references to it (you stumbled upon an underground base in the final levels that was filled with what basically were super mutants), you started out in an underground bunker called "Shelter 13" ... yeah, obviously the gameplay was not inspired by Fallout, since it is a platformer/shooter not an RPG. But I never specifically said the gameplay was inspired by it, that is kinda obvious, I was talking about the setting/story and also I wrote "...among many other things". The idea behind the game's plot was kinda a play on the plot of FO1 - what would happen if the Vault Dweller was basically someone who started to mutate, become really stupid and eat everyone and was therefore kicked out of the vault...

Here is a review of the original 2004 game by Rock Paper Shotgun - even they joke about it being "the true spiritual successor to Fallout" ironically:

The new game "Atomic Butcher: Homo Metaboliocus" has basically no overt Fallout connections apart from some very small details of the setting, true. It still is a post-apocalyptic game, so it fits here just fine I would say. What I wrote in the first paragraph was more of an introduction about the history of the game, and yes, even though in the new game the FO influence is basically not there anymore, it was an important part of how it came to be.
Noice, though I'm not a fan of side scroller shooters (shooters in general actually) this looks really cool, and yeah jazzing it for not having the gameplay of Fallout is really nitpicky and unjustified.
The original game was clearly inspired by Fallout - the "storyline" had plenty references to it (you stumbled upon an underground base in the final levels that was filled with what basically were super mutants), you started out in an underground bunker called "Shelter 13" ... yeah, obviously the gameplay was not inspired by Fallout, since it is a platformer/shooter not an RPG. But I never specifically said the gameplay was inspired by it, that is kinda obvious, I was talking about the setting/story and also I wrote "...among many other things". The idea behind the game was kinda a play on the plot of FO1 - what would happen if the "Vault Dweller" was basically someone who started to mutate, become really stupid and eat everyone and was therefore kicked out of the vault...

Here is a review of the original 2004 game by Rock Paper Shotgun - even they joke about it being "the true spiritual successor to Fallout" ironically:

The new game "Atomic Butcher: Homo Metaboliocus" is less inspired by Fallout, true. It still is a post-apocalyptic game, so it fits here just fine I would say. What I wrote in the first paragraph was more of an introduction about the history of the game, and yes, even though in the new game the FO influence is basically not there anymore, it was an important part of how it came to be.
Thank you for clarifying.
Just in case you were wondering wth I was talking about with the original game from 2004, it was this here - for a bit of nostalgia: ;)
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