New Fallout 3 Screenshots


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Computer and Video Games has put up a new Fallout 3 preview with couple of new screenshots and some we've already seen on scans. Now you have an opportunity to see them in better quality. There are mostly pictures of combat, except one that shows the cityscape of Megaton.

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There's no new info on the game in the preview. It is based on the same demo Bethesda's shown many times and it looks like the guy that wrote the preview has never played Fallout. Some funny tidbits from the preview:
Once here you can opt to take on a small series of mission before moving out of the confines of the relatively safe town and into the desolate, super mutant stalked streets of Washington DC, which is jaw-droppingly rendered.
When targeting an enemy, you can choose to either shoot outright or use the precision targeting system where your trusty gadget The Pit Boy assesses the best points of impact such as arms, legs or as you can see from the screens - the head. SPLAT! Fallout 3, doesn't skimp on the gore factor either.
One thing that was made clear to us when we were playing it was that this is not an FPS, and Bethesda are keen to stress this point, it is an RPG that integrates guns into its gameplay mechanics. This is nothing like Call Of Duty - it's far deeper.
In a break from convention - nothing in Fallout 3 is predictible, lazy or by the numbers - the game also promises a whopping twelve different alternate endings depending what it is you do over the course of the game too so expect a wedge of replay value.

And considering that once you've chosen your special abilities before you left the vault selecting new ones at birth and taking alternate paths adds immensely to the re-spin worth too. 2008's game of the year? If Bethesda's genius Oblivion is anything to go by, it's looking that way.</blockquote>Edit: "Pit-Boy" was changed to "Pip-Boy" after someone commented that it's incorrect.

Edit 2: It appears that CVG weren't supposed to show these screenshots yet, so the pics were replaced with the old ones.

Thanks Wasteland Stories.

Link: CVG Fallout 3 Preview
It does not look really bad as far as graphics are concerned ( a lot better than in the previous versions of the same screenshots ). Design, on the other hand...

And, well...The car going nukular was really not necessary.
It does look absolutely stunning, it has to be said. Taken on its own merits, it's probably going to be a great game.

See, the thing that stumps me is why they'd buy the Fallout license, which only matters to fans of the series by definition, and attach it to this game. The console kiddies don't know Fallout from their elbows, so it's meaningless to them. And Bethesda's must have known the fans of the series were going to react the way they have, thus alienating them from a generalised PA shooter they might otherwise have been interested in.

So why spend fuckloads of cash on the license?
wait .... is that a nuclear explosion 12m from the back of super orc ?

as for stills i cant say im excited about their quality, but i guess its gonna work out way better in animation

one more thing, funny author felt it was approperiate to even compare the title to CoD
why god ?!
why does this has to happen on my Birthday :(

oh..and btw,haven't we seen this head piece in another one of the "teh headz ecksplodingz" screenshots ?! how cheap !!!


EDIT : haha it is :


I think the cars went a bit to far to be honest. Still, if you remember from fallout 2, the micro fuel cells used in the car, on the icon had a radiation symbol... still. The nukes were supposed to be a horrible feared thing, not an everyday occurrence.

As for the head bits, its not that odd that the same bit is there, I don't know one game that randomizes gibbed pieces.
microfusion cells wouldnt explode if hit. i'm pretty sure the powerarmored troops would not carry microfusion cells as ammo for their laser rifles into battle if they'd explode as mini-nukes when hit...

what use is powerarmor if when your back/ammo-pack gets hit it turns into a mini-nuke? something tells me the military wouldn't be stupid enough to let that happen.

contamination would be neat, but nuclear explosions? haha, sorry, that's just stupid.

PS: shows Megaton, and how it is built on the slopes of some pit. (which was first refered to as the impact crater of an unexploded nuke, after which many lulz were had)
I can't say I really like these graphics. There's something fake about them, but I can't exactly point what. I preferred the concept sketches.
This is nothing like Call Of Duty - it's far deeper.
Phew, and here I was- not knowing what to buy- FO3 or maybe the newest CoD? Now I know!
Ah, when someone compares Fallout to CoD, Bioshock, Gears of War, Mass Effect and so on, you know something is wrong.

Can you imagine? "Fallout 3: Van Buren- it's nothing like Serious Sam 2- it's deeper". omgwtf
Ok, the shot of the city is very nice. And one mutant in one shot looks better then the others(the one on the far right in the OMG LAZOR BEAM pic). Rest, including that damn car is horrid. Pretty, but horrid.

Seeing the shot of the mutants fighting out of the 2nd story of that school house makes me a sad panda however. Using a modern engine, a tactical turn based game would look so great. I doubt I'd play anything for else for maybe years:)

Edit: After looking it over again, I think that mutant looks better because it does not have the orc hat on. And further more, looking at the storm-trooper in that same pic, what the hell is the purpose of that backwards gigantic bill on the back of the power armor helm? If his head was straight it would stick right out backwards.

After looking at it again I think thats his giant retarded shoulder pad not the back of the hat. It is just standing at an odd angle and it looked like part of the helm.
Why, why, why? This is the first time I see one of those green brutes in high resolution. How in the name of humanity can this... thing be considered a supermutant? The size, the expression on his face, the stupid shield, the skulls he wears as trophies... Unbelievable, they managed to make it completely unrecognizable as a supermutant.
Midwinter said:
Why, why, why? This is the first time I see one of those green brutes in high resolution. How in the name of humanity can this... thing be considered a supermutant? The size, the expression on his face, the stupid shield, the skulls he wears as trophies... Unbelievable, they managed to make it completely unrecognizable as a supermutant.

Well the one with the shield and skulls is the Behemoth, like I guess the Barry Bonds of the East coast super mutant orcs. But the normal ones don't look much better.

I think the Behemoth looks very troll like to be honest.
Dominus said:
imho this is the best screenshot from F3 until now

Heh :) .
Actually, it's the one that strikes me as the most unnatural looking. It gives me an impression that someone tried to make it look realistic and failed because of technical limitations.