I am in need of some help here. I am using a different map for the scene where you first see Horrigan. I wanted something other than just a family appearing in the middle of nowhere. Anyway, the map looks fine. I edited the ecbdygrd.int file governening where people are and who says/does what. Everyone does what they are suppposed to. Unfortunately, when I step on the exit grid (anywhere) it takes me to the top of the gammovie map outside the exit grid instead of returning me to the worldmap. Stepping on the grid again (no matter how many times) returns me to the same point. Is there something in the gammovie.int file that needs to be changed, too? Any suggestions?
Not sure if it matters, but I did not use the original gammovie.map file and add things to it. I used a completely different map.
Not sure if it matters, but I did not use the original gammovie.map file and add things to it. I used a completely different map.