New Year's Resolutions


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
So yeah, anyone got any of those shitty ass resolution things that they will break in two weeks?
Any interesting ones as well?

I've decided that this year I'm going to at least hit the Gym more often, not even a "lose weight" resolution, just go to the Gym more often.
There's also read more, I started doing this more in 2016 but I'm still not reading enough.
An important one is study more, I kind of destroyed that at the start of 2016 to be honest. Considering I enjoy what I do, it's kind of a given.
One that sits in the background more is actual finish games I've started. Hopefully I would have cut down my backlog of games by some proportion this time next year.

And one that it's easier said than done, it's try and find some kind of Part-Time job that fits around my Uni hours nicely. I kind of need to at this point (but still, I'm going to have to do a tonne of shit in terms of Uni work to get to a point when a job is easy to fit in).
So yeah, anyone got any of those shitty ass resolution things that they will break in two weeks?
Any interesting ones as well?

I've decided that this year I'm going to at least hit the Gym more often, not even a "lose weight" resolution, just go to the Gym more often.
There's also read more, I started doing this more in 2016 but I'm still not reading enough.
An important one is study more, I kind of destroyed that at the start of 2016 to be honest. Considering I enjoy what I do, it's kind of a given.
One that sits in the background more is actual finish games I've started. Hopefully I would have cut down my backlog of games by some proportion this time next year.

And one that it's easier said than done, it's try and find some kind of Part-Time job that fits around my Uni hours nicely. I kind of need to at this point (but still, I'm going to have to do a tonne of shit in terms of Uni work to get to a point when a job is easy to fit in).

Yes the cliché losing weight (fat) one. Started weight lifting in April but been slacking recently, what with Christmas and all so I need to pick that up again.

Aside from that, nothing really (though the finishing games that I've started thing applies too). I need to finish one book and start another one too, especially the second since it was a gift.
Yeah, I have two books in mind I want to read (one of them is actually three books but eh) and a whole bunch of other stuff just kind of there from when I started to get interested in more dystopian settings.

But I doubt if it would be something I go out of my way and do.
Maybe have a glass of wine, put on some smooth jazz and read some good old classic literature
I see no point in new year's resolutions. You can make the decision to change your life or pursue new goals each day. Following them up is another goal.

What I want to accomplish the next year? Wasting less time behind my computer surfing the internet and focus more on learning skills and knowledge such as learning how to make maps.

I also would like to focus more on practicing drawing, and one day be able to learn how to draw digitally.

What I would like from 2017? An end to my streak of bad luck and somewhat of a future to look forwards to.
I want to write my fantasy book to the end, and seriously to the end.

Also, i'm fat, but pizza.

I too want to write a Novel next year.
But I'm only doing it so I can establish a background for a series of Games I want to develop in the future.
That sounds really ambitious and great. Something you can reveal?

I'm pretty open about it, but the games are about rebuilding after a nuclear war (yeah... Fallout is a massive influence).

But the book is the events leading up that war, with the protagonist starting off as an observer before accidently getting himself involved with the destruction of the Planet.

Needless to say, it's heavy on the politics and satire.
I'm pretty open about it, but the games are about rebuilding after a nuclear war (yeah... Fallout is a massive influence).

But the book is the events leading up that war, with the protagonist starting off as an observer before accidently getting himself involved with the destruction of the Planet.

Needless to say, it's heavy on the politics and satire.
Sounds great!
I guess I could finally come out of the closet? Maybe get a Bf? or a gf? Haven't had one of those in awhile. Eh... I ain't about that life. Maybe try being less cynical? Ah fuck it I'm just trying to stay alive.
Get my short stories and novels written and published.

Hopefully get a new studio, fix financies, and fix my health.

Hang out with friends more at the end of it at the least.
So yeah, anyone got any of those shitty ass resolution things that they will break in two weeks?
Any interesting ones as well?

I've decided that this year I'm going to at least hit the Gym more often, not even a "lose weight" resolution, just go to the Gym more often.
There's also read more, I started doing this more in 2016 but I'm still not reading enough.
An important one is study more, I kind of destroyed that at the start of 2016 to be honest. Considering I enjoy what I do, it's kind of a given.
One that sits in the background more is actual finish games I've started. Hopefully I would have cut down my backlog of games by some proportion this time next year.

And one that it's easier said than done, it's try and find some kind of Part-Time job that fits around my Uni hours nicely. I kind of need to at this point (but still, I'm going to have to do a tonne of shit in terms of Uni work to get to a point when a job is easy to fit in).

Eh, sort of yeah. I hit a bad run of bursitis in the shoulder from over-training dead lifts back in August. Haven't recovered 100% and my diet has slipped quite a bit [gained 5-10 pounds I probably shouldn't have]. Gonna try to get back to at least 90% recovered and work my way back up and slim down a bit. Cliche as hell but it is what it is.
The plan is play those games in my Steam library i still haven't touch once, games like Knights of the old Republic and Transistor.
But it's most likely i will only play few of those then go back to Warframe.