[New York Times, 8 minutes ago] WAR!


Ahoy, ye salty dogs!
North and South Korea Exchange Fire, Killing Two


Smoke rose from South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island after North Korea reportedly fired hundreds of rounds of artillery from its stronghold on the west coast.

Published: November 23, 2010

SEOUL, South Korea — North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire on Tuesday after dozens of shells fired from the North struck a South Korean island near the countries’ disputed maritime border, South Korean military officials said. Two South Korean soldiers were killed, 15 were wounded and three civilians were injured, said Kiyheon Kwon, an official at the Defense Ministry.

The South Korean military went to “crisis status,” and fighter planes were put on alert but did not take off.

South Korean artillery units returned fire after the North’s shells struck South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island at 2:34 p.m., said Mr. Kwon, adding that the North also fired numerous rounds into the Yellow Sea. Television footage showed large plumes of black smoke spiraling from the island, and news reports said dozens of houses were on fire.

Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/24/world/asia/24korea.html?_r=1&hp
North Korea is retarded.

Also this isn't war - not yet, anyway. Now its just an initial exchange of hostilities that may just go away.

But if this does turn into an actual war, North Korea's fucked.

Cimmie said:
Let me guess - the North denies everything and blames someone else.
They're saying the South Koreans shot first.
well I doubt North Korea has much allies left. Even the Chinese dont agree with them that strongly anymore seeing as how N-Koreas polistics is a danger to their economical growth. Beeing to radical regarding your neighbours is usualy never a good thing. Not that South Korea was a lot better about that in the past (they hate each other pretty much equaliy) but they have been doing better so far. But I am not that educated regarding South Koreas history.

The people of N-Korea have no access to anything that is outside of their nation which is at least different to the South.

If North Korea really starts a war and gets pushed back I doubt they will receive this time any help from China.

So yeah, they are in any way fucked with a war.

I dont know it but I assume they just need something for their propaganda regarding the west and capltalistic enemy to keep their own population on its toes. So what would be better then some attack ? Who cares if you started it. But ... so far we dont know exactly "who" started it first this time. Doesnt look like a full war anyway its not like this would be the first time something like that happened.

I am asking my self if the SOuth and North will ever be in peace again. I mean they have a situation similar to Germany after 1945 and more important with the Wall which seperated Berlin and the frontier of the GDR which seperated it from the rest of Germany. But here you had many holes, people visiting each other sometimes and some even political interaction. All this is not really present with South and North Korea. If those borders there ever fall the nation will face some huge problems. Much more then Germany ever had with its reunion. We can now probably not even imagine it yet.
Yess! We're gona be here for the fall guys! I think when the first bombs drop I'll celebrate by taking a wife.
Reconite said:
Could it be...?

2010: World War 3 begins in November 2010. Starting as a regular war, it will progress to a nuclear and chemical war. Vanga says the war will be finished by October 2014.
Superstitious bullshit, probably. :)


This is all over /x/ (paranormal board on 4chan).

It's very creepy, but barring any other hostilities, I don't see a war starting (unless N. Korea decides to be a dick, in which case, they will lose)
thegaresexperience said:
This is all over /x/ (paranormal board on 4chan).

It's very creepy, but barring any other hostilities, I don't see a war starting (unless N. Korea decides to be a dick, in which case, they will lose)
Yes, very creepy that one of the thousands of end of the world predictions got the start of one of many wars right.
not all, there is one with the huge hidden invisible planet no one can see which will hit earth in 2012. Nibiru or something.
Phase I is complete, now

Release the stock footage!

North Korea broadcasts propaganda response to Yeonpyeong Island shelling
<object><param><param><param><param><param><param><param><param><embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src='http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/template/utils/ooyala/telegraph_player.swf' pluginspage='http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer' menu='false' quality='high' play='false' name='TelegraphPlayer-8153927' height='315' width='560' bgcolor='#000000' scale='noscale' allowScriptAccess='always' wmode='window' allowFullScreen='true' salign='LT' flashvars='embedCode=04d2l1MTrFVDkZnB2CP6rrN-8ToQ_M2z&autoplay=1&offSite=true&showTD=true&thruParamDartEnterprise=site%3Dnews%26section%3Dnews/worldnews/asia/northkorea%26pt%3Dvid%26pg%3D/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/8153927/North-Korea-broadcasts-propaganda-response-to-Yeonpyeong-Island-shelling.html%26spaceid%3Dvid%26ls%3Df%26transactionID%3D1011231625160436%26psize%3D620x415%26view%3Dviral'></embed></object>

Post apocalypse without power armor will not be as badass as we'd expect...
Starship Troopers this ain't. Looks like Katyushas, T-34s and MIGs circa 1950...

Where's that a-hole MacArthur when we need him?
Oh shit, our plans to steal their babies, saw open their heads and bind their women to water buffalos has been revealed!

Who can refute that evidence!

Let me guess - Joe Dresnok himself posed for those paintings.

I told you mang, when it rains in N. Korea they blame America. It's a great way to distract people from how inept your own regime is.
quite interesting when you consider that Northkorea is geting most of its food in form of relief goods from the "enemies" it hates. Meaning USA and Japan. Wihtout the western world Northkorea would be no more.
Sander said:
thegaresexperience said:
This is all over /x/ (paranormal board on 4chan).

It's very creepy, but barring any other hostilities, I don't see a war starting (unless N. Korea decides to be a dick, in which case, they will lose)
Yes, very creepy that one of the thousands of end of the world predictions got the start of one of many wars right.

I don't know if it's the start of many wars, I doubt this will elevate, war would have been declared already if this were the case (but I could be wrong, I'm not an expert on this stuff)

Yep and that's why North Korea is not a threat, because all we have to do is cut them off and they'll be doing anything to get back on our good side.

North Korea is a whinny little brat that needs to be put on a timeout unless they want a beating.
I wonder what Juche North Korea will do with all the Westernized hipster boys with Hello Kitty backpacks and life-size pillows with anime women screened on them?
Crni Vuk said:
What. The. Fuck

Pretty standard war propaganda, really. Well, normal for non-modern Western war propaganda anyway.