Oh for crying out loud...

Mad Larkin

It Wandered In From the Wastes
These people ensure the MASSIVE sales of the FO:BOShit!

This is what he thinks about the game
Domingo said:
its not too much fun roleplyaing but im gonna try it again and maybe itll be better im hoping so because i wanted to unlock the dominatrix girl sorry but i think shes super sexy. is there a code to unlock her?
Iplay certainly captivates the target audience firmly...[/quote]
Eeeeehm, Mad Larkin, you're missing part of the story.

Domingo doesn't actually feel that way. He used to bash FO:POS to no end, but then realized that he wasn't getting anywhere. Now he goes on IP and posts silly things like that just to make the FO:POS fans look like extreme idiots.

So Domingo is actually doing good for the Fallout community by posting crap like that. Just look up his previous posts for more examples.
Hehe, wow, give him a medal. That stuff is genius, I've been going about this all wrong. Don't bash it in an obvious way, good idea.

Maybe we should post something about how the game has won us over, and it's so good our personal hygiene has gone to the wayside. Our "junk" hurts and is turning black, but we don't care because the game is so good.

Besides, with the intellectual capacity of it's fans, they won't need it anyway.
Yeah maybe Domingo can post that it made him completely uninterested in the opposite sex (sans the advertisement "Better then Sex") and he's become completely addicted to it and suffers from physical withdrawls (as per Maxim stating its more addictive then OxyCotin).
All of Domingo's eight posts at IP's fora.

There's only eight posts that he's written over at IP, but damnit they're all quality!

Here's a couple to sample.

From a political stance:
Domingo said:
As an African-American, I'm appalled by what I see from the trailers for this Brotherhood of Steel game. Your company has characterized african-americans as big overgrown oafs, with large stereotypical lips, who talk in ghetto-speak. On top of that, your company utilizes that stereotypical character to call others "bit**" and other such curses. What your company is doing is no better than painting a white man in blackface and stereotyping all of the African-American race as baffoons who treat women like trash and can't speak any english.

I have contacted local civil rights groups and my local politician here in NYC (Senator Chuck Schumer) to plan a boycott for this game. While I don't mind a few racial jokes here and there, your game obviously takes things too far. It is no better than racism, and its games such as yours that keep such stigma on law-abiding, educated African-Americans. I hope you do the right thing and remove this character from your game.

To a Moron! persona:
Domingo said:

Not bad, can't wait to pick it up on the 13th. I don't mind that it got a 2.5 overall; I just want the game because of the sex thats in it.

Alllll the way into doing "i rite liek this" impersonations:
Domingo said:
i bought and played the fallout game hoping it was good but it wasnt. i realy wanted it to be good but it wasnt. is that my fault? im not the only one who didnt like it either. i was just being honest though because i like the sexyness in the game its one of the reasons why i bought it. but its not some conpirasy, just because someone doesnt like the game doesnt mean i have a hidden agenda. a bad game is a bad game

im still willing to trade though

He's doing a good job, y'gotta admit.
...I guess he's doing a good job fighting his guerilla war against Interplay, but in the end he's really accomplishing nothing except for personal satisfaction.

I'd hate to say it, but he'd be better spending his time trying to get a date or get laid, rather then trolling the IPLY forums out of spite...
Domingo said:

Not bad, can't wait to pick it up on the 13th. I don't mind that it got a 2.5 overall; I just want the game because of the sex thats in it.

Genius. :D