Old World Blues Qs: radar fence and teleportation


Commie Ghost
For whatever reason the Think Tank can't just blow up the radar fence. The recursive programming loops are given to explain this (I'd say), so that part makes sense, but why can't you do it? There's even a giant artillery cannon you could ostensibly re-aim if portables are too weak, to damage whatever mithril-adamantium alloy they're made of to withstand infinite punishment. If I could insert an explanation it would be that destroying one would cause it to fry your brain.

I also wondered why Mobius didn't just use the pacification field on them, and thought: maybe they were developed after, or they already knew how to bypass it when he sabotaged their minds. However, that raises the question of why they can't do the same to the radar fence. I mean radiowaves aren't exactly the hardest thing to shield yourself from, and the robots there seem to be unusually resistant to EM shit. So would microwaves, or sound. Even magnetic fields can be shielded against, though I think that's the really tough one, not sure, definitely not my area of expertise. Even aside from all of that, why didn't they just make some kind of organic mount, to drag their temporarily unconscious bodies through the radar fence and far enough away to wake up again? Dementia I guess? Or...

How do you get back to the Sink if you walk passed the radar fence and pass out? Who or what is doing that? I have to assume it's teleportation. Which also raises the question of why the Think Tank needs...anything to escape. They have a teleporter. *A working teleporter*. Which I assume they were going to use to leave, and if this answers the previous question then it means they have more than just the transportalponder.

Or is it not a teleporter, and it instead creates some kind of warp gate that you have to walk through, and if there's a radar fence in your way you're going to knocked out by it and/or the transportalponder would be neutralized?

Overthinking, la di da, I guess, but not really...
If I remember coretly then Mobius made them think that the only way to escape is using organic body, that and their fear of whats outside (before courier arives) may be keeping them from just teleporting out.
As for appeating back in the sink, they say that the travel will only seem to be instant. So I suppose they just send robot to drag you back, or a lobotomite with a five metre pole with hook straped to it.
Like everything in OWB, the answer is multi-modal reflection sorting, or in layman's terms, if there was an explanation, it would've just been technobabble.