OmG spoilerzz!1!11

Mad Larkin

It Wandered In From the Wastes
Picked from the Interplay forums...

Rip3001 said:
I know this is old news, but no one has really brought it up. The ending might very well be the second worse ending I've seen for a game. (The first being Jurassic Park for SNES where the ending is just the intro sequence played in reverse!)

It made no sense and wasn't satisfying. One nuke blast just feels like a "flash-in-the-pan" with the Fallout setting...and the blast freaking blew up the ghoul town and Vault Dwellers...and for what?!? We freaking killed Harold!

The best part though was being treated to the lovely symphony of a guy screaming at the top of his dry cracked lungs, "People equal shi*"...yeah...that's just the thing I want to hear after beating the game with my friend.
True to the fallout universe, thats fer sure... :roll:
This game never ceases to amaze me...
I'm still not surprised. It's as shit as predicted from the first day Chucklehead Cuevas opened his mouth about it.

On a side note, as promised by my local EBs (all 3 of them), they didn't carry the game as the general manager tends to agree with quite a few people around here that the game is shit and not worth carrying when other noteworthy games were coming out. That, and he used to work as a playtester a few years back for EA.

Who would want to waste shelf space on this turd when they could put up another copy of BG:DA2 or Norath, etc.? Or, for that matter, R&C or any number of good, decent shooters around.
How are they supposed to make FOPOS2 when they kill off the only things that remotely seems Falloutish going for them in FOPOS1? :scratch:
That is cute that they killed Harold -- again just goes to show how much though went into things at Team Chuck HQ.

I can't imagine how this game could've turned out any worse.
*cracks knuckles*

The easiest way to imagine it being worse is take a few of the special encounters from FO:T and put a new spin on them.

Instead of dancing Reavers, how about being forced to assist a intelligent Radscorpion's post-nuke hip-hop group by finding MFCs to power their stage equipment?

Or a former Brotherhood outpost now set up as a brothel?

Deathclaw heavy metal?

The overly-chested whore sends you out to save her implants?

Perhaps a rad skateborading contest against three ghouls and a super mutant?

Finding "Run Like Hell - the Arcade Version" and being forced to spend hundreds of caps beating it?

And that's without any real heavy thought. No matter what, any piece of trash can always sink lower.
Instead of dancing Reavers, how about being forced to assist a intelligent Radscorpion's post-nuke hip-hop group by finding MFCs to power their stage equipment?
That would have probably inproved the game music.

Perhaps a rad skateborading contest against three ghouls and a super mutant
That would have broken the mind-boggling tedium of the game, and might have been interesting for a few seconds.
Mad Larkin said:
Instead of dancing Reavers, how about being forced to assist a intelligent Radscorpion's post-nuke hip-hop group by finding MFCs to power their stage equipment?
That would have probably inproved the game music.

Perhaps a rad skateborading contest against three ghouls and a super mutant
That would have broken the mind-boggling tedium of the game, and might have been interesting for a few seconds.

Careful. That's skating dangerously close to subdued acceptance.

Although I officially drag along the burden of being one of those who enjoyed FO:T, so I thought said special missions were actually pretty damn amusing.

The last Canadian resistance hiding in a pit throwing rocks at you? Coming from the south, I see that shit every day from civil war reenactors. An army of humans on treadmills powering the robot army power supply?

Actually, that's all I got, but still....
Antidotal Evidence

Antidotal Evidence

Sibling Rivalry

Who would want to waste shelf space on this turd when they could put up another copy of BG:DA2 or Norath, etc.? Or, for that matter, R&C or any number of good, decent shooters around.

Was out and about yesterday, Feb. 10, 2004. While in 3 stores with
console shelving: Media Play, Comp USA, and Micro Center. Found BG:DA2 sold out in the first 2. The FO:BOS slots were full; four copies

Micro Center was using BG:DA2 as a loss leader at $29.99, and had 4 copies visible. Saw 2 copies of FO:BOS.

Most shelf space is arranged alphabetically by title, and Comp USA and Micro Center had FO:BOS in the "B" slots. Conscious guerilla activity,
or unconscious box shifting by the heroically under paid?

Wonder if Micro Center was clearing the deck for the coming of CoN,
Champions of Norrath this week? OR? Hooking the fans of BG:DA, and,or their uncles or daddies.

FO:BOS can only be justified in the Interplay 'world view' as a sequel, or spin off of BG:DA. FO was sidelined long ago as too "PC RPG" to be a "smart money" money maker. What is fascinating is how this close publication schedule shows these two siblings as competing for more than shelf space, but for actual sales.


So the REAL Spoiler for FO:BOS may be it's Bro' 'n' Armz BG:DA2.
