Pete Hines Talks to IGN

Pope Viper

This ghoul has seen it all
IGN also grabbed ahold of Pete Hines (PR Bethesda) and asked some questions regarding their upcoming Fallout 3 project and here's a quote:<blockquote>IGNPC: Can we expect something similar to the work done on Morrowind, in terms of that style of game experience?

Pete Hines: Again, it's early to say, but it wouldn't be a leap of faith to say that we plan to use technologies in development otherwise. You could make some fairly safe leaps of faith that it would be similar in style. We're not going to go away from what it is that we do best. We're not going to suddenly do a top-down isometric Baldur's Gate-style game, because that's not what we do well. </blockquote>This does not bode well for the Fallout we all know and love.
Link: IGN Interview
Thanks to RPG Codex.
We're screwed! I got an email from him earlier when I said that the rumors were that it was not going to be a isometric and he did deny it
Not Isometric... Then it better cost me $12.95 or less and come with at least a 10 lb .999% Pure gold bar.
Wild_qwerty said:
We're screwed! I got an email from him earlier when I said that the rumors were that it was not going to be a isometric and he did deny it


Absolutely class act guy.

PR wanker.


Out of the frying pan and into the trash can. Goddamnit.
You people are just like the people over on the Jagged Alliance 3 forums. Terrified of a little change. Isometric doesn't matter. The game world, the story, and the gameplay matter. For all you know, when the man says it won't be isometric, he could mean you might be able to rotate and pan the camera. Christ, that's sacreligious though, isn't it ? Hell, while we're keeping things the same, I suggest keeping in the car that splits in two, and stealing from teammates to get your shit back.
I'm fine if they want to put in a first-person perspective or a non-isometric third-person perspective, but for crying out loud, give the option of viewing the game isometrically ala Fallout. Quite a few comments I've heard already this early in development are very discouraging... let's hope they pull up.
FloodSpectre said:
You people are just like the people over on the Jagged Alliance 3 forums. Terrified of a little change. Isometric doesn't matter. The game world, the story, and the gameplay matter. For all you know, when the man says it won't be isometric, he could mean you might be able to rotate and pan the camera. Christ, that's sacreligious though, isn't it ? Hell, while we're keeping things the same, I suggest keeping in the car that splits in two, and stealing from teammates to get your shit back.

Fuck you, if you don't like it then don't come to our forum.
FloodSpectre said:
For all you know, when the man says it won't be isometric, he could mean you might be able to rotate and pan the camera.

But would Mr. Hines really couch that thought like this?

PeterHines said:
We're not going to suddenly do a top-down isometric Baldur's Gate-style game, because that's not what we do well.

I'd think if he meant what you wrote, he would have said something more like "We're not going to suddenly do a 2.5-d sprite based isometric Baldur's Gate-style game, ..." His wording gives the implication that since Morrowind is neither a top-down nor an isometric game, Fallout 3 won't have these concepts either, since, after all, that's not what they do well. :(
Fuck you go to sleep when about a week there is no news you get up and see that all the hell broke lose and what now i played morowind were gona have fallout in first person mode and with sword and bows and magic because i dont they just gona say lets do this for the fans and dona make it a good game plus if its gona be a console im not buying it only it costs me 3$. Mmm.. i wonder how woud a wood minigun

Petite to get beter fallout or just to make theyr server crash :twisted:
Pope_Viper said:
Why does God hate Fallout Fans?

God doesnt exist, thats why, if he did, he would do something...

why dont we all each send an email to them, and beg?... Theres nothing left to do but beg...

*falls to his keyboard and cries*
I guess I shouldn't be suprised that the folks on this board are immediately jumping to negative conclusions about this. C'mon, and get a grip on reality. There are very few good RPG developers any more and Fallout landed in the hands of one of those few. It's not going to be exactly like Fallout 1, but even BIS's Fallout 3 would have deviated from that template. Hell, even a Tim Cain Fallout 3 would deviate from the Fallout 1 template.

It is way too early to declare Bethesda's treatment of Fallout as crap.
[sarcasm]The phrase "what we do best" doesn't worry me at all. Even if it does bring back memories of first-person real-time combat.[/sarcasm]

Aren't we the lucky bunch? It looks like our laughing at the shell of Interplay has come back to bite us in the ass. 8)

We'd all be better off if we could get together a group of programmers and slapped together a new Fallout ourselves. Let's face it, the screwdriver is right on us and starting to turn...
right, brilliant. Bethesda's so cozy with Fallout fans. infanct, they're Fallout fans, too. know just what we want. which is, i guess, MorrowOut. k-rad fucking MoBoS.

this time, though, the consumer-base isn't imaginary. where no one cared about FoBoS, Bethesda has lots and lots of Morrowind fans who'd like to make a MoBoS lots and lots of comercially successful. so, they listen to fans. great. which fans, then? the smaller number of Fallout fans, or the larger number of Morrowing fans? their -own- fans, or someone else's? this is worse than FoBoS. thought that put away the liscense, but this'll probably destroy it. if they draw 'Fallout 3' on a Morrowind box, it'll be a success, and from that point on Fallout will be changed into essentially a Morrowind 'mod. Fallout 4, 5, 6, 7? Morrowind, morrowind, morrowind, morrowind. if every Fallout fan boycotts them, so what? this time, that -actually- doesn't matter. fucking a.

worst part is, the entire reason for any Fallout 3 to exist, is to be a stepping-stone for Herve's Fallout MMROPGORpgpgpg. this is stupid. Interplay could still damn well ruin itself, at least.