Post-Britannia, a dystopian novel


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
NMA has never lacked writing talent, in the form of games, mods and stories. However, it is rather rare for our members to release a novel. Dude101 gave it a shot and how now been published. If you like dark stories wedged in between 1984 and Brave New World, give it a shot and let us know what you think.

William King is as out of control as the world he lives in. While a hulking, menacing government bureaucracy consolidates its grip on the general populace, stripping rights and twisting bodies and minds, with its attempts to tighten control ever increasing toward attaining utter dominance, Billy’s fracturing mind and feral body scrabble for hope and freedom. Abandoned by father and by brother, assailed by the insanity of his frail yet despotic mother and the dog-eat-dog society she reflects, Billy must choose between starvation in the gutter or submission to military might and pray that some part of him survives. As friends die and dreams crumble, will Billy destroy the corporatist war machine that has invaded and reshaped him from the inside out or be consumed by it?

Paperback - Worldwide Kindle (USA) for Kindle (UK)
Facebook page for updates and art.
I'm really happy NMA is covering this. I've been on this forum for a very long time and spent my formative years reading, playing and obsessing over post-apocalyptic and dystopian worlds with you all.

Now I have a novel out in the genre with more to come in the future. We are putting out some cool art and quotes on the Facebook page and I would appreciate your support.

Sounds like an interesting novel. I'll put it on my list.

I find communities should support their artistic members.

I'll be checking that out. This is cool. So does @CT Phipps novel not count? I haven't looked into it much it's something about an apocalypse right?

I've written six novels: three superhero novels (The Supervillainy Saga), two urban fantasy novels (Esoterrorism, Straight Outta Fangton), and Cthulhu Armageddon. Cthulhu Armageddon, which just had its audiobook release today, is the one closest to Fallout. I mention in the Foreword I was inspired by it, The Cthulhu Mythos, Mad Max, The Walking Dead, and The Dark Tower.

Basically, a scout for a Enclave-esque dystopian city-state is banished into the wasteland after his team is killed and he has (almost) no memory of the event, so he goes after the man he vaguely remembers being involved. All the while surrounded by a world of eldritch monsters and mutants.

I'm very proud of it.
Sounds like an interesting novel. I'll put it on my list.

I find communities should support their artistic members.

I've written six novels: three superhero novels (The Supervillainy Saga), two urban fantasy novels (Esoterrorism, Straight Outta Fangton), and Cthulhu Armageddon. Cthulhu Armageddon, which just had its audiobook release today, is the one closest to Fallout. I mention in the Foreword I was inspired by it, The Cthulhu Mythos, Mad Max, The Walking Dead, and The Dark Tower.

Basically, a scout for a Enclave-esque dystopian city-state is banished into the wasteland after his team is killed and he has (almost) no memory of the event, so he goes after the man he vaguely remembers being involved. All the while surrounded by a world of eldritch monsters and mutants.

I'm very proud of it.
That sounds great Tbh. It was the title that put me off. Do you take more inspiration from the show or the comic (the walking dead)
They are tonally different.
That sounds great Tbh. It was the title that put me off. Do you take more inspiration from the show or the comic (the walking dead)
They are tonally different.

What put you off, may I ask?

As for TWD, it's more a tonal feeling than a direct take away (though I'd say that I prefer the comic over the television series). I like the kind of strange bonds which emerge in survival circumstances as well as communities which emerge around strong cults of personality in fortified locations. The Rising is a hundred years later but is shaped by the history of the original survivors who founded the city-states and communities which exist in the "present."

I also enjoy the antihero morality of the comics where the people who try to do the right thing can frequently break down to do appalling things.
@CT Phipps
The title of your novel just seemed oddly silly. Cthulu Armageddon. Certainly not something I imagine having the tone of any of your inspirations. But now I wanna read it. Its on My list along with post-brittania.
I've purchased my copy of Post-Britannia and am going to post my review here on the forum. I look forward to reading it.

I was asking if it doesn't count becaue he had written his novels before he joined NMA. I'm no longer sure what I meant by "not count" if I'm honest.
I figured you were wondering why Phipps didn't get a thread like this or at least a mention. He is also a member and published author. That is what I thought when I first saw this thread.
I've purchased my copy of Post-Britannia and am going to post my review here on the forum. I look forward to reading it.


Thanks, I look forward to reading it. The first review appeared on Amazon a couple of days ago and it was very positive, constructive and honest. I was refreshing the page for a few days and agonizing over what would be said.

Ah, thank you. I appreciate the attention but am very happy for @Dude101.

Thank you.

Posted my review on A nicely realized punk-esque dystopia, albeit a bit slow to get into the main plot.

Otherwise, really fun.
Thanks. It is a bit weird how Amazon keeps the reviews on its different platforms separate. You are the first on .com there is another one on

All the feedback has been positive so far with some constructive criticism. I'm trying to get some more writers to leave reviews.

There is more art and quotes but I don't want to spam the thread too much.