IGN posted some new information from Quakecon 2015. There may also be leaked audio of the Fallout 4 demo according to Reddit.
LOOTING: Looting will be in real time with no pause whatsoever.
NAMES: The 1000 Names Todd Howard mentioned will be varied; some of them are ridiculous like Mr. Fuckface!
CITIES: A bit of Diamond City was shown (Concept Art). Some attendees say that it was covered in snow. The gameplay was located in Lexington!
DIALOGUE: Dialogue will be incredibly flexible sometimes having the option to have a conversation with 2 other people at the same time.
COMPANIONS: Companions confirmed are a female named Piper located in Diamond City, a robot similar to Codsworth, and Preston Garvey who is part of a group called the Minuteman. There will also be relationships like in several of the Bioware titles.
PIP-BOY: When you look at the Pip-Boy the game will pause as in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. The inventory is also easier to get to.
ANIMATIONS: There will now be animations when you are using meds such as Stimpak. There are a lot of different animations, and they're way more detailed than before; even Dogmeat has a ton of little detailed animations for everything he does. AI will now also have the feature of jumping and climbing through some obstacles.
KARMA/REPUTATION: There'll be procedural reactions to you based off your reputation and Karma.
WEAPONS: There was an Automatic Plasma Rifle, but not really anything else. You can also find modified weapons in the Wasteland. This may depend on your luck. You can also melee with your weapon even if there's not a bayonet attached to your weapon!
PERKS/PERKS UI: 7 Categories and 10 Rows. Intimidation and Attack Dog! Perks will also be depend on your SPECIAL.
GHOULS: Ghouls have changed a lot now from their previous two appearances.
LEGENDARY: Many other enemies will be legendary. Even human-like creatures such as Ghouls.
BEHEMOTHS: Some Behemoths were unquestionably bigger than the one in the trailer. Some even say as big as they were in Fallout 3.
HACKING: Nothing special to talk about.
BOOKS: Some books are now readable.
SKILLS: No such thing anymore. Will be replaced with Perks.
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