Question on Fallout 2: Can't complete the Vault 15/NCR deal


First time out of the vault
When I first received this quest it was very early on in the game and I wasn't strong enough to take on the raiders in the vault yet. Therefore after I rescue Chrissy and have the key to the vault I just took the computer part and gave them to Tandi.

A few level afterward I returned to the vault, killed Darion and persuaded Zeke to join the NCR. But when I return to NCR Tandi wouldn't talk to me any more and Gunther just tells me to go away. However, in my PiPboy the quest to complete the deal is still active. Is there anyway that I can finish the quest? :(
You could try sneaking by Gunther and see if Tandi will still speak with you, but usually after NCR has gotten what they want from you, they want you out.