Random news roundup


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Are you ready for yet another Eastern European RPG heavily inspired by Fallout? Because here's the ATOM RPG, currently being kickstarted with a rather modest goal of only $15000, as they seem entirely willing to finish it whether they reach the goal or not:
ATOM is a passion project. It will be finished no matter what. But, with your help we will be able to do it much faster, as well as add more interesting content to the final game! But we don't want to make unsubstantiated statements so feel free to download the latest build and check out ATOM for yourself! Thank you for your attention!
Good to see dedication like that.
They have already been greenlit on Steam and are currently shooting for a Feb 2018 release. Demo download links are available on the Kickstarter page if you want to check it out.

For the French, there's apparently a book being written about the history of Fallout by Théo Dezalay (aka @Izual), also with a history of modding and more. An excerpt can be found here, and it looks like you can buy it here.
Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an English translation at this time.

Finally, a Croatian conference called Reboot Develop is being held this weekend, and Tim Cain will hold a talk entitled Building a Better RPG: Seven Mistakes to Avoid, which will be live streamed here: https://www.twitch.tv/rebootdevelop
Tim's talk starts this Saturday at 10:00 AM CET. Besides the interest of hearing the old master talk about how to design RPGs, we might be able to get some clues on the project he's working on at Obsidian with Leonard Boyarsky.
According to the schedule, there's also a different panel with Tim and Chris Avellone about world-building, plus a panel with Tim, Chris and Tramell Ray Isaac about stories from the development of Fallout, but unfortunately these will not be livestreamed. Expect to see them on the front page if they ever get released elsewhere.

Tim's talk can be found here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/137273761?t=18m36s
Update2: Now on youtube too.

Also there is apparently a Fallout: New Vegas mod in development for Fallout 4: http://kotaku.com/modder-is-building-new-vegas-inside-of-fallout-4-1794629368
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Fellas, back ATOM! Quickly! Go go go! Awesome idea. Indie developers need all the support they can get.
The graphics and art style of ATOM look great. The character portraits look pretty good, but its the developer portraits that are the standout. I hope they make it into the final game.
If you missed it (like I did), here's the Tim Cain thing: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/137273761?t=18m36s

Also, in case anyone's interested. Tim has done some explaining on some things he said in his talk (and promises more talk on the subject when he clears his jetlag).



Tim Cain said:
Wow, long thread. I will admit I don't have time to read it all, but let me say this. I think there has been a misunderstanding of my talk. I never said I don't like complex systems, just that I don't like the presentation of so much complexity in the first few minutes of the game, like in character creation. We lost a lot of potential players to that. That isn't hypothetical. I have emails and reviews to back me up.

Think of an RPG like a mountain. In my older RPG's, the only way to the top was going up cliffs, but many of you like rock climbing so it didn't matter. But a lot of people never even tried to do it. So I am building a road that lets people drive to the top of the mountain. The mountain is still as high as it used to be and the view is just as spectacular, but now more people can enjoy it.

There is so much misunderstanding on this thread, but I know you are smart and RPG-savvy people. That makes me think my first point of the talk is even more relevant: the need to reduce the learning slope to introduce something new. In other words, I think I need to simplify my talk.

Anyway, it took 30 hours on three flights to get back to Los Angeles from Croatia, so I am operating with severe jet lag. I will try to explain this more later.
For the French, there's apparently a book being written about the history of Fallout by Théo Dezalay (aka @Izual), also with a history of modding and more. An excerpt can be found here, and it looks like you can buy it here.
Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an English translation at this time.

I can confirm that we have no plans for a translation for now, but who knows what the future holds? I'd personally love to see it translated, as the book includes numerous exclusive interviews (from some members of the BIS gang plus Fargo, Ed Orman and many others - including famous modding superstar Lexx) and I'm sure those would be of interest to the NMA/Codex crowd.
Getting a shout out for our humble Atom RPG can ONLY be trumped by a shout out for our humble Atom RPG made by an amazing person sporting Rich "The Sex Weirdo" Evans on his userpic :)

Red Letter Media and Fallout on one page... The twin passions of our dev team finally came together!

Thanks, man!

Guys, be sure to check out our page on Kickstarter - plenty more updates now! Including FACES, COVER SYSTEM / ADVANCED COMBAT ANIMATIONS!