Well I just got my second red ring of death. Now I have to get another 360 yet again. Another refurbished piece of shit. I swear to fucking god I will never buy another console again. This shit is fucking ridiculous. I paid out the ass to buy this thing and it's really not worth it. Believe it or not I was trying to play Fallout 3. Hahahahaha. Fucking stupid of me in the first place, but I was going to give it another go and see if the game magically fixed itself. Every one I know that has had a 360 has had to send them in at least once. Microsoft can suck my dirty uncircumcised cock and jam their overpriced piece of shit in their anus.
I think I might have played a total of 8 games on the fucking system to begin with. The goddamn system barely has anything worth playing to begin with. I don't know if I am just growing out of console gaming or what. I know I play my PC more than my consoles. I also own a Wii, but I don't play it either. I'm sure there was a thread about this a long time ago, but I don't feel like grave digging and I really need to rant. If so merge or tell me to go fuck myself. If I sound pretty pissed it's not just because of the 360 it's for a ton of other reasons that I would rather not focus on right now.
How many red rings of death have you had?
Do you own a 360?
Sorry for the rant. I'm just having a shitty day.
I think I might have played a total of 8 games on the fucking system to begin with. The goddamn system barely has anything worth playing to begin with. I don't know if I am just growing out of console gaming or what. I know I play my PC more than my consoles. I also own a Wii, but I don't play it either. I'm sure there was a thread about this a long time ago, but I don't feel like grave digging and I really need to rant. If so merge or tell me to go fuck myself. If I sound pretty pissed it's not just because of the 360 it's for a ton of other reasons that I would rather not focus on right now.
How many red rings of death have you had?
Do you own a 360?
Sorry for the rant. I'm just having a shitty day.