Red ring of shit.

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Well I just got my second red ring of death. Now I have to get another 360 yet again. Another refurbished piece of shit. I swear to fucking god I will never buy another console again. This shit is fucking ridiculous. I paid out the ass to buy this thing and it's really not worth it. Believe it or not I was trying to play Fallout 3. Hahahahaha. Fucking stupid of me in the first place, but I was going to give it another go and see if the game magically fixed itself. Every one I know that has had a 360 has had to send them in at least once. Microsoft can suck my dirty uncircumcised cock and jam their overpriced piece of shit in their anus.
I think I might have played a total of 8 games on the fucking system to begin with. The goddamn system barely has anything worth playing to begin with. I don't know if I am just growing out of console gaming or what. I know I play my PC more than my consoles. I also own a Wii, but I don't play it either. I'm sure there was a thread about this a long time ago, but I don't feel like grave digging and I really need to rant. If so merge or tell me to go fuck myself. If I sound pretty pissed it's not just because of the 360 it's for a ton of other reasons that I would rather not focus on right now.


How many red rings of death have you had?

Do you own a 360?

Sorry for the rant. I'm just having a shitty day.
never buy another console again? mind you - only MS seems to have this terrible durability record. *most* other consoles hold up pretty good.

that being said, I am mainly a PC gamer with a Wii and older consoles (i.e. PS2).

every time I considered getting a 360, I kept thinking "meh, most of this will be on the PC soon, if not already".
Well thats the problem. Most of the good games on the consoles are on the PC eventually. Pc's are also more reliable and can be upgraded. I don't know man. I just get much more use out of my PC than any console I have ever bought and I have bought most of the good ones minus the PS3.
Hah, well I don't have a 360 (or as I call it a PC the Sequel) but after this recent update about half my dorm was sending in their 360 due to RRoD.

I plan on getting a PS3 though, has more and better exclusives than 360, but a new computer takes precedence.
I am a bit divided, I will never get a Xbox 360 so that is not a problem, but recently games on the PC have become such a disappointment.

Don't know really where to start but the first major problem would be the release of good science fiction/space shooters, FPS without Securom.

Or any GOOD sci-fi themed RPGs.
I honestly don't care about MMOs

But the thing is that consoles also don't really have that much better games, I have a couple of old ones and a Wii and all of them are gathering dust as there hasn't been any need to play release in a long time.

Gaming is a passion for me, but that passion has pretty much been sucked out of it.
I dunno about PCs being more reliable. Depends on where you buy one from or what parts you use when rolling your own. In that area, I think durability WILDLY varies. Maintenance of a PC is certainly more demanding also, esp. if keeping on an upgrade path (which I do) - that being, said, I *enjoy* doing that so it isn't a problem.

Some people just "want it to work" - and for gamers that are that way, consoles reasonably provide that solution for them.
Aren't consoles like the 360 just outdated computers that can't be upgraded? I feel as though buying one would be a waste of money when computers will be much more advanced in the near future.
Yea but the outdated computer has more games coming out for it.

Got on 360 but it red ringed and I couldn't be arsed to go through the confusing return stuff so I just waited for my brother to want to play the 360 so badly that he would buy his own.

Which he did :P
So I own two 360s technically.
you mean the 360 and other consoles dont come with a "recovery" disc now they run off the hd and get patches?

how barbaric. how... apple of them.
Alphadrop said:
What about on the Xbox 360?

Well, haven't heard of a single game that I'd like to play on it that is not available on PS3 or PC (excluding Last Remnant which comes out for PC in spring), except maybe Fable2, which I hear is not very good.

Seriously, I see no point in owning an xbox360 unless you're a fan of console shooters like CoD or Halo or GoW. I don't like those games, and can't play a shooter game without a mouse :roll:

As for "outdated computers" - you can upgrade your computer, but I'd love to see you upgrade a 360 =))
PS3 also has 0 games that I want to play. I take that back. MGS4 and that's it.
No RROD here, but then I don't own a 360. I just feel as though it mostly has FPS, racing and sports games, none of which interests me.

I mostly hate FPS-like games (exceptions being GoldenEye 64, Perfect Dark and the Metroid Prime series).
I find most racing games to be extremely boring (pretty much all of them since Need For Speed 3). Grand Prix: Circuit for MS-DOS still beats just about all of them hands-down in my opinion. :mrgreen:
I have barely seen an okay sports game since Nintendo World Cup on NES (I still find that game hilarious, though) and 4D Boxing on MS-DOS.
TheWesDude said:
how barbaric. how... apple of them.


last console I owned was a SNES, Christmas 1995 or something like that. and to 99% it will be my first and last in my entire life and I am glad about. Not that it was bad or anything, I'm just older and can't really enjoy SNES games for long if they do not have a MP-part.

Oh and I owne a PS1, but that only to run games I used to own on my pc (FF7/G-Police/Wipeout), but because of the new generation of graphiccards are unsupport. God that PS1 is so slow..even my 166MHZ machine was faster :/

When I borrowed the PS2 of a friend for a FF7 marathon I realized how shitty consoles are and going to be, because it crashed while we were changing cds. And we haven't saved..somehow I knew "thats the future of console gaming".
Well after the mid 90s I was not interested in any consoles (until then NES, Genesis, SNES). It was all PC from there. But last year GTA4 was coming along and, unlike with San Andreas, I really couldn't be patient. So got a used 360 and definitely enjoyed playing, especially with the large plasma with HD. Now if i could have hooked up a mouse and a keyboard to it, I don't think I would have ever bought the PC version.

I was never planning on getting a Wii but I received it as a gift for the holidays. It's pretty fun with a lot of people, but what I really enjoyed is playing good ol' Mario3. I beat the whole game too, no whistles mang!