Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

Can anybody point me to the modern recompile of RegSnd.exe utility?
I used to have a copy linked here: https://mega.nz/file/iRoihLwJ#pz2aZwhDTfzrquciJxSfLisxl6bKca0dNutW3PjDUOc
but it seems the host has removed it recently.
For what its worth the description I had for it was
"RegSnd (NEW 2024 re-compile from the original source-code)"
(wish I'd saved who handed me the link before).
I found the 2014 compile in Dobrovik's Archive (https://www.mediafire.com/file/mlx8s52bzgczsf6/regsnd_v1.4_by_ABel.rar/file)
but I could have sworn somebody had recompiled it recently, so I'm hoping there's a github out there, or something similar.
Anybody know if ABel has a github or something?
I used to have a copy linked here: https://mega.nz/file/iRoihLwJ#pz2aZwhDTfzrquciJxSfLisxl6bKca0dNutW3PjDUOc
but it seems the host has removed it recently.
For what its worth the description I had for it was
"RegSnd (NEW 2024 re-compile from the original source-code)"
(wish I'd saved who handed me the link before).
I found the 2014 compile in Dobrovik's Archive (https://www.mediafire.com/file/mlx8s52bzgczsf6/regsnd_v1.4_by_ABel.rar/file)
but I could have sworn somebody had recompiled it recently, so I'm hoping there's a github out there, or something similar.
Anybody know if ABel has a github or something?