Fallout 2 mod Removing part of F2 Restoration Project


First time out of the vault
Hi. This is probably a dumb question, but...

I tried out the Fallout 2 Restoration Project and didn't quite anticipate the full ramifications of Lenny having a ghoul walk animation. He's slow, but even worse, instead of SMGs he can only use rifles now. This means that wth 4 Strength, the best he has is the Sawed-Off Shotgun. I tried to re-install the Restoration Project to de-select having Lenny's sprite changed, but it said that de-selecting it wouldn't remove it.

So, my question is: How do I undo the Lenny sprite, and is it possible to do so but not corrupt that save file? I've kinda gone really far in it already...
Well @Cyberweasel89, you could just use the Fallout 2 Savegame Editor to raise Lenny's strength a bit (you can find the "Edit Critters" button under the "Misc" tab).

But if you really want his old looks back I suppose you could download this script and put it in your \DATA\Scripts folder.

Before that you should probably start your save and remove any rifles from Lenny's hands and then save again. Then put the script in the scripts folder and start the game again. When you load your save Lenny's looks will change back to normal.

The gl_lenny_model script can probably stay in your script folder without causing any problems, but I would still recommend that you save your game when Lenny's appearance has changed and then remove that script.
Awww, thank you so much! That script worked! I appreciate the help. I know my question was probably pretty dumb, so... Thanks for your patience and understanding. <3
It seems there has been a small oversight with Lenny's shitty strength - maybe his strength should be increased to 5 so he can use more rifles.
It seems those proto files only work when Lenny levels up, because you didn't change his base proto (00000107.pro).