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Antediluvian as Feck
The following must be done if you want to avoid being beaten like a little puppy (it's pretty much common sense, really):

0. Learn to love the search function. Look around on NMA's front-page for help with quests or use the search function to fix specific problems in quests, or technical problems. Only AFTER you've done this, read this guide for posting your question:
1. Specify which game it is and which version. Fallout Tactics and F:POS topics do not belong on this forum.
2. If the problem is crashing, video, sound, or some other technical problem like that, make sure you include your computer specs, OS, DirectX version, relevant hardware, etc. Ask if you need to, but first look at a few technical help requests that do this right for some examples.
3. Include your installation method, whether MS-DOS, Windows, Manual, and size.
4. If you do not post enough relevent information, prepare to be ridiculed. :D
5. Here is a simple test to see where you should post about a possible bug/game glitch or a problem with a mod. If you experience the problem without a mod installed, it goes onto this forum. If the problem only occurs when you have a mod installed, post about it on the modding forum with what mod, version, what else you might be doing with the game at the same time, and generally anything else that would make it a specific issue for a mod in question. In the same spirit, game glitches that arise only when you've hacked a save game should be posted upon the modding forum as well.
5. To further clarify if you should instead post on the modding forum - basically, this forum is for the core part of the game using the official patches. If you've messed with that state, post about it on the modding forum. That includes if you're using any unofficial patches.
6. This forum is for tech support and game help for the basic game with official patches ONLY.
7. This forum is for tech support and game help for the basic game with official patches ONLY.
8. This forum is for tech support and game help for the basic game with official patches ONLY.
9. This forum is for tech support and game help for the basic game with official patches ONLY.
10. If you still can't understand the above and simple netiquette, here is a visual aid.
11. If you still can't figure out where and how to post, or how the search function works, disconnect from the internet immediately. You were able to find this site, find and register an e-mail account somewhere, and then subsequently registered upon this forum. After all of that, searching a forum is little work at all, so please spare the excuses and attitude.
12. Do not ask about changing one Fallout version into another language that already has a version published for that second language.

Also look at this guide to installing Fallout 1 (or 2) on Windows XP, 2000, and NT.

For those of you too lazy to read, you can try watching this informative video as well.

All General Forum Rules apply to all forums, except hosted ones.

Updated: 22/9/06
General Concerns

Where did my post go?

Why was I banned for posting so many times on different message boards?

Why do I have this absurd-looking avatar?

Would any of these questions apply to you? Chances are, they are the result of the following:

1. (Where did my post go?) If your post isn't where you posted it, there should be a redirect on the forum you posted it on. After that, it's up to blind luck. If one of our moderators sees it, they will usually move it to the right forum. It helps to really sort out what goes where, so they can make judgement calls later on.

If I see it, it's going into the Vats.

Check the Vats for many examples of this.

2. (Why was I banned for posting so many times on different message boards?) The answer seems pretty obvious enough, but it follows with 1. If you become annoying enough with topics started in forums they don't belong in, we will give you a hint by preventing any more results of your "misunderstanding" until you so choose to have it fixed. The usual time is a week, but depending upon the situation, it can be longer.

Again, the Vats can be a good source to see what not to do. If you don't see where the topic was coming from, think of where the post belonged and try every forum BUT that one.

3. (Why do I have this absurd-looking avatar?) Chances are, you got on the bad side of an admin, as they are the only ones able to do such. You probably did something that includes but is not limited to: being an annoying fucktard, posting without any basis or background on the subject, gravedigging (about a month, but much less if the thread has scrolled a bit and the reply doesn't add anything warranting the thread to be brought to the top), giving a moderator grief and/or trolling at them. If you have any problems with what I or any other admin/moderator does, take it up with me.

And, if you have any gripes, please address them in this thread. Seriously, I do care. Really.
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