Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I started having this unpleasant phenomena 5-6 months ago, where i wake up mentally, yet i am not able to move any part of my body (eyes included) at all for some time. The first time i thought that it was a dream, but it was real, as i found out on quite a few other ocassions. When i'm paralysed like that, i am REALLY paralysed, it's a pretty terrible sensation the first few times. I think it lasts about 20 to 60 seconds, maybe more (quite hard to get a grasp on the time at that moment, because everything seems very sureal).
I'm not sure what trigerred this, but i think it's related to stress and bad sleeping habits (due to my nightshift job). I asked many people i know about it, yet many of them thought that i was joking or just had a dream. I have read that this is a rather common thing for many people, but it seems that nobody i ask about it, knows anything about the condition at all.
So i was wondering if anyone here had this happen to them and could maybe share a few tips on how to battle this stuff when it happens.
I'm not sure what trigerred this, but i think it's related to stress and bad sleeping habits (due to my nightshift job). I asked many people i know about it, yet many of them thought that i was joking or just had a dream. I have read that this is a rather common thing for many people, but it seems that nobody i ask about it, knows anything about the condition at all.
So i was wondering if anyone here had this happen to them and could maybe share a few tips on how to battle this stuff when it happens.