Fallout 2 utility [SOLVED] FRM2GIF Colour Issues

Cory Macdonald

First time out of the vault

I've been recently working on an FO2 mod, and just realised that much of my resources have colours that are off, by which I mean, brighter than the colours of the original game. After some testing, I believe I have narrowed the error down to something with my frm2gif program. I know I had solved it earlier, as I have a few resources that are coloured correctly, but I cannot remember how I did it. Any assistance in getting these colours correct is much appreciated.

Thank you.
use original color.pal file from fallout2. other used palette will lighten the picture.
frm2gif.exe -p color.pal file.frm
Can you tell me where to locate the original file? The file that came with my copy of the tool clearly isn't right.
It's also included in the FrmAnimator, for the lazy ones.
Yeah, I initially thought the problem was with the palette that comes with the program. Either way, both palettes come out incorrectly.
Well, tried that too. Left to right is the original, a file sent through my frm2gif, a file sent through Mr. Stalin's, and a file sent through Mr. Stalin's with the -p color.pal. As you can also see from the doors, this wasn't a problem previously. The three wall files have been converted to gifs, then directly back to FRMs with no modification.
I've just tried with Photoshop now, didn't work:
The first door is the original, second is straight through frm2gif, third is via Photoshop with my palette from Frame Animator, and the last is with Mr. Stalin's. His palette does contain more colours (256) than mine, which has only about 226. The end wall is also Photoshop with Mr. Stalin's palette. I've also just tried Titanium, however I get the error "Failed to set data for '" and the program GUI loads, the buttons react to being pressed, but that's about it, the FRM doesn't appear. I do believe I used to be using frm2bmp, but I can't find that anymore.
His palette does contain more colours (256) than mine, which has only about 226.
230-255 used for engine animation color.

in help frm2gif have the option of brightness, by default it is equal to 40, need use 0
correct use. :dance:
frm2gif -b 0 -p color.pal file.frm
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