Temple of Trials


First time out of the vault
What is the Temple of Trials?
Looks like old military base...
But nothing inside, no weapons, no ammunitions or equipment
All was stolen maybe long time ago
Why Vault Dweller founded village near that Temple?
Maybe some secrets could be inside?
Temple of Trials seemed to be a tribal dealy, based sort of on the idea of a pyramid. I think that if it were an old military base, it would have greater technology within, such as "metal". It's a tribal thing.
The ToT is something that shouldn't be in game and is there only because the marketing department wanted a tutorial location.
Which shot spears at you? That reminds me of the amusement park in Hitman Blood Money which was converted into crackhouse.
I thought the reason the Vault Dweller couldn't leave the CO a power armor was because he depleted the PO's battery digging the Temple of Trials out of bare rock.

Good usage of caves in a inhospitable desert, by the way.

Retarded tribals away!
Brother None said:
Good usage of caves in a inhospitable desert, by the way.

Retarded tribals away!

That always annoyed the hell out of me.

"This barren wasteland shall kill us one day, SO LET'S FILL THAT COMFY TEMPLE WE JUST BUILT FULL OF TRAPS AND LIVE IN TENTS!"

I'll always lament that there was no "You're all stupid and deserve to die GECK or no GECK, I'm outta here" dialogue option for the Chosen One.
Fallout Bible said:
the Temple of Trials was built on the ruins of an older Pre-War building, most likely a church. The
carved head at the entrance and some of the carvings/wall decorations on the three sub-levels were done by
the Arroyo inhabitants.
I'm sure that it was high technological building, because of some sewers, doors, etc.

ps: And where is that Elder's revolver, which we can see in video?
Werwolf said:
I'm sure that it was high technological building, because of some sewers, doors, etc.

Sewers? Don't recall any. The doors are weird though.

ps: And where is that Elder's revolver, which we can see in video?

She sold it for more Jet. Yes, the Elder likes to FLY!
Werwolf said:
I'm sure that it was high technological building, because of some sewers, doors, etc.
Hate to burst your bubble, but - sewers and doors aren't something one would call hi-tech. The doors may look a bit unusual, but they have quite a simple mechanism to them, nothing electronic.
I always figured that the Temple was something left over from WAY before the war. Sort of a 1950's view of Mayan culture transferred to the American Southwest. The Anasazi, maybe. They were out in that neck of the woods, and they are pretty mysterious. In the same way we have a 1950's pulp fiction view of future science, we have a 1950's pulp fiction view of Anasazi culture.

Given that, I figured the vault dweller founded his village near the old Temple full of traps, etc., out of a certain sense of irony: see, even the ancients lived in vaults...

Stag said:
Fallout Bible said:
the Temple of Trials was built on the ruins of an older Pre-War building, most likely a church. The
carved head at the entrance and some of the carvings/wall decorations on the three sub-levels were done by
the Arroyo inhabitants.

A church? I've read the Fallout bible numerous times, and always felt like that couldn't be right.
It looks like the high-school I attended, so I always assumed high-school.
Besides, there really is an Arroyo high-school, so that just added to my speculation.
I wanna live inside Temple of Trials instead of stupid village. And why Arroyo became so wild? What happen with them?