Terminator 4: Salvation

Carib FMJ said:
I can't wait.

Well, you could have some fun while you are waiting, with this great fanfic site:


The Architecture of SKYNET - One thing that has always griped me about the way that the future is portrayed (in the Terminator games, comics and books) is that it is a future full of lethal machinery all designed to kill human beings in the quickest, most efficient way possible. So why is it, if SKYNET hates the human race, that it continues to build structures and control systems perfectly suited to the human shape and form? Think about it. Does it really make sense for a super computer who hates the human race to continue building installations that are the perfect size to allow its enemies easy access?

Why is it that when human raiders break into a completely automated factory complex built in 2020 A.D., a full 23 years after the nuclear exchange and over two decades after SKYNET declared war on the human race, that the human raiders find the architecture perfectly suited for their form? The structures are full of human sized hallways, human sized doors and are built to human sized specifications. Everything is accessible by human hands and feet. How is it that a human raider can slide right into a comfy seat at a computer console and take control with a few dedicated key strokes of the entire complex? Why are there overrides accessible by keyboard or switch? Think about it ...

Man, no "real" Fallout 3, but a good post-apocalyptical action movie? OK for me.
This Trailer/Teaser sucks donkey balls. The frequent cuts make my eyes hurt, the "bad radio voice" makes my ears bleed. And you don't actually see anything.
well, Bale did a good job on his last movies, and i kinda like the post-apoc Reign of Fire.
I liked it to. It was a decent post-apocalyptical movie... yeah, there were dragons... but hey, the producers didn't pretend to adapt Fallout on the screen.
damn i liked reign of fire. had very good moments, and was very athmospheric. and had dragonz! and tanks! and flying dragon hunters! whats not to like? and, besides all that, it was bleak enough to qualify as a dystopian movie.
Doesn't feel like a Terminator but still could be a kick ass movie. Anyways, if Bale is in it, I'm watching it.

Just found some pretty disturbing details. Apart from Bale, the cast is full of total wankers and the director is someone named McG, whose past works are mostly music videos and Charlie's Angels. That's so sucky.