The Dark Knight


eaten by a grue.
I saw The Dark Knight.

I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so I'll keep my comments general.

I don't think it lives up to the hype, but I didn't hate it. It's too long, for one thing: two hours, forty-minutes including previews. Two hours would've been plenty.

The nice surprise, though, is that Heath Ledger does live up to the hype. This Joker is the best villain I can remember seeing in a superhero movie. Too bad Ledger died, because The Dark Knight would've made his career as a serious actor and not just a pretty boy.

If you could put Robert Downey's Iron Man in a movie with Heath Ledger's Joker you would have something really good.
Can't remember where I saw it but did see some quotes from Oldman (who is my favorite actor) talking about how 'tuned in' Ledger was to the role and that Oldman thought Ledger did an amazing job, big compliment coming from Oldman IMO.

Can't wait to see the movie.
I was happy with this one, as I knew I would be. Heath was the perfect actor for the roll of the Joker. I was even more amazed by the sales. 10 tickets every second have been sold... Over 18million USD in sales for the midnight showing alone.

Batman Begins has been the number one selling DVD for the past week... It was released on DVD in 2005... Sucks for all the new releases eh?

Projected sales of opening weekend are predicted well over the 100million USD mark. Given the amount of traffic I can see for folks purchasing tickets online at this very moment, I'd think it safe to say this one will reach the 200 mill mark by the end of the weekend. :crazy:

Edit: It should also be noted that the ticket sales for this movie have more than doubled the sales of any movie in the past year (including Iron man), at least, in my little corner of the globe. I can't speak for all on-line ticket orders.
This film met and exceeded my expectations, and I was more hyped than anyone I know.

Not only is this the best comic-book film ever made, but it's an excellent and taught crime drama. It's like Heat with dudes in costumes and face paint.

Ledger was astonishing as The Joker. Not once did I feel like I was watching an actor on the screen - his performance was bulletproof. This was The Joker as I've always wanted to see him - a mad dog who actually wants to be put down. His introductory scene (the magic trick) is one of the best villain introductions of all time - it rivals Darth Vader in A New Hope.

Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckhart stole the rest of the movie. It was great to see Oldman's Jim Gordon have as much screen-time as Batman, and Eckhart played Dent with such conviction that it was impossible not to love the guy. Dent's story is incredibly tragic, and Nolan did a great job of interpreting it for the screen.

I've seen a lot of comparisons to The Empire Strikes Back, but the movie lends itself more to The Godfather, Part Two.
Hmmmm Malky, your review sounds exactly like the one I read a few days ago on some site. It even had Heat and Godfather 2 references! What's going on?

Also, what's up with Chechen gang I keep hearing about?
I wish DC would take notice with the success of Dark Knight and start to release some other superhero flicks....besides Superman.
maximaz said:
Hmmmm Malky, your review sounds exactly like the one I read a few days ago on some site. It even had Heat and Godfather 2 references! What's going on?

Also, what's up with Chechen gang I keep hearing about?

They are two popular and incredible crime movies that heavily influenced The Dark Knight, so I guess it's natural to think about them when thinking about the movie.

William Fichtner even cameos in the beginning, playing almost the same role he played in Heat.

I guess the one of the mob dudes is Chechen? I can never place accents. He has about four or five scenes in the movie and is pretty integral to the plot.

TorontRayne said:
I would like to see a Walking Dead movie.

The Walking Dead would lend itself better to an HBO series, I think.
Heat was pure sex for any gunlover, because the director forced all actors to take gun courses and to handle weapons correctly during the shoot. loved it. no wonder it became a movie with large cult following.
This movie rocked. It was one of those movies where you don't know whats going to happen next. Joker was very unpredictable to say the least and it really made for a awesome flick.It had tons of Oh-My-God moments and definitely did not end like I thought it would..Great cast all around.The audience applauded at the end,so thats always good.
maximaz said:
Wow, it's now imdb's #1 movie of all time.

wha? that's...well....that makes imdb even less a reliable or trusted source.

anyhow, i fucking loved it. Ledger gave a goddamn classic performance (i was leery of the smoke being blown up his dead ass) and performances aside, i thought the movie's pacing and action/drama ratio was pretty damn excellent.
I wonder how nolan will top this one off if he decides to make another sequel for it. For me, this one pretty much set a high standard for comic book adaptations.
Eh, spoilers follow; ye be warned.

It also has a fitting title, in that Batman has to turn into a wanted criminal to save Gotham, and to save the great deeds and honour of Gotham's White Knight. Also, Heath Ledger's Joker is one of the best villains I've ever known. He turns the city on itself and no one, not even Batman or the hero Harvey Dent is untouchable. It's a shame that Heath Ledger will not be able to return for a sequel. "I'm an agent of Chaos" was exactly what I wanted to hear The Joker say, and I'm glad he did. Thank-you Nolan.

As for a little tidbit, I did like how they used sonar to give Batman bat-vision.

All-in-all, this will be one of my favourite movies.