The fallout 3 remake was cancelled


A Smooth-Skin
The fallout 3 remake mod for fallout 4 was cancelled today on Mar 12, 2018. They cancelled the mod because of copyright infringement. Honestly I'm not surprised and don't think much was lost. If you want to play fallout 3 then just play fallout 3. If you want fallout 3 with better graphics, then just download mods.

Update: the information I got was wrong. The fallout 3 project was not cancelled because of copyright infringement but the mod was cancelled because of copyright concerns. I will provide a link to the mod leader's statement.
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Was the mod going to be an exact copy of Fallout 3 but with better graphics? If yes, really nothing lost. If it was going to fix some of the biggest, glaring issues, then i think it would have been cool.
It was just fallout 3 with better graphics. I don't know why people make these mods. Morrowind I understand but games like oblivion, f3, f:nv are still very playable today.
It was just fallout 3 with better graphics. I don't know why people make these mods. Morrowind I understand but games like oblivion, f3, f:nv are still very playable today.

Well, aside from the fact that F3 is quite, "difficult", to run at newer computers, it's prone to more crashing than New Vegas on PC. So exceptations are really there that they could get access to play it in engine that would support the whole mess.

Now, as for the reason why somebody would want to play it, YMMV.
Good point. Me for example, have two legal copies of 3 and NV, xbox and pc. Bouth unplayable due to framerate and CTD.

Wish I NEVER have upgrade my windows 7 to 10.
Well, aside from the fact that F3 is quite, "difficult", to run on newer computers, it's prone to more crashing than New Vegas on PC. So expectations are really there that they could get access to play it in engine that would support the whole mess.

You have a point, trying to get f3 to run on windows 10 is a pain and crashes more then on windows 7. I don't know why Bethesda don't optimize their games for new systems but can remake skyrim 3 times.
The fallout 3 remake mod for fallout 4 was cancelled today on Mar 12, 2018. They cancelled the mod because of copyright infringement. Honestly I'm not surprised and don't think much was lost. If you want to play fallout 3 then just play fallout 3. If you want fallout 3 with better graphics, then just download mods.

Personally I never really saw the point of this. I mean if you really really wanna world on a big world project just make you own one. I mean it is going to be really really hard work but making fallout 3 into fallout 4 isn;t anymean task either. I mean it would actually be harder to make fallout 3 in fallout 4 than make your own slightly smaller world space. Because you dont need any new assests made you cna use those from fallout 4.

It does it really susprise me that bethsda claimed copyright on it ! ? I guess not, Fallout 3 retarded confirmed
That's Bethesda for ya.
Yup and the Bethestards will try to defend them.

They have to defend their property, and also it would take away from FO3—which they are still selling, and have recent agreements to protect.

There was a similar attempt by fans to remake Legend of Grimrock in the LoG2 engine, and the lead programmer politely asked them not to—and it was enough.

So you can't use the FO3 assets in the FO4 engine—it's a different product.

Bethesda has (for years) prohibited the use of TES assets between the various TES games; you can't import rats from Morrowind into Oblivion, or FO3. There is nothing new, surprising, or inherently wrong here; it's actually to be expected, and should have been obvious from the start.

They made agreements with the voice actors, to use their voices in FO3... and not FO4; it would need a new (paid) agreement with each of them, and it's Bethesda's responsibility to protect the assets that they themselves commissioned.
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I already knew they were doomed as soon as they asked Bethesda.
I don't know what some people are thinking. The golden rule is "Don't ask!", you just work on your project.
If Bethesda then wants to shut you down once you get big and famous, they can legally do it. But if you go knock at their door and ask permission, they legally have to deny it. Because the rights for many assets from previous games, can only be used on that game (like the music and voice assets, just like Gizmojunk mentioned).
I already knew they were doomed as soon as they asked Bethesda.
I don't know what some people are thinking. The golden rule is "Don't ask!", you just work on your project.
If Bethesda then wants to shut you down once you get big and famous, they can legally do it. But if you go knock at their door and ask permission, they legally have to deny it. Because the rights for many assets from previous games, can only be used on that game (like the music and voice assets, just like Gizmojunk mentioned).
Just curious because I haven't played TTW, is TTW in the same "using assets from previous game" situation?
The golden rule is "Don't ask!", you just work on your project. If Bethesda then wants to shut you down once you get big and famous, they can legally do it. But if you go knock at their door and ask permission, they legally have to deny it.
IRRC, it was the same way with Black Isle... but with them they had a formal attitude of 'Officially No', but
informally, they were generally okay with (modding), so long as they (plausibly) didn't have to notice it... but that didn't mean that they couldn't, or wouldn't sue you for it... just that they weren't likely to; and didn't want to have to.

(Presumably doing something egregious, or pornographic—or perhaps just telling them about it, would mean they'd have to notice it.)
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Just curious because I haven't played TTW, is TTW in the same "using assets from previous game" situation?
TTW is different a beast on it's own. Bethesda could have shut us down already if they wanted to. But they never did.
Later someone asked Obsidian about TTW and Obsidian said they were cool with it but couldn't really comment in any legal way.

I think TTW situation is different, because it involves games made by two different companies. I think while Bethesda has the IP rights and the rights to distribute FNV, they might not own the assets (if Obsidian paid for them), so Bethesda can't really say we can't use assets from a different company in their games, and Obsidian can't do the same.

Basically, we the TTW team know that Bethesda and Obsidian know about us, but as long as we don't distribute any game assets, we are not really breaking the law.
But how come Morrowind into Skyrim and projects like that are ok? Skywind has been around for years! What's the difference?
But how come Morrowind into Skyrim and projects like that are ok? Skywind has been around for years! What's the difference?
Are they using the original Morrowind assets? (...or are they using user made replica models & sound-alikes?)

AFAIK, if they are using the original assets imported to Skyrim, then it's not okay according to Bethesda's past stance on it... perhaps they have decided it was okay... in the sense that they decided not to sue them in this particular case. (?)
AFAIK, if they are using the original assets imported to Skyrim, then it's not okay according to Bethesda's past stance on it... perhaps they have decided it was okay... in the sense that they decided not to sue them in this particular case. (?)

They are not using assets. Everything the Skywind team made has been from scratch.
So then a Fallout 3 into Fallout 4 would be very much ok during the right circumstances. But why you would ever want to play Bethesdas "Fallout 3" (in any form) is beyond my cognitive abilities

The writing is still shit even in an upgraded engine.