Fallout especially Bethesda's fallout has a lot of references in pulp magazines like weird tales or amazing stories. I believe these are some of their few good additions to the canon.

The silver shroud is a reference to Walter B. Gibson's The Shadow

For more on the Shadow Here:

Grognak The Barbarian is an obvious reference to Robert E. Howard's Conan The Barbarian

For more on Conan The Barbarian Here:

Also Robert E. Howard wrote for Weird Tales which H.P. Lovecraft also wrote for.

So someone at Bethesda has an interest in old pulpy characters and writers, this is one thing I'd like to see expanded on in the new fallout games. Like how the elder scrolls has books why can't Fallout have pulpy novels based on Grognak, Shroud, or the mechanist. I'd also like to see more radio dramas in the future.

Did y'all notice any other references and do you like these pulpy references?

Also what would lore additions that Bethesda made did you like and believe should be expanded on?
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The pulpy stuff is stuff I actually kind of like seeing in Fallout. Honestly, the whole SCIENCE! schtick has its origins in pulp and schlocky scifi/horror (Giant Ants being possibly a nod to THEM! in particular, come to think of it), so playing with this aspect is something I have to begrudgingly give Bethesda.

Additions? Well, if VB is considered to be canon and not apocryphal we had what was effectively the start of a space force. We didn't have MUCH of one yet, but it would be safe to assume that Captain Cosmic and Jangles the Moon Monkey (was that what it was called? forget) wasn't the only article of popular media revolving around space at that time.
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The pulpy stuff is stuff I actually kind of like seeing in Fallout. Honestly, the whole SCIENCE! schtick has its origins in pulp and schlocky scifi/horror (Giant Ants being possibly a nod to THEM! in particular, come to think of it), so playing with this aspect is something I have to begrudgingly give Bethesda.

Additions? Well, if VB is considered to be canon and not apocryphal we had what was effectively the start of a space force. We didn't have MUCH of one yet, but it would be safe to assume that Captain Cosmic and Jangles the Moon Monkey (was that what it was called? forget) wasn't the only article of popular media revolving around space at that time.

Yeah, Fallout 3's quest about the giant ants was even called THOSE! so it's definitely a reference, and with the whole sea of tranquility painting in the museum of freedom we were fighting the Chinese on the Moon so we definitely had a space force. The new creation club release really fleshed out Captain Cosmos and Jangles the Moon Monkey a lot more than the base game as well.

I found a great artist who made some pulp themed New Vegas art on Deviant Art seems like a great artist: https://www.deviantart.com/eyeofsemicolon/gallery/

1. One For My Baby

He has a handful of other ones as well so I'd check him out!
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Fallout 76 Has expanded upon this list with revealing or fleshing out the Mistress of Mystery, I see her as more of a female version of The Phantom (admittedly more of a comic character than pulp) with some sorcery and gadgets added into the mix.

(Shannon Rivers, actress who voices the Mistress of Mystery)


(The Phantom)

For more information on The Phantom:
Let's not forget that Obsidian was the one that actually brought the "Pulp" magazines to Fallout in Fallout New Vegas.

True Police Stories:

Obviously based on all the classic Detective and Police Pulp Magazines:






Tales of Chivalrie:





La Fantoma (original female "The Phantom" of Fallout):

The cover is a total ripoff of the "Adventure Comics Vol 1 #428", featuring the Black Orchid:


Lad's Life:

Obvious reference to the Iconic Pulp Magazine "Man's Life":



Lad's Life:

Obvious reference to the Iconic Pulp Magazine "Man's Life":
Would also like to throw in that this could be a partial reference to Boys' Life as well, which is a Boy Scouts of America magazine. I know they aren't pulp magazines...
And I say this because the higher res version shows instructional things on the cover which Boys' Life also included inside.