The Roadmap, A Critique

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Mr Fish

Slippy sloppy, The
So, I recently watched Bellular News where they talked about Bethesda Launcher shutting down and they looked briefly at the Fallout 76 Roadmap and said positive things about it as it seems like Fallout 76 is getting the attention it needs as if the content it is getting is actually substantial and I ranted for myself (as I talk to myself like a crazy person) and decided that hey, this would be good to bring up on NMA.

So let's take a look at the roadmap for 2021 and 2022 then shall we.

(click to enlarge) -> 2021.jpg


First up is Locked And Loaded.
It includes a variety of things, none of which have anything to do with "locked and loaded" but whatever. Let's go with them one at time starting with:

CAMP Slots
Now in Fallout 76 You can create a CAMP which has a set radius where you have a build limit ala Fallout 4's settlement system (excluding the settlers themselves of course) and throughout the game you can find plans to unlock new things to build or you can buy things on the storefront or get things through the SCOREBOARD. Basically, it's like the build portion of The Sims. And as someone who likes The Sims, it was fun to build things, once you got some damn plans to build shit. Here's the problem though... What happens if you want to build more things than one singular CAMP? Well you'd have to scrap everything you worked on and restart. That seems kinda dumb. Wouldn't it make sense to allow the player to have multiple locations where they could build their little sims locations? Why yes it would. In fact, I would have thought that this would have been a given from the get go, yet we had to wait until 2021 to get this.

Why? Well, on the ATOM SHOP there are these things called "Shelters" that are basically interior cells where you can place a hatch or a door or whatever it needs in your CAMP that players can interact with to get to the interior cell. Each Shelter has its own layout however it cannot have any of the benefits of a proper CAMP, like resource gathering or CAMP NPC's. And guess what these typically cost on the ATOM SHOP? 1500 ingame credits. Basically 14 bucks. So why did we not get additional camp slots until now? Do a big think and figure that out for yourself.

Now in my opinion, as someone who has played both Fallout 4 and The Sims I would have known from the get go that players would have wanted multiple slots. Yet they only introduced it this late and you only get 1 additional slot (meaning 2 in total) for free, any further slots cost money on the ATOM SHOP. So in my view, they withheld content from the game as long as they could to milk Shelters until they finally stopped turning as much of a profit as they're fucking useless and they did the bare minimum to allow more CAMP slots and even then we have to pay real money for more than 2 total slots.

SPECIAL Loadouts
Fallout 76 is not like an MMORPG where you need multiple class types to fill up a variety of roles to make sure a party stays alive. It's a free for all where you don't have to give a damn about anyone else and it isn't an RPG so "your choices matter" can sod off. It makes total sense of there to be a respec option in the game. In fact, based on previous MMORPG's and stuff it seems like a given that there ought to be a respec option from launch. Yet we had to wait until 2021 to get it, why?

Daily Ops Expansion 1
Daily Ops are basically a dungeon run that you go into and then the other members of your ingame party can join in. You fight in it, complete it get a daily reward, then there's no reason to do it at all for 24 hours. Now this dungeon thing only has one game mode and a few mutations that are cycled around but only one can be active at a time. So faster enemy speed or enemy attacks slow you down etc. The expansion brought in a new gamemode, took some base game enemies and cycled them into the pool and added in a few new mutations.

Crafting Sliders
W-what do you think that means? It means instead of crafting things one at a time you can choose how many to craft at once. It took them until 2021 to add that feature in which should have been there in Fallout 4 on launch let alone Fallout 76 on launch.

Armor you get you can put on these mannequins.
I'm pretty certain that this has been a feature of mods at the very least since Morrowind. Why the hell was this omitted from the base game?

And that's Locked & Loaded's features. Now as to why I don't think Bethesda deserves any positive reception for this: Multiple CAMP slots should have been a part of the game from the get go if not inplemented in the first few months, the fact that it took them this one and that they've beens selling Shelters on the store is a dead giveaway what their intentions are. Scummy. SPECIAL Loadouts or respec, crafting sliders and mannequins for armor/clothing should have been launch features, they deserve nothing but scorn for not including them at launch. Don't give me any shit about how hard it must have been for Bethesda to implement this stuff. They've been remaking the same game since Morrowind, there is no excuse for this.

Which leaves one thing, and that is Daily Ops Expansion 1. Is it new features? Yes. It is. But is it enough to make Daily Ops worthwhile? The answer is no. See Daily Ops is a lackluster feature that people only engage with solely for the reason for doing challenges to increase their rank on the SCOREBOARD. They didn't actually implement any new locations or enemies or whatever. Thing about Fallout 3 if you will, it got 5 DLC's. This is the meat of the update so it ought to be the size of at least one of the DLC's. But no, it takes vanilla locations, removes the entry point, adds maybe some new paths and spawn points and there we go. That's it. The actual mutations that enemies fall under hasn't been revamped or anything, it's still just one effect that is base game features. And it doesn't include many new enemies at all, the only new enemies it includes are the "final bosses" at the end of the run which is basically a damage sponge elite variant of the vanilla enemies most of the time.

So Locked & Loaded is basically a bunch of features that should have been a part of launch or shortly implemented after launch or it should have been a part of the Daily Ops original inception as it has always been extremely lackluster.

I'm gonna need to do another post after this....

Steel Reign

All right then, we got 3 things in this update, the actual story content which.... Pause for suspense... Is an actual update, actual proper work has been put into it to further the story of Fallout 76. I have nothing negative to say about it as an update, as a story or as a Fallout story on the other hand there might very well be issues.

No, the story update is fine. The things I want to focus on is the other three things. In the SCOREBOARD you complete daily and weekly challenges (that are limited tp 10 a day/week) to get SCORE which inreases your Rank on the SCOREBOARD. As you rank up you unlock little mini rewards. SOmetimes a new outfit skin, sometimes a bit of Atom Shop coins, sometimes a new piece of furniture for your Sims CAMP. It's why I call Fallout 76 an addiction simulator because it encourages you to keep coming back day after day week after week to not risk FOMO, fear of missing out.

Now previously, if you reached 100 on the SCOREBOARD... That's it. You're done. There is nothing left to achieve. It took them 5 seasons of this to actually figure out "what if we allow players to keep on achieving ranks but loop the pool of non-fixed rewards, such as items or atom shop coins?"

It's not a big deal to me. But it does seem weird that it took them 1.25 years to figure this out.

Now then, Legendary Power Armor.
I have nothing to say about it as I don't use Power Armor. Sorry. I can't give any insight into this feature as I just don't care about it. Which means we're moving on to:

Legendary Crafting
Boy oh boy is this a colossal shitshow. Remember how in Fallout 4 you killed enemies and you got a weapon that had a randomized bonus feature? Yeah, we got that but up to 3. Apart from weapons that you get plans for by buying them with Gold Bullion such as the uh... Plasma Spear or whatever and the Gauss weapons, you can only get these rank 3 weapons by killing legendaries and doing certain specific public events but you have no control over the effects you get.

When it comes to weapons who's plans to craft you buy with gold bullion, when you craft them (using legendary modules which you buy with scrip that you get from scrapping legendary gear at a specific scrapping station (who has a daily limit, addiction simulator)) they will RNG their legendary effects from rank 1 to rank 3, which means that if you plan on using these weapons it's basically a slot machine where every time you pull the lever you hope for the correct 3 effects to align to get the perfect weapon.

So.... What players had been asking for on the forums (which they nuked, I wonder why...) was for the ability to craft the legendary weapons they wanted themselves. So Bethesda in their awesome intellect decided to implement Legendary Cores.

What a Legendary Core does is that it has 3 ranks. Rank 1, which is useless. Rank 2, which can eat satan's cock in hell. And Rank 3, the only rank anyone cares about. And each rank will RNG 1, 2 or 3 effects on a weapons.

However.... ... ... It is RNG. So you have absolutely no control over the effects you get. To top that off the cores are fairly rare to get from public events so no one is happy. I remember joining the Beta and checking the forums and seeing people be pissed about the implementation of legendary crafting and what did they o about it? Nothing. In fact they nuked the forum. Cause fuck you, that's why.

So yeah, Steel Reigh is a proper update when it comes to the story but the scoreboard ranks should have been introduced in season 2, not season 5 and no one likes Legendary Crafting.

Legendary Effects
There are new effects to weapons and armors. However, I think this is a feature that should be updated bi-monthly, not once whenever the planets align. So while this IS a few new features; Why did it take them this long to update the pool of Legendary Effects? There is no justified reason for it. A Live Service should update this as it goes along, it should not require a specific update for it.


This update has two things. One is private worlds which should have been thing in the first 6 months of release for subscribers on Fallout 1st and the second is Daily Ops Expansion 2.

Fallout Worlds.
Should have been implemented months after release to justify Fallout 1st. There is no excuse for this. Fuck Bethesda. This is actively withholding content and releasing it later as padding.

Daily Ops Expansion 2
3 vanilla locations repurposed and we can now occasionally get 2 enemy mutations at once. The former should be a periodic update bi-monthly and the latter should have been a part of Daily Ops from the get go.


Got pushed back to 2022, apart from "The Ritual" event I guess which I never took a part of so I can't comment on it. Anyway, that's 3 "major" updates in one year. Not 4.
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So, moving on to 2022.

No before I start all of this I want everyone to pay attention to the padding at the bottom. The "seasons". A "season" is this:

Each rank is one slot, each slot has a tiny little puny reward.
What I'm saying is that "seasons" are FOMO bullshit addiction simulator design that can burn in fucking hell and are not good. In fact, every time you see a "season" it is a condemnation of Bethesda's treatment of their audience and especially their goading and predation of "whales".

Moving on.

Jesus that's big!

Do you honestly think that "aliens" are going to be a mainstay of Fallout 76? No. It is a seasonal/annual thing that the rest of the year will not exist. I'm sorry but to be this is not "real content" because 90% of the year this will not even be a feature of the game. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe little green men running around is just a part of the Fallout experience from now one but I highly doubt that. Limited events such as this is not real content in my eyes as it is a fun distraction but after the event is over (just like any already existing event in Fallout 76) it's back to the usual grind where nothing has changed.

Fallout Worlds Update
Again, this is something that should just be periodically added to. It should not be a "seasonal feature". AND considering that I think Fallout Worlds should have been implemented in the first 6 months of release THIS should have been added in the following 3 months after that. The fact that we had to wait until 2022 is laughable. I'm not going to give Bethesda credit for sitting with their collective thumb up their arse doing fuck all and not implementing the obvious feature it should always have had.


Way too big of an image...

So, two things. New public events and Fallout 1st Scoreboard Upgrades.

Let's take the latter first this time. Fallout 1st members get an additiona little tiny puny miniscule reward on SCOREBOARD every like 10 ranks or so, if even that. And it's taken them 9 seasons to finally get their heads out of their arse to go "hey, maybe we should give paying members something of actual worth?" I'm serious about this, why is Bethesda this incompetent? Season 9? That's when they've decided to implement this?

I find no excuse for this. It should have happened way earlier. My guess is that Bethesda.... Austin? Has a skeleton crew that is focused mainly on the story updates and have to pad out every single other update to make it "appear" as if there is proper content updates to the game. Which, as I think I said in my first post (bit drunk) there isn't any.


New Public Events!

How do I even explain this... Public Events are tiny little things with super simplistic goals and minimal narrative content (if any) where you go to location, get simple objective, do simple objective, win. I guess I have to go over a bunch of different public events to prove my point but I'll do that later cause, well, drunk. Fuck you, I love you.


This has been hyped to hell and back and I have no idea what this "Expeditions" thing is going to be so I can't comment on it but hey, I'll give Bethesda the benefit of the doubt even if they don't deserve it: This is probably a proper update.


Bla bla bla new Public Events whatever.

Let's focus on the second thing instead. Region Boss event.

Remember the Scorchbeast Queen? The reskinned Skyrim Dragon spouting radiation? Yeah, we have that + 1 more region boss. So 2. How long has F76 been out? November 14th 2018. So we're 3 ½ years into this shitshow right. And we have 2 events that happen when you drop a nuke. Does that seem acceptable to you? Like, that's it for late game. Let me drive that point home by drilling it into your cranium. THAT IS ALL THERE IS FOR LATEGAME. 2 boss encounters. It's pathetic. Sure, it's a new event and all, but let's go over the previous two events in terms of "content".

Sccorchbeast Queen spawns when you nuked the south-eastern part of the map, a bigger version of the Scorchbest (yes there are lesser ones) will spawn which flies around and shoots radiation while scorched enemies (reskinned enemies) spawn around the areas to attack you as well. You kill it, yay done.

Earl is a... Mutant... Thing... I don't know.

Looks like that. And he uh.... Is a meatsponge. Total meatsponge. You nuke a mine in the mid-eastern part of the map and a location opens up to attack him. It is a new interior cell where you fight a meat sponge enemy who can create little pools of debuffs around the area and have a bunch of wendigo's spawn.

What I'm getting at is this. It's not the most super complex thing to add into the game. One new enemy with a new power and a bunch of vanilla enemies spawn to just distract you. Hell, Daily Ops Expansion 1 implemented more than this update would.
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placeholder post 3, don't remove, I'm editing it.


Christ, ok, I'm gonna need to review my previous two posts for my final assessment.

But a TLDR is this: If you see someone comment on the "roadmap for Fallout 76" positively, I'd advice you to NOT give Bethesda hat benefit of the doubt. Only the third thing, the fall update, has anything of real substance to it. Bethesda has withheld content or just been completely fucking incompetent and are adding features that should have been base game or year 1 updates way way late.
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Headsup, The Pitt is playable on the PTS. It basically just another Daily Op that takes 2 days of prep work to actually play. Not interesting at all.
Sounds like a dream come true. I always wanted to play the only decent location in Fallout 3 in a gimped form in a shitty battle royale game.
Point Lookout was a decent map (looked ok) but I struggle to think of one location aside from the mansion. They just tossed rednecks on the map and called it good.
Point Lookout was a decent map (looked ok) but I struggle to think of one location aside from the mansion. They just tossed rednecks on the map and called it good.
It's also full of horribly made assets that lower the game's fps to be quite low. It's the most poorly optimized area in FO3 and DLCs.
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