The Vault suits


Vault Senior Citizen

All day i have been wondering what the vault suits would be made of. I guess they would have to be flexible and provide some protection against radiation and other toxinx, but still be pretty light. What do you guys think they would be made of?
I made them and I made them out of samples of dyed pubic hair from many donators. You'd be amazed what dyed pubes can do.

Mohrg :twisted:
Forgotten said:

All day i have been wondering what the vault suits would be made of. I guess they would have to be flexible and provide some protection against radiation and other toxinx, but still be pretty light. What do you guys think they would be made of?

They aren't protective, they are just standard issue for dwellers of a vault. The vault does the protection, so the suits just need to keep you comfy.
I figured that the vault suits would be made of either nylon or rayon.... both artifical threads, seeing as how cotton would be in short supply in a vault.... Though, If the vault planner were a good one.... Cotton could be the fabric of the vault suit......

Always wanted to do this.

This belongs in the Fallout General Discussion.
Mohrg6sic6 said:
So the Vault Dweller is a homosexual? Weak...

Mohrg :twisted:

Hey, hey lets not say things we cant take back now! :wink:

I would think of something stretchable so one-size-fits-all. Spandex would work...or what about polyester? I think saw a disco ball in one of the vaults...

The Vault Dweller
What I don't understand about Vault clothing is what male Vault dwellers do when they have a hard-on. I mean, it would likely be very... noticeable due to the tight, form-fitting cotton/spandex suit. Same goes for Star Trek uniforms. I can offer three possible explanations:

1) Vault men / Starfleet officers have adapted to the ubiquitous tight outfits and become impotent. Sexual intercourse is a thing of a past, and babies are created by means of artificial insemination. Suicide rates have skyrocketed.

2) Walking around with a massive bulge in your pants has become so widely accepted in the Vaults / Starfleet that nobody considers it particularly shameful or gross. In fact, we can expand this theory and presume that penile erection has become an integral part of the Vault / Star Trek culture and society, so people who don't have a permanent and visible boner are considered outcasts or, at the very least, unusual. Either that, or they have really small weenies.

3) Vault men / Starfleet officers avoid all non-essential contact with more attractive members of the opposite sex, because arousement resulting from such contact would likely result in public humiliation. They live in a constant state of anxiety, for even innocent encounters with their work colleagues, superiors, sisters (?), brothers (?!) or parents (...) could lead to embarrassment due to unpredictable nature of the male libido. This risk increases exponentially because other Vault dwellers wear identical outfits - tight, thin, form-fitting, curve-accentuating, nipple-protruding, thong-displa... - AAAH, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! ...ahem... These men likely masturbate more to relieve some of the dangerous sexual tension that could otherwise build up and spontaneously erect - errr, errupt in the course of their interaction with fellow Vault dwellers / Starfleet officers. On a brighter note, these tight outfits, for all their shortcomings, provide an efficient means of detecting homosexuals, pedophiles and other perverts that would otherwise go unnoticed and freely subvert the new society in making with their sick tendencies.

Comments, anyone?
well the combat armor pants are supposed to be tight fitting leather pants... so draw your own conclusions i guess
Leather and all we need is a yellow helmet and an indian headdress.

Mohrg :twisted:
Ratty said:
1) Vault men / Starfleet officers have adapted to the ubiquitous tight outfits and become impotent. Sexual intercourse is a thing of a past, and babies are created by means of artificial insemination. Suicide rates have skyrocketed.

ehem...I don't think the vault dweller(I'm not talking about the vault dweller on this forum) is sterile...think about all the stuff you did in fallout...

maybe they have a special kind of underpants :?
They probably have a codpiece - protects you from radiation and makes you look extra manly at the same time!
Ratty said:
What I don't understand about Vault clothing is what male Vault dwellers do when they have a hard-on. I mean, it would likely be very... noticeable due to the tight, form-fitting cotton/spandex suit. Same goes for Star Trek uniforms. I can offer three possible explanations:

1) Vault men / Starfleet officers have adapted to the ubiquitous tight outfits and become impotent. Sexual intercourse is a thing of a past, and babies are created by means of artificial insemination. Suicide rates have skyrocketed.

2) Walking around with a massive bulge in your pants has become so widely accepted in the Vaults / Starfleet that nobody considers it particularly shameful or gross. In fact, we can expand this theory and presume that penile erection has become an integral part of the Vault / Star Trek culture and society, so people who don't have a permanent and visible boner are considered outcasts or, at the very least, unusual. Either that, or they have really small weenies.

3) Vault men / Starfleet officers avoid all non-essential contact with more attractive members of the opposite sex, because arousement resulting from such contact would likely result in public humiliation. They live in a constant state of anxiety, for even innocent encounters with their work colleagues, superiors, sisters (?), brothers (?!) or parents (...) could lead to embarrassment due to unpredictable nature of the male libido. This risk increases exponentially because other Vault dwellers wear identical outfits - tight, thin, form-fitting, curve-accentuating, nipple-protruding, thong-displa... - AAAH, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! ...ahem... These men likely masturbate more to relieve some of the dangerous sexual tension that could otherwise build up and spontaneously erect - errr, errupt in the course of their interaction with fellow Vault dwellers / Starfleet officers. On a brighter note, these tight outfits, for all their shortcomings, provide an efficient means of detecting homosexuals, pedophiles and other perverts that would otherwise go unnoticed and freely subvert the new society in making with their sick tendencies.

Comments, anyone?
4) The boner has become integrated into the dating and relationship culture and has since caused a revolution now that no man is able to hide their sexual attraction.
On a less positive note, this has caused the number of jealousy-related crimes to skyrocket.
Considering that they were all locked up Im sure they had sex constantly...whatever they wore it must have been easy to take off.

You think the women wear bra's?

The Vault Dweller