Todd on FO3:'Uh... it's currently... full steam ahead.'

Ratty Sr.

Ratty, except old
In Part Two of his interview for Escape Radio, Todd Howard, the executive producer of Fallout 3, answered some questions about the upcoming CRPG. As usual, he said nothing concrete, but it can be surmised that many elements of the game are already done and a playable build may already exist. Here's a transcript for those who can't be bothered with downloading the entire podcast:
<blockquote>Host: Since you mentioned it first I don't feel bad about asking, but... what can you tell us about Fallout 3?

Todd: Uh... it's currently... full steam ahead and... um... so... that would be something that, yeah, we're definitely not ready to talk about yet... um... in terms of we're still... trying things out... but it's, it's going... it's going very well... there's a lot of... good stuff... in the game right now... well, at least we, we think it's good stuff right now... we... that may change before we... announce... really announce the game and show it off, so...

Host: You told... you told GameSpot about two years ago you guys were in the messing with stuff phase... What... what would you characterize it now, what phase would you consider the project to be at now?

Todd: Um... messing with different stuff... heh...

Host: (laughter) Awesome.

Todd: Um... yeah, we have very long... what we... what we describe as preproduction... Y'know, for us it's very, very, very long... At the end of preproduction for us we have... something you can play... this is... this is, this is what the game... this is a little (?) part of the game... and, uh... yeah, for better or worse we spend a while doing that.</blockquote>Links:
Escape Radio
The full podcast (the interview starts at 21st minute)

Thanks, VDweller.
I dont know anymore Im kinda looking forward to the release of Afterfall more than FO3 because I still think the new developers of FO3 are gonna try and make it for a broader gamer crowd!Afterfall devs seem to be hitting the nail right on the head with the content Ive read on the site so far!Only time will tell what we can expect from FO3!
So, uh, y'know, uh... if Bethesdas PR is, y'know... so eloquent, it makes me wonder just how literate their, um... writers are, y'know, literate...
WTF cares about StarTrek!That has the most BS interview Ive ever heard!What a complete waste of breath!That guy is not a good bluffer!After he said he wasnt gonna talk about FO3 I would have hung up on him!
Todd said:
Uh... it's currently... full steam ahead
I rather thought so, Todd.

This interview is totally disappointing.
Why does he even bother answering? Todd, stand up and just say "I ain't gonna tulk abut Fallut 3, Sucker!!"

This babbling is no good. Just no good.' gon'...lik...suk...r nething...uknow....
Uh... it's currently... full steam ahead and... um... so... that would be something that, yeah, we're definitely not ready to talk about yet... um... in terms of we're still... trying things out... but it's, it's going... it's going very well... there's a lot of... good stuff... in the game right now... well, at least we, we think it's good stuff right now... we... that may change before we... announce... really announce the game and show it off, so...

OK fucktard speak like a normal motherfucker! Shit this annoys me. It was so dificlut to read though, as he always hesitated and avoided questions.

Such...uh...great interview, I thought I would make a new pic for this occasion. :D

there's a lot of... good stuff... in the game right now... well, at least we, we think it's good stuff right now

What they think there is good stuff in it? that line doesn't leave much hope. If you are making a game you should know there is good stuff not think.'s...good...uh...y'know it's uh...good...because...uh...y'know...
Todd said:
there's a lot of... good stuff... in the game right now... well, at least we, we think it's good stuff right now... we... that may change before we... announce... really announce the game and show it off, so...
The fact that they think there's good stuff in the game may change before the official announcement of the game? He's such a dork.
This whole experience is shaping up to be as unintentionally hilarious as Uwe Boll's movie-making efforts. Maybe Rosh can set up a boxing match with Todd after F3's release.

Interview said:
Host: ...what phase would you consider the project to be at now?

Todd: Um... messing with different stuff... heh...
Like... messing with as in... reviewing whether or not to drop throwing weapons entirely because grenading is teh hard?
Or having Small Guns, Big Guns and Melee Weapons skills, but cutting Energy Weapons and having Unarmed ability tied directly to Strength?
Maybe Agility being a grindable statistic that determines how fast you can run?
Ooh, what about Outdoorsman being raised whenever you run across an animal, for the ultimate purpose of lowering the amount of radiated bears you run into while fast-traveling everywhere?

LouisH said:
That guy is not a good bluffer!
I suppose he must not be, seeing as he's not bluffing.

LouisH said:
After he said he wasnt gonna talk about FO3 I would have hung up on him!
Oh please. By the way, could you please lay off the exclamation points a bit and redirect some of that enthusiasm to grasping the concept of tapping the space-bar after the completion of sentences instead?

rumpl said:
"I ain't gonna tulk abut Fallut 3, Sucker!!"
That was not funny, nor was it accurate to Todd's style. Try again.

dev said:
if this game will be as "good" as this interview i gonna kill myself
Okay. Just remember that it's down the block, not across the street.

duckman said:
That's the spirit! Unfortunately, I am going to have to dock you a few points due to your lack of effort in the "Creativity" and "Sarcasm" categories, for a total of... 9.4/10! Post of the year! The decade! THE ALL TIME?!? teh dark brudderhud wuz kewl

o wate nvrmind

Serifan said:
If you are making a game you should know there is good stuff not think.
You clearly don't know Todd that well. The dork is nervous, and when he's nervous he pathetically tries to appear humble. What's not clear is whether the nervousness roots from the interview, the masked Fallout die-hards who burned a an effigy of the quest compass outside his place last night, or his insecurities over the meaning behind the Cleveland steamer Vlatko plopped on him after last week's company party. It smelled like Wendy's chicken nuggets.

Or, y'know, some strange combination of the three.
Look here man I dont care if ya work for Bethesda or whatever seeing that you are in Rockville!The interview sucked period!I understand you gotta defend your people but that interview was crap! Since you have so much too say about our comments why dont you answer some questions about the game instead of trying to tell us how to correct our grammer !
This place is filled with the most dedicated FO fans so yea you should have expected negative comments about a shitty unuseful interview like that! People have been waiting forever and we still cant even get an idea of what FO3 would be like! Take those comments how ya want I really dont care!
...You're joking, right? You have to be. Read the entire post, if you please. Actually read it, don't just skim.

LouisH said:
Look here man I dont care if ya work for Bethesda or whatever seeing that you are in Rockville!
Don't look at me, I just live here.
Afterfall devs seem to be hitting the nail right on the head with the content Ive read on the site so far!
At the moment we're fighting for a serious budget for Afterfall to have a possibility to create something, what would be a successor of Fallout.
look i can imagine with what he speaked in his mouth, hehe if you understand, what i mean, yea im mean it.


oh boy, this boy will never get his mouth full.

uhh... im downloading... ahh... now ... ehh... this
then i maybe if i can will mix it with some funny stuff and upload it here as an audio file ^^

EDIT: DAMN look at that ghetto ass FLATSCREEN!! OUHHHH! i want that !! Now.
duckman said:
OK fucktard speak like a normal motherfucker! Shit this annoys me. It was so dificlut to read though, as he always hesitated and avoided questions.


The problem here is that whoever transcribed that didn't bother to clean it up like every professional journalist does (even though that would have amounted to less work). Then again, maybe that's too much to ask from a fansite. It'd be nice you didn't make information harder to get than it already is.