Two reviews from the SA forums


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Hopefully the two guys who made these BOS reviews won't care if I repost them here:

Pathos said:
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
7 Hours or so

Fallout:Brotherhood of Steel (F:BOS for short) is, in all respects, a pretty mediocre action/RPG hybrid. The game takes the amazingly robust Fallout universe and plugs it into a hack-and-slash shell, but it comes off feeling more like a Fallout homage than a Fallout game itself. Unfortunately, the general mediocrity of the entire game becomes more apparent as the game progresses, with the last hour being nothing more than a chore to play.

F:BOS follows the same formula laid out by Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and BG:DA2 - even going so far as using the exact same engine, albeit with a few minor enhancements. There is now an auto-targeting system which vastly improves the player's ability to attack mulitple targets, and the new map system which highlights objectives prevents a lot of the random wandering around that was so prevalent in BG:DA and the like. On the topic of technical merits, the game is reasonably pretty with nice particle effects and well-made character models, though it's obvious the artists felt somewhat restricted by the post-apocalyptic atmosphere as the entire game is dark and extremely limited in color usage. It's very reminiscent of Quake 1, where nearly everything is a dark shade of brown or grey and by the end of the game this lack of visual innovation becomes tedious and generally uninspiring.

The sound and music are completely generic - so much so that I can't even remember hearing if I heard any music in the game. Almost all the dialogue is spoken, ranging from sub-par voice actors to downright hideous (though, granted, they're not nearly as bad as the atrocious voice acting in the seminal Star Ocean 2). The real problem stems from the dialogue itself: It's hamfisted and generally sophomoric - a sense which permeates the entire game. Characters swear like a mongoloid sailor, oftentimes when it makes no sense at all (For example: Cyrus, the melee character, says "Shit" almost every single time he misses a swing). The combination of incredibly poor writing and the overuse of swearing becomes, again, extremely tiring by the end of the game.

This adoslescent dialogue is, again, indicative of the theme of the entire game. One of the first characters you see in the game is the leader of the Raiders, a woman glad in metal Dominatrix gear. Now, as much as I may like that particular mode of dress (I'll go into my sexual proclivities in some later review) it's so out of place in the Fallout world as to be incredibly thematically jarring. The fact that she has tits so large she would simply have to crawl everywhere due to an inability to walk around with so much weight on her chest is just another nail in the coffin. But this is just one small example of a theme that is echoed throughout the game: It feels like the head writer, head artist and head scene designer are all 12 year old boys given run over a design company.

But all's not bad. The game is, as BG:DA before it, a generally fun and mindless action romp. The co-operative mode (2 player limit) is a substantial improvement over the somewhat sub-par single player experience, though simply due to the inherent fun of running around and killing things with a friend (or significant other, if you're particularly lucky). The action is fast-paced and relentless, with the ranged-weapon problems of BG:DA completely eliminated. The weapons are satisfying and well-done, with each progressive armor and weapon upgrade all the more enticing. It's also pleasant surprise to see such Fallout favorites as the Power Sledge and others return in full 3D.

Generally, the game is pretty close to the Fallout canon. The post-apocalyptic world is held pretty consistent, with the deserts and cities (what little you see of them) looking suitably barren. However, as mentioned before, the game seems to be more of an homage than a real Fallout title. Some of the characters you meet later ingame are terribly inconsistent with how they've been portrayed in earlier Fallout games, and the near-constant renditions of Pipboy in the endgame seem to be more of a desperate measure to remind the player they're playing a Fallout game (as opposed to just some generic post-apocalyptic game) than anything else.

There is, however, one caveat: The end boss of the game is so shockingly bad as to almost ruin the entire rest of the game simply due to its overwhelming shitiness. I won't spoil it, but I'll simply say that I sat there for a full two minutes dumbfounded at the leve of contempt the developers must have for either the players themselves or for the Fallout universe. It's odd, too, since as I've already described, the game holds reasonably well to the Fallout universe throghout the rest of the game. However, the end boss is such an amazingly obvious cop-out and thematic inconsistency as to really bring into question the developer's intentions.

The game is either a reasonably fun multiplayer co-op game or a somewhat distracting single player experience. As the characters have very few (if any) individual perks, the replay value is limited at best. But, again, if you're looking for a generic hack-and-slash and for some reason don't want to go buy the vastly superior BG:DA2, pick up F:BOS. But only if it's really, really cheap.

Score: 1.5 / 5
Cost: $50
Value: $10

RevKrule said:
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - 7 hours, 100% Complete

A lot of people are upset that this game supposedly caused the end to Fallout 3 and Black Isle Studios. We're not going into this, because I'm not a rabid Fallout fanboy.

Let's start with graphics. The game looks really meh, plain and simple. There's nothing too special about these graphics, in fact, they look like they're about a year to a year and a half old. Maybe Sega and Tecmo have spoiled me but when i look at a game on the xbox, I feel like I should be blown away by the graphics or at least impressed. This did neither and really disappointed me. But hey, great games (disgaea) have come out with mediocre graphics, so we're not going to hold this against it.

Next on the list, sound. First off, this game is an "adult" game. I put adult in quotes because while fuck is said numerous times, most of the time it's used for shock value. I'm no prude, shit, I think I use fuck in a day more than some people use in their lifetime but you don't need to use the word fuck as every other word in a game. Max Payne 2 is a good example of using the word in moderation. This however is NOT the biggest problem with the sound in the game. The big problem is there is no Dolby Digital sound in this game. I'm going to repeat that because it bears repeating. There is no Dolby Digital sound in this game. I've had my xbox since almost launch and I've played a ton of xbox games. This is the FIRST game I've played for it that didn't have Dolby Digital sound. There is no excuse for this. As for the actual quality of the sound, it's quite dull, adequate voice acting, believable sound effects. Again, mediocrity ahoy.

Gameplay is a tough one to judge. I got really engrossed in playing the game at the start, then about 3/4s of the way through, I began asking myself what's the point? I kept playing because either a) I actually wanted to know what happened in the story towards the end or b) I'm a glutton for punishment or 3) a combination of the 2 (pssst, this one's the answer). The gameplay was all the same, hold right trigger until something turns red, hit a until it was gone. It's fun for a while but has huge diminishing returns.

Final Verdict. This game could have gotten a higher score if even the tiniest bit more of work was put into it. I think the biggest thing it has going against it is it bears the fallout name. If they had taken most of the ideas varried the gameplay a little and put in dolby digital sound, this could have been a hidden gem. As it stands, it's a very mediocre game that is just a shame to play. There's also no replayability in the game. They add extra characters after beating it but everyone carries the same ending.

Score - 2.5/5 (maybe a 4.5/10)
Paid - $25
Worth - Price a rental. It is at least worth giving a shot.

There you have it - deemed mediocre or worse by two non-"rabid Fallout fans"
Yeah, your other av was pretty hardcore, Montez.

This one's cool too, tho'.
Eh, I just thought I'd try out this one for awhile for a change of pace. It is kind of getting on my nerves though, so I'll change it back.
To anyone out there who (like me) is curious to know exactly what this end boss is after reading Pathos' review, I got this from Gamefaqs:

ok well first he's a mutant general who foolishly just runs around you in circles, pretty easy, then he blows up and turns into this blob thing that takes over the whole vault, so you have to fight like 3 tentacles and a eyeball blob that looks like the guy from Soul Reaver. After that you fight some stupid face blob who sucks you in and eats you and spits you out, THEN you fight another blob face (a bit further along), then you fight ANOTHER blob face, set a nuke to blow up the vault, have to run through more tentacles/mutants, and roach things, to escape in a train.
dipdipdip0 said:
To anyone out there who (like me) is curious to know exactly what this end boss is after reading Pathos' review, I got this from Gamefaqs:

ok well first he's a mutant general who foolishly just runs around you in circles, pretty easy, then he blows up and turns into this blob thing that takes over the whole vault, so you have to fight like 3 tentacles and a eyeball blob that looks like the guy from Soul Reaver. After that you fight some stupid face blob who sucks you in and eats you and spits you out, THEN you fight another blob face (a bit further along), then you fight ANOTHER blob face, set a nuke to blow up the vault, have to run through more tentacles/mutants, and roach things, to escape in a train.

Hmmmm... Blob. Wasn't that dealt with at the end of F01? Master?

Way to go Team Chuck. :roll:
Slowly He Turned ...

Slowly He Turned ...

Step by step, inch by inch ...

... tentacles ...

... tentacles ...

...tentacles ....


Not PURPLE ALIEN tentacles, please say it ain't sooo.

Well it is a merciful market place for I found BG:DA2 at 30, new, and can distract the official 11 year old, between his basketball obsessions, with seeking purple alien tentacle content in BG:DA2.

Don't you DARE tell him there are tentacles in FO:BOS.

.. please ..
