Vault-Tec Started the War, Bros

The proliferation of Fallout lore channels is cancer. I understood it for Dark Souls since Dark Souls lore is obscure to even those who play it and interpreting it is part of the point, often times Dark Souls lore channels also have good dramatic presentation to them. It makes sense.

But for Fallout? Fallout presents all of its lore in an extremely straightforward manner, and better yet often does so with its own dramatic presentation and flair. Having some monotone nerd re-explain something that doesn't need explaining purely exists for the type of newly christened cultural bottom feeders that are internet addicted and watch movies through clips on YouTube and get all of their information on games from "LORE EXPLAINED" and overly sardonic video essayists rather than actually playing them, likely because they're too dopamine and ADHD addled to even take the time to play a fucking video game. That is all these channels exist for, and it annoys the fuck out of me that these people are proliferating this culture.
Vault-Tec = Metaphor for Military Industrial Complex.

I didn't watch the video. I've completed some fallout games.
Ain't gonna watch 40 minutes of this guy trying to sound like a man and adding "uh" to the end of words to hear what can probably be condensed to "Fallout 76 has some slip of paper in there somewhere that hints at Vault Tec pulling strings in the background because evil corporation".
The idea that Vault-Tec would start the war is so stupid because the loose tether of justification for the experiments best makes sense when you consider the idea that they didn't think a war would actually happen so making social experiments masked as survivalist bunkers nation wide wasn't a complete and utter retard decision but rather the nutty unethical actions of a cold war government
The idea that Vault-Tec would start the war is so stupid because the loose tether of justification for the experiments best makes sense when you consider the idea that they didn't think a war would actually happen so making social experiments masked as survivalist bunkers nation wide wasn't a complete and utter retard decision but rather the nutty unethical actions of a cold war government

No, it's not. It's the same idea that was prominent through the 50's and 60's that nuclear war was inevitable. All sorts of plans of trying to have a first-strike capability, having more infrastructure that will survive nuclear war, having survival bunkers, ect. To strike before the enemy strikes; To eliminate communist threat; Jeff Besos wants to go to space.

It's not stupid in the lore of fallout. Of course it IS stupid, but so are a lot of things.
Worst fan theory next to the Fallout 4 protagonist being a Synth. Why isn't it enough that the War started due to two superpowers locked in a titanic fight, and one began losing and did the nuclear equivalent of flipping the table after losing at poker?
Worst fan theory next to the Fallout 4 protagonist being a Synth. Why isn't it enough that the War started due to two superpowers locked in a titanic fight, and one began losing and did the nuclear equivalent of flipping the table after losing at poker?

Because that is horrible writing? This isn't Star Wars. Or it wasn't.

However Fallout isn't about writing anymore. Now it's an excuse to get access to the armory after all semblance of law and order go out the window.

What's wrong with the protagonist being a synth if it actually works? "It doesn't and doesn't matter."
What's wrong with the protagonist being a synth if it actually works? "It doesn't and doesn't matter."
Because it doesn't work. It doesn't even make sense with the writing we're given. It is just a simple contrived theory from one (1) throaway dialogue line from a methhead-tier manipulator.

Vault-Tec starting the war is a needless "let's make everything some uber-conspiracy" when in reality it just fits better with everything that the war started as a consequence of the Sino-American War. Not everything has to have some great big fucking conspiracy behind it.
No, it's not. It's the same idea that was prominent through the 50's and 60's that nuclear war was inevitable. All sorts of plans of trying to have a first-strike capability, having more infrastructure that will survive nuclear war, having survival bunkers, ect. To strike before the enemy strikes; To eliminate communist threat; Jeff Besos wants to go to space.

It's not stupid in the lore of fallout. Of course it IS stupid, but so are a lot of things.

Yes, the Vaults aren't a stupid idea but making them into suicidally destructive social experiments they wouldn't be able to monitor is.

And also the nuclear war being a conspiracy of evul companies undermines the more meaningful message about human nature broadly and the irrelevance of context or ideology to the fundamentally destructive nature of man. The War being something that was completely out of control, a raging fire from a spark of human failure rather than "the plan all along" is much more interesting.
I am perfectly fine with new stories and ideas. Fallout as a setting is hard-satire believe it or not. The originals. The original game is perfectly fine with all of your characters dying along the way towards its resolution that in the end it didn't matter much what you did to begin with because you were caught up in the fragmented tribal ideologies and broken pieces of the past.

This opens the world up for nuance and detail in writing stories inside of itself.

Yes, the Vaults aren't a stupid idea but making them into suicidally destructive social experiments they wouldn't be able to monitor is.

Why not see what happens when you already are planning to use the FEV on the survivors in the first place?

The system that is used to test people by the government is suppose to shock you with how inhumane it is because that is how most secret government programs operate. The background of cold-war paranoia was the height of these types of experiments and it's the perfect place to showcase them.

Of course, I am talking like someone who plays videogames made before 2006.
Yes thank you for explaining to me what pre-2006 Fallout was like. Completely necessary.

It doesn't look like we're in actual disagreement though. I think the experiments are fine as an idea, but the idea that Vault-Tec was orchestrating the war starting in someway combined with the absurdity of the experiments is what makes the idea retarded to me.
Lets see here, you want to create a monoploy of power and influence, you are all high-minded and want to use all of this technology to create the utopia that you desire. Problem is that you're at war with communists who want to do the same thing but their idea of utopia is working at Communist Walmart.

You want to use all of this technology that you have acquired to do so. You have a step up in the mine-shaft gap between you and the communists.

You want to "evolve" humanity past these things into a new future with your FEV.

I don't see how starting a war to start the process is any more absurd than everything else that is written in the lore.

I haven't watched the original YouTube video in question but I've seen the "Vault-Tec started the war" theories paraded around on Reddit and they tend to say stuff like Vault-Tec effectively acts autonomously, starting the war by manipulating the US government itself to start the war because they're "creating demand for their own product" etc etc, which to my mind is stupid just because of the relatively unimportant position Vault-Tec actually held.

I think the idea of actually important politicos within relevant institutions forming the Enclave rather than the company that builds bunkers preparing themselves for the worst, and creating plans for domination should the worst happen (Much like the Strangelove scene in question is politicians making the most of a situation that sparked out of insane unexpected chaos with Ripper rather than something they had planned for) makes sense, and I also think it's handled best when their expectations of maintaining control ultimately fail.

The idea that there are those that expected the war and sought to capitalize on it isn't a problem. The idea that the government contractor company Vault-Tec itself orchestrated the war as part of a grand conspiracy all to plan (I.e pushing into war rather than capitalizing on the inevitable), is the problem. There's a fine line but it exists.
The important politicos would be shareholders in vault-tec, keep in mind.
They would but it's more the framing of it as Vault-Tec the entity acting autonomously or somehow pushing the world to war rather than politicians that would become the Enclave using Vault-Tec as an instrument for their preparations/machinations that I have a problem with.
One of the guy's pieces of evidence is that the megaton bomb and the new vegas easter egg both have Vault-Tec symbols.
One of the guy's pieces of evidence is that the megaton bomb and the new vegas easter egg both have Vault-Tec symbols.
But that's not the Vault-Tec symbol...

Also the war was "waged" by shooting nuclear ICBM's to each other, not dropping atomic bombs from a bomber (like in that example).

I tried to watch that video, but got bored even before that guy's intro finished... I don't have 40 minutes free to spend on it, so I hope he has better arguments than that.