Fallout 2 mod Vic's combat taunt dialogue issue after RP ver 2.3.3


First time out of the vault
All the companions in Fallout 2 has their own unique dialouge when they're in combat. (Ex. Myron will say "Please die, please die, please die" / Goris will say "I'm the one who put 'death' in the Deathclaw!")

Of course, companion Vic is one of them who has this feature. I can't remember all of his combat taunt, but I do remember him saying "Let's dance!"

Later in the game, however, Vic has lost the uniqueness of his combat taunt, and started to say generic combat taunts instead. (Ex. "This is what we do to virmins!", "Take the pain, mother%$#^!")

I'm not so sure, but I think this has happened after I gave him the power armor and ordered him to wear it.

At the time, I was running my game with Restoration Project, and I enabled the optional feature: Companions change their appearance based on their armor - This option made Vic to become totally different model when he's wearing power armor. The same model when player is wearing power armor, instead of Vic's own character model (Old, fat guy)

So here's my theory. Because Vic is now has generic power-armor-wearing model instead of his own fat guy model, this somehow alters his unique combat taunt dialogue and made him say the generic one instead, just like a generic model he has. (Although this doesn't seem to be the case for Myron. He never lost his uniqueness even if he's wearing power armor. I guess Vic was badly coded?)

I tried disabling combat taunt option, tried uninstall Restration Project and re-install it without the option to companion's appearance changes and start a brand new game, verifying the game file through out Steam, and I even uninstalled the whole game files and re-installed it, started the game without any mods whatsoever, just confirmed that Vic is STILL saying generic combat taunts.

At this rate, I'm starting to think the problem wasn't exactly Restoration Project, or Vic doesn't have any unique dialogues after all. If anyone can give me any answer, I would be appreciated it.

Also speaking of dialogue, was Myron supposed to say "As you wish" or "Let me help" when you order him to do Science stuff? I just recently browse through dialogue files in Fallout wikia and found out that Myron has his own unique Science skill usage dialogues that I never seen them before in my playthrough.
Yeah Vic doesn't have his own combat messages, but uses one of the Generic AI profiles (Tough Person).
Not sure why he never got his own as all the other full party members, except the dogs, got theirs.

They are supposed to be in COMBATAI.MSG, but as you can see by the missing asterisks (and the fact that there are no dialog lines between 40400 and 40800), they were never made.

# Party Members
# Notes
# 00-09 Hit in Head
# 10-19 Hit in Left Arm
# 20-29 Hit in Right Arm
# 30-59 Hit in Torso (Generic Non-Called Shot Hit)
# 60-69 Hit in Right Leg
# 70-79 Hit in Left Leg
# 80-89 Hit in Eyes
# 90-99 Hit in Groin
# 00-19 Running Away
# 20-39 Moving in to Attack
# 40-59 Attacking
# 60-79 Target being Missed
# 40000 Sulik **
# 40400 Vic
# 40800 Cassidy **
# 41200 Lenny **
# 41600 Marcus **
# 42000 Myron **
# 42400 Davin
# 42800 Miria
# 43200 Laddie
# 43600 Cyberdog
# 44000 Robo-Brain (Idiot/Chimp) **
# 44400 Robo-Brain (Human/Cybernetic) **
# 44800 Goris **

Maybe @Dravean could be persuaded to give Vic a little love, though not sure if there will ever be another patch.

As for the dialog for skill use, there are only the generic ones. Everyone, no matter what skill, use the same lines from SKILL.MSG
# Fallout 2: Party Member skill use generic responses

# I'll try
{1000}{}{Let me help.}
{1001}{}{I can do that.}
{1002}{}{I got it.}
{1003}{}{Glad to help.}
{1005}{}{I'll try.}

# Player wants to do it
{1100}{}{If you have trouble, let me know.}
{1101}{}{You got it?}
{1102}{}{If that's what you want.}
{1103}{}{Go ahead and try.}
{1104}{}{You go ahead.}

Unfortunately this is hard coded in the engine and to my knowledge there is no way to override it via scripts (unless you can do some magic trick with sfall that I am unaware of).
I swear to god, I've seen Vic saying unique combat dialogue... Although only thing I remember is "Let's dance!" - so is this line included in 'Tough Person' profiles, then?

The thing about Myron - http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/NhMyron.msg - This is where I find Myron would say something different if you order him to do science, (#17 ~ 19) but what you've said is true, is this sort of left over data?
Yes a 'Tough Person' has that dialog option. Check line 2230.

Myron does have unique skill messages in his dialog file and they are referenced in his script, but the problem is that there is no way for the script to check when he is using a skill and whether it was successful or not. The game engine randomly chooses one of the 6 relevant lines from the SKILL.MSG file. Because it is generic, it can't be personalized.
I would guess they hadn't decided exactly how to implement this thing when Myron was created. It's also possible they had meant to do it for everyone, but ran out of time, so they went with generic dialog instead.

I have been out of Fallout modding for a while and I haven't really been paying attention to things here. So I may remember wrong, or like I said earlier, maybe sfall has a solution. I really don't know.