W2 graphics


It Wandered In From the Wastes
What are you expecting of wasteland 2 in terms of graphics ?
(I am not talking about a top down or isometric view, just the quality level as a whole).
Did you expect better graphics than in fallout 1/2 ?
My opinion : fallout 1/2 level of quality for graphics is way enough, i would even not to be dissatisfied if they are of lesser quality.
I wouldn't mind 2D graphics, but creating these is actually harder than making 3D models nowadays.
So I think we'll get 3D world and models, moderately detailed with some decent effects.
If they go for Linux and OSX versions, they'll probably use an OpenGL renderer and not DirectX. Hopefully they won't have to cut corners because of that if they decide to write their own engine and renderer.
Thank you for your answer Hassknecth.
2D, 3D is not what is interesting me much, it's more the quality level, the final result you are expecting whatever the style choosen.
Also I fear i'm a terrible noob about graphic technology. 3D world models, moderality detailed with some decent effects mean you expect it to look "nicer" than fallout 1/2 ? (aside any personnal taste for 2D/3D)
Well, we will of course get a better quality, no doubt about that.
Either 2D or 3D, we will have way more details, way more animations, way more variety.
We will have a more varied lighting system with actual shadows and all the good stuff.
It will absolutely look nicer than Fallout 1/2.
Something similiar to Van Buren i imagine.

Google isometric games, you'll sign a high range of visual fidelity in 2d/3d. Fallout Tactics was 2d sprites and looked lovely and a lot better than Fallout 1/2.
Anything close to Fallout's graphics would be nice personally. Anything better than that is fine too.
I'm expecting something that looks nicer than Age of Decadence, but not by a lot.
I'd like the incredibly detailed (prerendered) backgrounds of the Commandos-series.
But I guess prerendered backgrounds are not exactly practical for a non-level-oriented approach.
Something along the lines of Van Buren, or the Troika PA test engine is probably what we should expect graphically.


Meh, I rather have a full 2d engine together with pre-rendered art, this van buren stuff doesn' t look really good to me .
Well your expectations exceed mines by a lot :lol:
About the view i vote for Top down (false perspective top-down) but it is going to be isometric. Works for me anyway.
Otherwise I was for 2D too but Rick Lion with this post manage to change my mind :
Yep 3D can be nice and if it is more economic, it's the way to go IMO.
My last concern was the camera, i hope it will be fixed camera, Rotating camera make me feel bad and i don't want to have to play with it to find items.
Autoduel76 said:
Something along the lines of Van Buren, or the Troika PA test engine is probably what we should expect graphically.


Yes,this is the right thing.
Yes,this is all we want.
Surf Solar said:
Meh, I rather have a full 2d engine together with pre-rendered art, this van buren stuff doesn' t look really good to me .

I think we aren't going to get something that looks "outstanding" by today's standards. This is a game they are playing to complete with 16 months of dev time, 6 months of which won't even be coding. This is a game that will likely be easily playable on your average laptop.

Perhaps I'm wrong and they are planning to make it with all of the modern graphical bells and whistles.

But I doubt it, and I don't need it either. Van Buren or Troika's engine look good enough for me. VB is less polished and would look a lot better with the direction and development time they will be taking anyway.
Also, who knows if those *specific* engines are even available or even ready for prime time. AFAIK, those were in-house engines. I hope the find an existing one that has at least some level of support and documentation that is useful for WL2 development (I hope that 6 months of planning involves that research).
This has nothing to do with those actual engines. They aren't going to use those specific engines. The point is simply to expect something, graphically, along that level.
It would be super great if the game looked like the Troika demo as far as the level of the visuals goes, but I'm expecting something worse (and by a not insignificant margin either) honestly.