Walked almost 10 kilometres today, snapped some pix


Keeper of the trout

Look, a bee! In my attempt at getting a good shot w my shitty phone-cam, I ended up getting an adorable little jump!


I love this about plants - usually thistles are like, knee high - but given the right conditions, they'll just grow into these monstrous beings - this one was at least 3 metres tall. There's also countless (and I mean countless) cow-parsleys, everywhere, but in some fields, they'd all be around 1 metre tall, but with these absolute giants in between. I wonder if these very large individuals might be "parents" of the carpets of smaller ones.


What's this btw? Anybody know? They seemed newly planted, the trees were all quite small, quite young, this close up was at roughly chest-height, and most trees were not much taller than this.


Half way through, there's a little power-up


Trondheim was never the place to dig up good graffitti, most is just random signatures, and the occasional "HOMO" or "COCK" or "FUCK YOU", but this one was a true easter-egg. It was off the path, along some cemented-up old German coastal fort-structures, where I could only see remnants after some hobo sleeping spot, and I spotted this only when we turned around to leave the area.
Oh, that whale is dope! I'm also trying to look up fruit trees and found some very similar to that image but not quite.
The other wall was dedicated to signatures, I'm no expert, but I'm imagining the main artist had the big wall-filling letters, and his accomplices smaller signatures around it, and what was charming was that the nautical theme seemed to continue, with little starfishes, octopus tentacles, shells and a grinning dolphin :D I love when real skill is put into grafitti, as well as some good mood, cus (for the most part) other grafittiers will leave these pieces alone, out of sheer respect and admiration

Also, during this trip, I came across a lot of birds - including an old crow who was sitting fairly close to me, not minding my presence, as well as a crane-couple up in a tree, and swifts flying just over my head, and two pairs of oystercatchers in some sort of loud territorial dispute - problem though - they're fuckin birds, they're the worst subjects to try to photograph! All of them were just distant blurry blobs, you need telescopic lenses and stuff, or it's a waste of effort...
I did my weekly walk to my local Walgreens to buy some soda today. Worked up a real sweat and it was raining. That's all the exercise I ever get.

What's this btw? Anybody know? They seemed newly planted, the trees were all quite small, quite young, this close up was at roughly chest-height, and most trees were not much taller than this.
Looks like an apple tree to me.
Looks like an apple tree to me.

That's kind of where my mind keeps going, but I'm surrounded by apple trees here, and those in the picture seem to all have this ridge, making the fruits seem composed of two halves (kind of like a walnut). On the fruit at the bottom right corner, this ridge is clearly visible. Could be the shape is just yet to inflate, and that any ridges will smoothen out. Maybe they're some particular breed that I'm unfamiliar with
That's kind of where my mind keeps going, but I'm surrounded by apple trees here, and those in the picture seem to all have this ridge, making the fruits seem composed of two halves (kind of like a walnut). On the fruit at the bottom right corner, this ridge is clearly visible. Could be the shape is just yet to inflate, and that any ridges will smoothen out. Maybe they're some particular breed that I'm unfamiliar with
They kinda look like a lemon-apple Hybrid
That's kind of where my mind keeps going, but I'm surrounded by apple trees here, and those in the picture seem to all have this ridge, making the fruits seem composed of two halves (kind of like a walnut). On the fruit at the bottom right corner, this ridge is clearly visible. Could be the shape is just yet to inflate, and that any ridges will smoothen out. Maybe they're some particular breed that I'm unfamiliar with
There's a walnut tree in my garden and I can assure you that the fruit of a walnut tree does not have any ridges on the outside. They simply burst open once the nut has matured.
99% sure it's an apple tree.
I meant that the fruit in my photo looks as if it were composed of two halves - similar to the shell of a walnut.

But, two votes for apple so far, even if I'm still not entirely convinced, there aren't many other fruits that will survive the free outdoors here, so... it seems more likely.
What's this btw? Anybody know? They seemed newly planted, the trees were all quite small, quite young, this close up was at roughly chest-height, and most trees were not much taller than this.
Those are pomegranates. I used to have a couple of those trees before I moved to Australia.

They are still growing, so don't try to eat them yet. Although you can't really eat a pomegranate, you only eat the small red bits inside.

They will look like this when they're ripe:
I must re-iterate, than when examined up close, the fruits had very definite ridges, that were symmetrical, and seem to cut each fruit into two halves-put-together. I haven't seen this in any apples, nor do I see them in googled pix of unripened pomegranates -

I'll let you all duke it out. The trees were short and straight, while most apple trees tend to be a bit more crooked, then again, these were all very young plants, of which I can't say I got much experience with...

(After some wikiing, seems both apples and pomegranates are Rosids, but Rosids include a fucking mountain-shitload of species that have any-and-all kinds of appearance, and botany in general is a nightmare, so... none the wiser!)
No, they're definitely not. Pomegranate shrubs have much smaller leaves. It's most definitely apples.
Apple trees also don't have leaves like that. :shrug:

EDIT: Although, I only ever dealt with apple trees that grow in temperate to tropical areas. :scratch: Maybe there are apple trees with that type of leaf I never saw before.

If memory serves me right, one of the differences in fruit "bud" between apples and pomegranates (this was what I observed, so it might be totally false :lol:), is that pomegranates are always shiny and smooth, while apple "buds" are kinda fuzzy, with short thin "hair" all over them. On the picture I can't tell if one of them has that fuzziness or not. But if it does, then it's definitely not a pomegranate (unless there are some species out there that does that and i know nothing about :V).
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Apples don't have seeds like that normally but there are some weird fucking apples in the wild.



Those are different leaves. Look at the picture closer (or maybe the gif quality just make them look different).

Also I had already edited my previous post.

A good way of knowing if it's an apple (hopefully) is if any of those buds have a small fuzziness to them.

Plus you can eat it.
Those are different leaves. Look at the picture closer (or maybe the gif quality just make them look different).
There are thousands of apple varieties, so expect to see some variety in the leaves as well.
Generally, apple leaves are toothed and a little fuzzy. As in the picture.