Look, a bee! In my attempt at getting a good shot w my shitty phone-cam, I ended up getting an adorable little jump!
I love this about plants - usually thistles are like, knee high - but given the right conditions, they'll just grow into these monstrous beings - this one was at least 3 metres tall. There's also countless (and I mean countless) cow-parsleys, everywhere, but in some fields, they'd all be around 1 metre tall, but with these absolute giants in between. I wonder if these very large individuals might be "parents" of the carpets of smaller ones.
What's this btw? Anybody know? They seemed newly planted, the trees were all quite small, quite young, this close up was at roughly chest-height, and most trees were not much taller than this.
Half way through, there's a little power-up
Trondheim was never the place to dig up good graffitti, most is just random signatures, and the occasional "HOMO" or "COCK" or "FUCK YOU", but this one was a true easter-egg. It was off the path, along some cemented-up old German coastal fort-structures, where I could only see remnants after some hobo sleeping spot, and I spotted this only when we turned around to leave the area.