Wasteland 2 Starter Team Thread


Wept for Zion
Wasteland 2 lets you create your own party at the beginning, including a custom one with their own backstory, religion, smoking habits, skills, etc. I'm sure I'm not the only one who made a custom team to start the game off with. So I wanted to make a thread where people could share their starter team + their starter team's biographies (if applicable). Feel free to share as much info about them as you like! I'll go ahead and start with mine:

The Squad
1. Ronald: A travelling missionary with the Ascetic quirk. The team's Medic.
Religion: Christian
Smokes: No

2. Balaam: Fellow missionary and charismatic speaker with the Opportunist quirk. Would've made a great televangelist before the world went to Hell.
Religion: Christian
Smokes: Yes

3. Cloud: The only woman of the group with the Animal Whisperer quirk. Especially fond of goat pets. Ash's sister.
Religion: Indigenous
Smokes: Yes

4. Ash: The extremely tall and muscular pack mule of the group with the Heavy Handed quirk. Doesn't talk much. Cloud's older brother.
Religion: Indigenous
Smokes: Yes

Ronald and Balaam were both travelling missionaries in their younger years, being part of a Christian convent built into the basement of an old, destroyed cathedral. Ronald was especially into the Bible, the catechism, the Saints, and so forth. He shunned all trinkets and gave up his belongings to poor people in the wastes, of whom there are many. He also took up the medical field as he wanted to help out the sick and the lame as Christ did. He is very skilled with both medical packs and surgical equipment, and his preferred weapon is a pistol.

Balaam was less in it for the religion and more in it for the women and the protection. The convent had many untouched beauties just waiting for someone like him to come along. Though he was raised there, it didn't stop him from getting in trouble throughout his youth. Many a time was he caught stealing a virgin's kiss, or her virginity itself. Yet the convent kept him around, if only because he was so good at conversion. Kiss Ass, Smart Ass, Hard Ass, it didn't matter, Balaam knew them all and knew how to use them to his advantage. Not very proficient with weapons, but extremely proficient with his tongue. Eventually the convent got sick of him attempting to woo every woman in the convent, so when Ronald stated he wanted to go on a mission to help those throughout the wastes, Balaam was forced to go along. He uses a shotgun because, to quote him, "Other guns require aim and tactics. If you fire a shotgun in the direction of somethin', you're bound to at least graze 'em. That's good enough for me."

Cloud and Ash both grew up in a Native tribe, far and away from the lawlessness of the wastes. They spent their days hunting irradiated animals with rifles and clubs. Ash never learned how to use a gun, but he was massive not only in adulthood but in youth as well, standing at least 6'8 by the time he was 20. In comparison, Ronald would stand at only 5'0 beside him. Ash has always been very proficient in melee combat. Give him any sort of board or bent iron and he'll happily use it with gusto. Cloud, meanwhile, prefers keeping her distance, watching the animals from afar through the scope of her rifle. Sometimes she can't bring herself to kill a creature, and uses her animal whispering abilities to soothe the animal into submission. She wishes humans were as easily calmed.

When Cloud and Ash were, respectively, 20 and 23, Balaam and Ronald came across their tribe. Ronald and Balaam spent years there, learning the tribe's language and customs, all the while attempting to convert them to Christianity. They never succeeded in the last part of their endeavor, as the tribe preferred keeping to the worship of their old gods. Cloud and Ash were intrigued by the missionary lifestyle however, as they had never gone far from home. The furthest they'd been away from their tribe was only a single day's travel to hunt a particularly skittish group of animals. Thus when Balaam and Ronald left the tribe in defeat, Cloud and Ash insisted on coming along with them. Thus the 4 set off into the wastes together.

Why They Joined the Rangers
Ronald was heartbroken at his failure to convert Cloud and Ash's tribe, but happy to have new travelling companions. Balaam was disappointed Ash's older brother was so huge and powerful, as it meant he would most likely never be able to hit on Cloud without getting his skull cracked. Eventually the 4 came across the Ranger's Citadel. Ronald, realizing that his medical skills could finally be put to use in a positive way, convinced the others that joining the rangers would be a wonderful opportunity to change lives, and, in order to convince Balaam, to meet women. For Cloud and Ash this would mean travelling to places man had not stepped foot in for over a century. The prospect excited them, as they had enjoyed traversing the land with the missionaries thus far. So the 4 of them joined the Rangers, and the rest is, as they say, history.

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I just started Wasteland 2, so I may as well give my Backstory on some of my Characters.

Adam Shaw
Age: 47
Smokes: Coffin Nails
Quirk: Repressed Rage

Adam is the team leader and a charismatic speaker. He is the one to deal with the issues in the Desert and is a voice of reason. He was born in New York, his father was an alcoholic. At the age of 13, Adam run away from home and later joined a family of travellers. They took him to the West Coast where they were killed by Raiders. The Travelers Daughter (Lois) and Adam escaped and went to LA. He worked in a Casino until the age of 30 when Lois left him. He became an alcoholic and tried to commit suicide. It was after this, he wondered the Wastes looking for a purpose. He met Lois again and they got married. She was a Desert Ranger who was killed in action. He joined the Rangers in her name and to avenge her death.

Age: 32
Quirk: Manic Depressive

Mika is the Sniper on the group. She was born and raised in a Slave Camp. By the age of 5, she had her first kill, a teenage boy. The Slave Camp was eventually wiped out and she wondered the Wastes. She thought being a Sniper would be the best way to survive. At the age of 16, she went into a Sniper Battle which lasted days. That Battle has been passed on through Texas and maybe even the Country.
A year later, she defended a Town against a Robot threat. She then went about calling herself Mika (her slave name has been long forgotten).
Years later, she met her Father who told her about her heritage (and how Slaves would be imported from African Countries). They settled down, until a few years later her father died of an incurable illness. She wondered the Desert once again, defending Town after Town. Word reached the Desert Rangers who approached her, asking her to join them.

Luke Avegas
Age 34
Atheist (It says Muslim on his profile... but I don't think it matters too much in game, so we'll say he is Muslim for now).
Smoke: Nico-Pops
Quirk: Twitchy

Luke is the Science whizz of the group. He is also rather charismatic and is kind of a ladies man. He was born to a famous Scientist, his father was known for his work in Computing. Luke wanted to follow in his Father's footsteps and at the age of 8, he was able to hack computers.
At the age of 15, he found his mum who was a Desert Ranger. He grew close to her and lived with her until the age of 20. There, he started getting interested in Energy Weapons. His mum was killed by Robots. Luke's father took down the Robots out of revenge (by disabling a number of the).
Luke repaired one of the Robots and travelled with it for many years. Some time later, the Robot was finally put to rest. Luke decided that the Desert could do with his expertise and decided to join the Desert Rangers.

Tom Jennins
Age: 28
Smokes: Styx
Quirk: Mysphobic

Tom is the Medic of the group. He was born to a family of Doctors, and he was also the youngest of four. During the battle of the Robots, Tom's family were sent out to take care of the wounded Desert Rangers. It was at that moment that Tom decided he wanted to be a Desert Ranger too. After years of education, he finally joined the Rangers.