Wasteland Engine Remake Kinda (WERK)


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
I'm remaking the Wasteland engine for windows in c++ with opengl for the graphics. This version will be coded from scratch with the intention of it being as easily moddable as FO2 (but much simpler.)

What it is exactly is a brand new game engine heavily inspired by Wasteland, built from scratch with moddability in mind. There will only be a small game attached to it at first, probably just a dozen or so towns from Wasteland and Fallout 1 thrown in and connected by a makeshift world map. But once it's complete I plan on remaking either the entire FO1 or Wasteland to show how flexible it is.

(*) 28x15 tiled playing field
(*) Arrow key movement.
(*) External data files loading into the engine: Tiles, Tile Lists, Map Files, Message files
(*) Game is playable in full screen or windowed mode.
(*) A fully functioning lighting system to simulate day and night, evening and dawn, caves, indoors, etc.
(*) Text reading/formatting/displaying(see screenshots)

In Progress:
(*) Mapper
(*) Improved controls/movement
(*) Movement between two different maps(town and worldmap)
(*) Minor scripting
(*) Transparent background to character sprites (that's why the PC sprite is surrounded by pink)

To do:
(*) Combat
(*) Shops
(*) Game Content
(*) HUD
(*) NPCs
(*) Items and an inventory system
(*) A scripting language for quests, events, happenings, shops, conversations, etc.
(*) More external files as I add more features to the game. Scripts, dialog files, NPC and item prototypes, etc. Most of the game content will be editable and new content will be creatable with outside text files.

Some tech info:
Programmed in C++ with OpenGL for the graphics. It's being made under Windows 7 64 bit but I am carefully coding it to be as compatible with as many OSes as possible. Will always be compiled with the latest version of MinGW under Bloodshed DevC++.

Here's a couple screenshots of what it looks like so far:
[spoiler:be38786a9e]The number in the top left corner is the time of day in 24hr format


And here's a playable demo and source code(6/20/11)

I am always open to suggestions
To do:
(*) Combat
(*) Shops
(*) Inventory
(*) Game Content
(*) HUD
(*) NPCs
(*) Items and an inventory system
(*) A scripting language for quests, events, happenings, shops, conversations, etc.

See you in 5 years!


Kind of.

Um, looks like a good start. Good luck ;)
EDIT: Well, since duke nukem forever has been released I suppose this joke doesn't work any more.
Re: Wasteland Engine Remake Kinda(WERK)

Good luck with the project, looks quite promising :-)

But this one caught my eye:
Farmerk said:
The game is programmed in c++ in Notepad++ on Windows Vista and compiled with the mingw compiler under Bloodshed DevC++.
Why not use Code::Blocks instead if you would like to stick to mingw? DevCpp is quite old and buggy in places and not in active development anymore:

Good read:
Per said:
For the record, if there was an editor for the Wasteland engine I'd make a total conversion with it.

Not sure about a Wasteland-a-like engine, but I'll look forward to what you come up with.

There's a Wasteland wiki with a lot of information about how the game works, but I don't think all details on combat were ever revealed.
This project will be popular here, but you'll be greeted with skepticism until you can actually produce a playable version.

Looks cool to me, though.

Will I have to insert a 5.25" floppy, or have you worked around that? :mrgreen:
UniversalWolf said:
This project will be popular here, but you'll be greeted with skepticism until you can actually produce a playable version.

Looks cool to me, though.

Will I have to insert a 5.25" floppy, or have you worked around that? :mrgreen:
I will great this with open arms, and if it is easy enough I can see me making a series of mods for wasteland, taking it all over the globe.
Damn, a victim of company merging.
It sucks when that happens, especially when all your colleagues of the other departments do keep your job but you and your department get the shaft because its cheaper.

So any prospects on the job market?
I propose to set up a public SVN or Git/Hg repository in case you want to open source your code anyway. This will make collaboration much easier and it's also a good way to ensure that the code can't be lost in a system/HDD crash.
Still working on this. If anyone would like a working demo send me a message with your email address. To check progress keep an eye on the first post.
Any plans to set up a public sourcecode repository so other interested devs could easily follow your progress and contribute?
I gave the demo a try but the first time I could not even start as the zip file missed a file that prevented the demo from running.

Now that I found the file on the internet I was able to have a look around.
It runs as it should but a lot of work still has to be done on it.

Had to laugh when I decided to check out the text options and got the text you put in it.

It would be cool if this could lead to multiple Wasteland indie projects.
We could use a couple of hard PA RPGs in light of all the cross genre games we get nowadays.